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Prometheus an Atlas by Jason Reza Jorjani, 2016, Arktos, 416 pages
© 2019 James LaFond
Prometheus and Atlas is four books in one:
-a history of modern Philosophy
-a history of paranormal research
-an investigation of revealed religious accounts of what today would be regarded as paranormal events, such as miracles and angelic interventions
-the tragic story of the suffering of the two step-children of the gods, the Titans, Prometheus [Forethought] and Atlas, his suffering brother from whom the terms Atlas, Atlantic and Atlantis all derive. These are the sons of Chronos [Time] who, in ancient and modern myth, continued to oppose and be punished by the sky gods of power.
Due to my total lack of reading in modern philosophy and my visceral distrust of philosophers this was a hard read for me. However, Jorjani’s writing style was pleasing and his methodically developed theory was deeply intriguing. Jorjani uses the religiously syncretic methodology of comparative mythology to consider the development of the religions of the Indo-European and Semitic peoples. His command of ancient Hellenic Metaphysical dreamscape is impressive and enables him a clearer view of developing Christianity than most moderns, as he is keenly aware of the interplay of Hellenic and Judaic metaphysics that went into Christianity [not to mention the Egyptian influences] and avoids praising one as an adulterer of the other, but rather treats both the cults of Jehovah and Zeus as sky god cults of fear and punishment. [Interestingly, though Jorjani does not mention it, the Statue of Zeus at Elis is believed by art historians to have provided the model for the multitude of catholic and orthodox images of Jesus Christ.]
The most fascinating aspect of Jordani’s work is his detailed recounting of paranormal experiments, particularly the directional tests of dogs and birds, with dogs taken from their home as a cruel experiment, taken by a circuitous route to a strange place, dropped off and then studied, with the following results.
A dog abandoned in a strange place will pace for some minutes then head directly to its home, not retracing any portion of the route that got him there by car other than those stretches which conform with the straight line between the two points.
Jorjani also looks at the bushmen, who have long been known to be able to sense at base camp when hunters far off have made a kill, so that the returning hunters are greeted with preparations for processing the kill. !kung men claimed that their far sense was in their chest, while Polynesian [my citation, not Jorjani’s] men claimed they could sense distant islands in their hanging testicles.
Jorjani’s central premise is that Man, having developed his individual and collective consciousness as a tool user, is therefore necessarily blind to phenomenon beyond the mechanistic sphere. I will keep Prometheus and Atlas, gifted me by the esteemed Mescaline Franklin, as a reference work, as my mind cannot contain the contents of this remarkable work.
I would close with two of the author many insightful quotes:
Page 153
“We wonder what we are doing in this place, this tool shed, which becomes just a place for developing a solution for a problem. Thus begins the modern, scientific mode of Being.”
Page 366
“Many of the “miraculous” occurrences recounted in the scripture of revealed religions make much more sense if they are read as historical narratives of paranormal phenomena—sometimes directly affecting multiple persons and witnessed by massive crowds.”
The Pale Usher
Impressions of Moby Dick: Herman Melville and Modern Man?s Transcendental Journey
Kindle Edition:
‘Why? Why Did She Dare?’
author's notebook
‘Truth or Loyalty’
by the wine dark sea
taboo you
beasts of arуas
shrouds of arуas
let the world fend for itself
when you're food
barbarism versus civilization
the lesser angels of our nature
Lynn Lockhart     Feb 1, 2019

I don't understand the scare quotes around "miraculous." They could just as easily contain "paranormal."
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