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'Were the Conquistadors a Slave Society?'
Crackpot Mailbox: Manny El Cid Soprano Wants to Know
© 2019 James LaFond
Manny commented on Bound Mar-1-2019
3:54 AM UTC
Cracker Boy is on the way. Looking forward to it.
On this topic, were the Christian conquistadors a slave society?
Manny, this strikes at the crux of a long running military history book I am still wrestling with.
All religions of the :seeded earth" which are sacral in nature, rather than the religions of the natural powers, which are esoteric in nature and lend to the heroic, are, by definition the social engineering tool kit for the hierarchy of slave societies. The best slave religions are "revealed" faiths which reward the obedient slave with a sumptuous afterlife.
About half of the Christians I know will vehemently deny that Catholicism is a Christian faith, and there is a connection here with the fact that no protestant Christian nations were ever able to militarily impose their will on Native America warrior societies without massive help from Native warrior societies, In other words, no protestant nation—guns or no—was able to conquer an Indian nation unless it had enlisted more Indians on its enslaving side than those that fought to remain free.
Cortez, Pizzaro, Sota and De Gama, using medieval military technology, took down all kinds of tribal societies in mere years, whereas every Protestant nation took centuries to accomplish the same!
There is a connection here in the sickly performance of protestant militaries until the age of industry, when slave armies became many millions strong and were essentially giant meat-filled robots. One of the reasons why most evangelical Christians will say that Catholicism is not Christianity is the retention of Roman political order in the person of the Papacy—certainly a slavish institution. However, another—and I think larger—difference between Catholicism and the many warring branches of Protestantism, was and is the cult of saints, the many cults if you will. One of these saints is Mars, a Roman deity, and you can buy his candle at Mexican food stores where the incense package claims that he once fought for Jupiter but now fights for Jesus!
The greatest fact on the side of Catholicism as a true Christian faith is that only Catholic nations have resisted Islam, while protestant nations beg more enemies of their faith to come and extinguish them. There never has been a heroic aspect to protestant Christianity for the very reason that, when Catholicism was reverse engineered to form pure Christian faiths, the architects of these perfected forms of Judaism [as they saw it, seeking to become the perfect metaphysical Hebrews] removed all of the pagan and heathen elments, which is to say 100% of the heroic European references.
Eventually, machine warfare and the managerial state that grew directly from European Protestant State Churches proved better at amplifying industrial slaughter to apocalyptic levels. But when it comes to the individual warrior, the ethnic combatant, the resister of the House of Submission only Catholic, Shinto and Orthodox states have proved resistant to the anti-heroism of the slave of God.
When a slave of God fights a hero for God on equal terms, the hero will always win. That was Montectzuma's problem, he was slave to his bloodthirsty gods and his usurpers were heroes fighting in the name of a faith of extreme sacrificial pacifism! No example shows more clearly why heroic worldviews among North American Indians permitted hundreds to hold back hundreds of thousands of slaves for centuries.
The short answer is that Catholicism is a slave religion that had retained, through adoption of Pre-Christian European hero cults, a heroic element which permitted companies to do the jobs of armies. Keep in mind, that during this very era, a brigade of Spanish infantry was regarded as worth as much as a protestant army in the European Religious wars. Ultra bad ass soldier of fortune, John Smith, was afraid of only one thing in Virginia, that a Spanish company would make land fall and wipe them out like they did to the Hugonuats in Florida.
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Manny     Mar 5, 2019

God wills it.
James     Mar 7, 2019

He does.
Aidan     Mar 10, 2019

To be fair the conquistadors had a boost from tribes who were a little tired of having their hearts torn throbbing and bleeding from their bodies.
James     Mar 12, 2019

Yes they did, to the tune of 100,000 Tlaxlacans and others. However, every single Indian war in North America featured the same, from Church's Pequot scouts and Mohawk allies to Custer's Crow scouts. Pizzaro also had the help of an Inca civil war, but so did the U.S cavalry, when most Apaches sided with them against Geronimo.
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