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Feminist Darwin Award?
And More Good News with Manny Soprano, Shep, Big Ron & Nero the Pict
© 2019 James LaFond
Antifa Member Killed By Police After Opening Fire On Officers - VIDEO
Sun, Feb 3, 11:41 AM (6 days ago)
Congrats. It looks like your very presence is increasing violence in the the neighborhood. Enjoy the story and video of this Oregon antifa tranny, who referred to himself as “they,” going DRT after getting a little lead supplement from the po-po.
-Manny S.
Nero the Pict
Madame Mayor
Mon, Jan 28, 12:19 PM (12 days ago)
James you should really listen to this 13 minute clip of Mayor Pugh calling into "The Fan" and getting excoriated. Full of "Awww Naw He Didn't" moments.
These dudes better watch it lest they might end up floating in the Choptank.
Take care and watch out for the PLA.
Nero, you know it ain't cool to make fun of ugly bitches for being stupid.
An article about your new locale "Escape from Portland"
Sun, Jan 13, 12:32 PM
Doom and gloom...I wonder what this dude would think of Baltimore
Take care and have fun out there
Oh king north of the wall, I find Portland to be the safest place for ghost people I've been outside the Rocky Mountains, so long as you refrain from trafficking in sex and drugs with the local Bantu chieftains.
Big Ron
Watch "Punk Tries Mugging Senior. Doesn’t Know He’s a 5-Time World Kickboxing Champion" on YouTube
Tue, Jan 15, 6:56 AM
James this is a heart warming story take care
Big Ron
Bro, thanks. This is some uplift for an old geezer whose been singled out for attacks because of limping. These Amish guys need to be more selective when they attack ailing ghosts! Note that the attacker was the rarest kind, a lefty.
Ever seen this?
Fri, Jan 11, 2:52 AM
Bernard Hopkins "teaches" Rashad Evans how to throw a right hand..... - YouTube
How to throw a knockout punch - Landing the Inside Right hand - Coach Firas Zahabi - Duration: 7:50. Tristar Gym 52,372 views
Thought it was pretty cool.
Never did see this, Shep. Hopkins is my favorite boxing personality and Rashad is that rare MMA stud with class. Thanks. Loved it—Hopkins is a boxing genius. The right hand he is talking about, for you MMA goons is something you use to set up a take down, even a suplex by following that sneak chin tap with a shoot or body look, as his hips say and his head and shoulder drift back slightly. Hopkins' style in his late years was to sneak punch and then clinch. That is doable for a guy like Rashad in MMA. Their two body types speak boxing and MMA, almost prototypically. With weapons Hopkins is a swordsman and Evans a shield and spear man.
Venezuela is on FIRE, baby!
Sat, Jan 26, 6:20 PM
The clash of the soyboys!
Sun, Jan 6, 12:10 AM
The most intense fight I’ve ever seen
“The most intense fight I’ve ever seen ;
I so wanted to reach out and snap a finger off!
How the mighty are fallen
Fri, Jan 25, 4:20 PM
Two-and-a-half million dollars. That's a lot of wampum, even in Tacoma!
Fri, Jan 25, 4:24 PM
Copette wins Darwin Award
Mon, Jan 28, 10:51 PM (12 days ago)
Long but very interesting
4:52 PM (5 hours ago)
Being a Bad Man in a Worse World
Fighting Smart: Boxing, Agonistics & Survival
Saturday Night Out
guest authors
‘How Could You Write Millions of Words?’
beasts of arуas
son of a lesser god
the sunset saga complete
dark, distant futures
blue eyed daughter of zeus
'in these goings down'
Shep     Feb 12, 2019

Fuckin' awesome, Steve Shepard!
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