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The Sins of a Master and Slave
Considering a Gallows Confession, a Kidnapping and the Misconceptions Held by 330-Million Deluded Minds
© 2019 James LaFond
We are told constantly by academics that all African American servants were slaves for life and that all European American servants were not slaves because they could not be held for life—these lies are told in the face of the fact that most European American servants of the 1600s died in bondage and that most African American servants in 1830s Maryland were held under time contracts similar to those freely entered into by German Americans in the same state and decade.
The simple truth is that the Modern American mania for assigning single, monolithic “truths” arranged in the most polarizing duality of opposites to subjects too deep for the collective child mind has and will effectively prevent all but the most inquisitive less than 1% of humans from understanding the actual facts of life in Plantation America.
Below are two examples.
In the mid-1700s Jemmy Angelsey, inheritor to an Anglo-Irish lordship, was kidnapped and sold by his Uncle Richard and held for 13 years in New Jersey until his escape. Jemmy was sold into permanent bondage, into a state of non-personship—to use a now current term—so stark as to guarantee his Uncle’s ease in his completed crime. It was not thought necessary to murder the boy, just reduce him to servitude and the system of his subjugation would do the rest—and it did. Despite the wishes of England’s King and high placed members of the British Admiralty, Jemmy died without being able to reclaim his estate. The system was that weighted against those cast beneath its remorseless progress.
Some 70 years earlier, in the 1770s, the middle class child of relative privilege, born to the top 5% of English humanity, Thomas Hellier, lived under the roof of his father, who had 40 head of cattle and pasturage to bequeath his son at his majority. Thomas impregnated and murdered his mother’s maid servant, a girl who belonged as chattel to his family for a period of 1-3 years. The death of this woman, under the roof of her owners, who was slain along with her unborn child in the house of two likely suspects [father and son Hellier] did not arouse the least curiosity, let alone an investigation, and was utterly lost to our collective memory until in his guilt, the condemned man confessed his secret sin.
When Thomas later squandered his inheritance and went into debt, his father sold himself to the entire town as a municipal slave in order to clear his son of his debts.
Later, when Thomas sold himself as a school teacher and was then resold as a land clearance slave—a karmic fraud to be sure—he finally did the right thing [according to this author’s opinion] and slaughtered his owners, confessing to and dying for this crime near “a Plantation Called Hard Labour.”
The general inability of runaways to live freely in a slave society cursed most to die in bondage, with almost no German or African slaves fleeing their condition during the 1700s in Pennsylvania and Maryland, although Pennsylvania saw as many as 200,000 Germans sold into bondage during that century and Maryland perhaps 100,000 African Americans, for the very practical reason that established free communities of their own kind did not exist in a form that would accept and shelter them as fugitives within the narrow scope of their worldview. The lack of such conditions led the Germans, as described by Gotlieb Mitterberger, to meekly submit to gross injustice and the African Marylanders to resort to such high levels of crime that the Municipality of Baltimore enacted ordinances aimed at eliminating the holding of slaves of African origin as early as the 1790s and by the 1830s the entire state was moving aggressively to free and export as many African American slaves as possible. The meekness of German Americans was such that George Washington was in the process of replacing his Africans with Germans in his last years and that after 1804 the only folk trafficked against their will or under contract, fair or fraudulent, as unfree labor sold for terms ranging from 1 to 31 years, were Germans.
It has recently occurred to this researcher, that since German Americans are the single largest ethnicity in the U.S. and that they were trafficked into this nation for a full generation longer than any other unfree folk, that the mythology of the restive African American race slave for life and the happy European American volunteer time servant as the only two labor conditions in Plantation America springs as much from the general German American willingness to be owned as chattel by masters of similar races even as the perpetual unwillingness of a certain segment of African Americans to be owned by members of an alien race as their bastard [1] human cattle insured that plantation slavery would end on a note that heroized the African, in whose shadow the true condition of English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish and Dutch slaves who suffered, fought and died in their hundreds of thousands failed to impress itself on the national consciousness in the late 1800s due to the adoption of the false racial construct of white identity, by which the volunteer German American slave of the 1830s became the single false face of European American labor.
It is my contention that the adoption of the noun Whiteman and universal acceptance of a single Global European racial identity, a concept that did not exist when the New World was discovered in the 1490s, did not come into common usage until the 1750s and finally fell like a shroud over the unmarked graves of some million or more of forgotten orphan slaves in the 1860s, has served as the primary lens in the portal of backward-projecting delusions that is Academic American History, the one and only source of popular American conceptions of our past. For the very idea of the Whiteman denies the possibility that Jemmy Angelsey and Thomas Hellier ever slaved for Anglo-American masters in the fanciful place called Colonial America—a place that neither of those damned souls ever heard of, as they lived and suffered in a place they knew intimately as The Plantations.
1. The most aggressive African American rebels and anti-slavery activists, such as Frank Anderson, William Wells Brown, Denmark Vessey, Moses Roper, Frederick Douglas and Gabriel Proser’s would-be general Jack Bowler [2] were not just African Americans but also European Americans, not only held as a condition of their mother’s race but denied the privileges assigned to members of their father’s race. The bastard status of such men seems to have contributed to the strong showing of African Americans as slave rebels as well as the high proportion of mulatto men among runaways and in rebel leadership positions. [2]
2. See Flight and Rebellion by Gerald W. Mullin pages 124-164
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