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At the Altar of Civilization
Musings Regarding the Feedlot of Souls Otherwise Known as Suburbia
© 2019 James LaFond
Prediction note: I have had more predictions come true than not based on my methodology, which is to take the most ridiculous possibility and present it as a probability.
With a voice like a winter moon singing on a clear day, my editor called to take me to task on my prediction that Kid Rock will one day headline a gun-give-back concert tour. She thinks that Americans are made of tougher stuff than that but then admitted that my predictions seem to come true and that maintaining oneself as an active gun owner and safeguarding agent of human liberties in suburbia is fraught with expense and prohibition, extra licensing, clip recalls, being put on watch lists…it’s kind of an inconvenience to own a weapon in suburbia…
Well, yes. Isn’t that the point about suburbs?
Suburbs are a unique aspect to Modernity.
By suburbs I do not mean the overreaching sprawl of a growing city or a small town swallowed by suburbs and eventually made into them, but specifically residential zones which are not communities, which have no inherent cultural identity, no food production, no craft industry, no literary scene, no industry, no resource extraction—places where people who make their living elsewhere, and who recreate elsewhere and who retire elsewhere and who seek meaning in life elsewhere, eat, sleep, reproduce and otherwise passively observe someone else’s world in the media-assured belief that it is in fact their world and that they are a part of it.
Suburbia is in fact the ultimate expression of Protestant Christianity in which the Christian has direct access to God rather than through an ancient style Church and the mediation of priests. Even though most suburbanites now regard themselves as post-Christian, being tolerant of all faiths and not believing strongly in any single faith, each and every suburbanite is in fact a priest or priestess of The God of Things, which is the extension of the ancient Roman Imperial cult into Modernity by way of the Roman-Inspired republic which is the United States of America.
Now that is some cracked pottery, aye?
Let us start with the Christians among you. Do you give as much money to your church as to the government and that which government serves, which is Rampant Materialism, ownership for ownership’s sake?
Even if you do, you still spend a lot of coin rendering to Caesar what is Caesar’s, as do the agnostics, atheists and secular humanists who dominate the economy, the economy which is the Cult of the God of Things.
What Christian church has charged its members to tithe only and forgo the Devil’s tax to our mammon government?
Few, I bet, and those soon labelled as cults and exterminated by the government with the support of mainline churches.
Members of all extant traditional religious faiths and even members of new cults such as Scientology, first and foremost sacrifice, if not worship, at the Altar of Modernity, the altar that is supported by the academic, media and political priesthoods which extoll the goal of mankind as an achievement of godhood, a promise that in many aspects has come true. For instance, any American with a job may now streak across the vault of heaven like Helios, might wield the staff of Asclepius [if credentialed by an academic coven] and even the lowliest of us might command Morpheus to attend us in our drugged god-slumber. The superhero movie craze—the dominant force in mainline movie releases—is a direct expression of this desire among the unsouled to an Olympian destiny. Why, we may now even choose what sex we are—are encouraged to do so, even as children and may further be granted the godpower of commanding a new gender to be brought into being to house our ascendant IDs.
Please deny this is so, for that denotes a hopeful strand of humanity remains. However, consider Abraham, willing to sacrifice his son, to butcher him like a goat for no other reason than God commanded it, and then consider that today—whichever day you read this for perhaps the duration of this Modern Civilization as an entity—that men of your faith, whether they are of the three religions descending down from Abraham’s Covenant, or atheists worshipping man’s sterile potential as an idea vector, that today, one or more—usually many more—of the members of these four mighty world-straddling faiths are either dying or killing for control of the Food of the God of Things, the substance that permits suburbia, that fuels the worship of Modernity with its constant sacral acts, as we zoom like ancient pagan gods across the strands of the greatest altar ever dedicated to any divinity, the United States Road Network, including the Interstate Highway System.
In the past three decades about 10,000 Americas and perhaps a million less- valued humans have been killed around the world so that suburbia can be maintained at the going rate, so that existing without being a member of a community will remain economically viable.
If that is not sacrifice to a Supra-Human ideal, what is?
How many of our sons have died and killed fighting for oil?
How many of our daughters have gone barren toiling in offices to build this horizontal Babel?
How many of our sons have been reduced to sterile drones doing the same?
How many of our children are, even now, climbing the latter of financial success which leads to the Great Corporate Altar, where their souls are to be removed and sacrificed, all in the name of perpetuating the Feedlot of Captive Souls that is suburbia?
Modernity, that is End-Game Civilization, is such a monstrous, living thing, such a fanatically believed ideal of higher life, that it has swallowed entire traditional faiths whole and regurgitated them as administrative aspects. I have travelled through many cities, small, medium and large, in which churches and temples have literally, observably and evangelically, repurposed themselves as refugee resettlement agencies dedicated to the replacement of their own unconceived children by members of rival faiths from nations bombed to rubble in the cause of maintaining the temple to the worship of Man and his Many Things that is Modernity. And just as the priesthoods of ancient gods maintained specific herds of cattle dedicated to their god, the various priesthoods of Modernity maintain suburbia as their cattle pen, with the salient difference being that superior cattle are recruited into the various priesthoods according to their abilities.
It seems to me that suburbia, the most unique structural aspect of Modern Society when compared to previous human societies, is a roaring success.
Notes on Sponsors
My dozen or so sponsors are sponsors of a moral kind, who support the entire dissident presence by posting online honest content not aimed at our manipulation but simply as a gift of information. These people are not financially supporting my crimes against ascendant inhumanity and often disagree with me on many things.
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Bryce Sharper     Mar 27, 2019

"By suburbs I do not mean the overreaching sprawl of a growing city or a small town swallowed by suburbs and eventually made into them, but specifically residential zones which are not communities, which have no inherent cultural identity, no food production, no craft industry, no literary scene, no industry, no resource extraction—places where people who make their living elsewhere.."

CR Wiley and Aaron Renn have made similar points. The decline of household economies has caused a decline in community and a loss of freedom to the globohomo corporatocracy.

"Let us start with the Christians among you. Do you give as much money to your church as to the government and that which government serves, which is Rampant Materialism, ownership for ownership’s sake?

Even if you do, you still spend a lot of coin rendering to Caesar what is Caesar’s, as do the agnostics, atheists and secular humanists who dominate the economy, the economy which is the Cult of the God of Things.

What Christian church has charged its members to tithe only and forgo the Devil’s tax to our mammon government?

Few, I bet, and those soon labelled as cults and exterminated by the government with the support of mainline churches."

No Christian church is going to tell its members to stop paying taxes since Jesus himself payed the temple tax even to a corrupt priestly order that was to be swept away in AD 70 by Titus. He also admonished Jews to pay taxes to Romans. "(His) Kingdom is not of this world." The government has no power but what God gives it. Persecution is likely to occur soon in the United States at the hands of the government and "We" the People, but Jesus promises persecution.

"Please deny this is so, for that denotes a hopeful strand of humanity remains."

There are conservative offshoots of all the liberal churches that are the antithesis of modernity as Christianity always has been. We might use the technology and circumstances of our age, but always reject the spirit of the age. That said, things are bad for Protestantism in the West. We need a Reformation.

"However, consider Abraham, willing to sacrifice his son, to butcher him like a goat for no other reason than God commanded it"

That's not what Abraham said before the sacrifice: he said "God himself will provide the sacrifice." When he raised his hand to kill Isaac, God provided the sacrifice. Abraham was willing to go through with it because he believed in the resurrection of the dead (Hebrews 11:19).
James     Mar 28, 2019

Thank you, Sir.
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