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...Jamesy Boy
Crackpot Mailbox: Jill Black, Shep, Luther, Sam Finlay, WellRead Ed, Mel Gumption, Ishmael and Ajay Say
© 2019 James LaFond
Sam Finlay with a movie heads up...
PS: I saw this on Arnold, Conan, and the rigmarole surrounding networks and the Howard estate, and thought I'd send it your way:
Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Future of Conan of film, Netflix and Amazon -
In conjunction with this years Arnold Sports Festival and Conan’s return to Marvel Comics, Arnold Schwarzenegger gave an update on the current status the lon...
Ajay is Afraid...
Why are 13 million people in China banned from flights and fast trains?
Tue, Mar 26, 1:35 PM (2 days ago)
Hi James,
I hope the above link opens. This story is scary.
Love ya, Pappa!
Don't you worry, Little Girl, nobody will mistake your cinnamon smile for a China doll with bad credit.
From the Last Redoubt
From Down Sunder from Mel Gumption
5:32 PM (0 minutes ago)
Police target more than a dozen extremist groups in SA | Adelaide Now
More than a dozen South Australian groups are being monitored for their extremist views as authorities boost the state’s counter-terrorism firepower. The Advertiser ...
Banning of manifesto raises free speech debate in N. Zealand
DUNEDIN, New Zealand (AP) — New Zealanders are debating the limits of free speech after their chief censor banned the 74-page manifesto written and released by the man accused of slaughtering 50...
A treat for Americans, as Hillary is just not enough:
Opinion | America Deserves a Leader as Good as Jacinda Ardern - The New York Times
The murder of 50 Muslim worshipers in New Zealand, allegedly by a 28-year-old Australian white supremacist, will be long scrutinized for the way violent hatreds are spawned and staged on social ...
Nation of New Zealand Dons Hijab in Spontaneous Mass Islamic Conversion Event – Daily Stormer
Roy Batty Daily Stormer March 23, 2019. Our Police, our Prime Minister, Our News Anchors and many others were in the Hijab today. The Islamic call to prayer was on all the tv and radio stations before the minutes silence.
Christchurch mosque shootings: Philip Neville Arps in custody for allegedly sharing footage of shooting
The man will next appear in court in April
a site worth looking at:
Tarrant trained by Isrаel to assassinate Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad |
Australian exclusive from Gordon Duff, editor Veterans Today Alleged Christchurch shooter, Brenton Tarrant has been on a watch list since 2012 as an Isrаeli trained assassin representing a threat to President Assad. Australian media will never publish these sordid details which prove Tarrant is actually an operative of intelligence services.
From the Confederacy
Thought Bites: The REAL Reason for Endless Immigration... - YouTube
Sat, Mar 16, 3:48 PM (12 days ago)
Sent from Riley
Crusader Corner
These guys touched on the topic of white slavery and seemed interested in learning more. 1 hour in is the spot.
Subject: STRIKE & MIKE Episode 56 Percent: Behind Narrow Eyes
For James. 1 hour in for white slavery.
Robert Hampton, "Is Catholicism a Bulwark Against Islam?" | Counter-Currents Publishi
Sun, Mar 10, 2:03 PM
-Manny Soprano
During the siege of Malta by the baddest Sultan of the Turks no protestant power—including the Queen of England who was very much a rape-quest for Solomon the Magnificent—refused to help the 600 catholic knights who fought the 40,0 Jannissaries to a standstill. Spain finally sent a relief force. The root of Protestant nations not helping fight Islamic nations is the ancient European dictum that, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, race and religion be damned." One might say that Post-Protestant Europe is paying the price for their ancestors' sins.
WellRead Ed
Just some fun stuff
Fri, Mar 8, 11:48 AM
Knife vs Bare Hands - A Reality Check
Shep Says
Hard-workin' man can't get a break
Wed, Mar 20, 2:47 PM (8 days ago
Millenial stress
Mon, Mar 18, 10:07 PM (10 days ago)
“I remember when I was crawlin’ around in the mud on Guadalcanal tryin’ not ta get my ass shot off by the Japs and thinkin’ “Thank God I always get a lot of likes on my social media posts.”
Compare and contrast
Sun, Mar 17, 5:27 PM (11 days ago)
Yes, Shep, I understand she is making good while I'm lapsing bad—but Big Tony would never let this bitch sleep in his garage—He'd give her something better to do.
Check it, mah brotha
Fri, Mar 15, 6:54 PM (13 days ago)
Ideas for your grandson
Wed, Mar 27, 4:05 PM (1 day ago)
Have him do it in tennis shoes, though…
An author:
I think they killed him by poison.
Jill Black
Hi James...Jamesy Boy movie
Sun, Mar 24, 8:34 PM (4 days ago)
to me
Hi James,
I forgot if you are able to watch any movies online at that bar...but, this might be worth it for you, called Jamesy Boy. It's a true story about a young, white male who winds up in prison. Below is the Link, and, of course, his real name is James, like you!
-Jill Black
Turd America
Trumpapocalypse Now: The Advent of an American Usurper at the fall of Western Civilization
Own the collected works of John Saxon, Professor X, Eirik Blood Axe, William Rapier and other counter culture critics, on Kindle, via the link below. Amazon:
The Great Train Wreck of the West
'As Your Attorney...'
crackpot mailbox
‘More Book Bans’
on combat
the year the world took the z-pill
honor among men
plantation america
song of the secret gardener
broken dance
winter of a fighting life
‘in these goings down’
Charles Steiner     Mar 31, 2019

The link to Turd America on this blog does not work. Where else can the info be found?
Charles Steiner     Mar 31, 2019

The link to the Great Train Wreck of America does not work.
James     Apr 1, 2019

Our Australian colleagues have been under heavy fire of late and are apparently ducking for cover. We will be publishing one of their books in print along with my prologue Letters from the Fall.
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