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Attacks on the Aggression Arc
The Spectrum of Violence: Part 3 of 3
© 2019 James LaFond
Aggression Arc
-Play fighting
-Informal Fighting
-Formal Fighting
The Three types of mutual combat above are all less spiritually damaging than those below and less likely to be lethal. However, formal fighting or sports combat is more injurious and more exhausting than the more lethal forms below. Also, in terms of legal hazard only informal fighting, from the list above carries significant risk, and that minimal.
The key difference in fighting and attacks are:
-All fighting is mutual combat, voluntarily engaged in by both parties, while attacks are unilateral efforts by one party to impose their will on and/or injure or kill a target. Attacks feature actors and targets, not opponents. It is very common for citizens, media and law enforcement to dismiss attacks as fights, suggesting that the implication of mutual combat exonerates the target of the crime. This is often a knee-jerk reaction to invalidate a victim. Additionally, since our sacred social contracts have totally exonerated us of the burden of self-defense, and placed this responsibility in the hands of The State, individuals who have submitted to this emasculation are very likely to see the target of an attack trying to defend himself and declare him a loser in a voluntary fight, rather than note that he is fighting his way clear of an ambush.
-While fights have limited legalities attached to them, namely disturbing the peace charges and man slaughter charges in case of accidental death, attacks carry significant legal jeopardy for the attacker and the successful defender. People who deny this have not studied case law and have not, like myself, faced multiple felony charges for defending against two separate attacks launched by a total of three individuals.
-While fights do not evolve out of attacks, attacks sometimes evolve from fights, most commonly with police and other third-party criminals attacking one or more of the combatants.
-Attacks, unlike fights, are characterized by a lack of empathy, though both may be attended by hatred.
The attacks below are qualified into categories of increasingly vicious intent, with a steep reduction in empathy and an objectification of the human target, with the increased physical and spiritual damage generated by the increasing misanthropic intentions of the attacker.
Casual Attacks
Normally unplanned, casual attacks are generally dominance actions, ranging from spanking children, pimp slapping bitches and sucker punching drunks to brandishing weapons and making verbal threats. A desire for dominance, control, social status and satisfaction for perceived insults typically attend such attacks.
For instance, I had a friend named Brian from age 12 to 13, who repeatedly made fun of my parents. He did it in such a good-natured way that I did not feel enough malice to hit him and had no social skills or confrontational character at this age. After a time I stopped socializing with him and then, when our family was moving out of town and I went to school to turn in my books I lured him to the door of the principal’s office and punched him in the mouth and walked off. Amongst normal humans these types of honor complex attacks tend to be more spontaneous.
A year later my cousin, a heavyweight wrestler, saw me shadowboxing on the family patio and began poking me with a stick to straighten my posture, a spontaneous dominance attack. I responded by counter-attacking and breaking the stick over his head. This was a dominance attack triggering an honor complex attack. We had no fight agreement and both sought to impose his will on the other with a weapon. When weapons are used in such situations they are usually used for a single strike.
Socially, most casual violence is unpunished by the target or the law and leads some aggressors to continue to accept and seek such violence and sometimes escalate until vengeance, mishap or arrest results in a bad outcome. Casual attacks are generally undertaken by individuals and not groups, with sucker punching in alcohol-influenced encounters being the most common form of casual attack among adults.
Serious Attacks
Serious attacks feature a strong desire to do harm, up to and including killing and often involve an aggressor and target who are known to each other.
When I blocked an attempt by three Caucasian coworkers to form-up for a race-based attack on three African American coworkers, the two ringleaders laid an ambush for me to punish my lack of racial solidarity and expended lethal levels of effort to serious injure me, including the placement of a pipe in the ambush location a day before. They then charged me with assault when I successfully defended.
A serious attack most commonly involves a group and for this reason are rarely ever punished by the law. Segments of the population who enjoy high social status or privileged niche victim status will often pack-up, insuring success through numbers while removing the need for a weapon and thus minimizing legalities.
Most serious attacks are launched by a group against an individual or a pair, usually a mixed-gender pair.
Such attacks tend to feature the beating of a downed target.
Weapons involved tend to be blunt and edged, not firearms.
Willingness to engage in informal fighting often sets a person up for such an attack. The experience of myself and others in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area indicate social-bonding as a key element, with the most common aggressors being:
-mobs of youth
-packs of men
The serious attacker is often simply bonding with his fellows at the expense of a stranger. Law enforcement places an extremely low priority on such attacks, with the media always downplaying and underreporting, which leads this researcher to suspect that the tolerance of such violence among the ruling class indicates hierarchal approval of the activity.
Predatory Attacks
Human-on-human predation within the same society is a purely civilized phenomenon, with no known barbaric root in European or Amerindian cultures. [1] Such violence includes the killing of rival drug dealers, stick-ups, robberies, any taking of goods by force and all killings based on any concern that is not specifically an expression of a personal rivalry. The most serious of this type of attack are home invasions, a category of crime that is being redacted, misreported and erased by police and media in order to prevent panic and calls for accountable policing and reporting.
I have been the target of predatory violence on over 100 occasions, such as men stopping what they were doing when seeing that I was small, alone, of another race and injured and then dropping what they were doing and changing directions to intercept me. In all such occasions, my deployment of a weapon and an obvious willingness to do battle caused the attackers to abort their mission. Most people in our fool society do not regard such encounters as violence or aggression.
Some clutch aspects of predatory violence are listed below:
-A calculation by the attacker that his target can be taken down with minimal risk is the key factor in the predatory mind, with the fact that he “can” succeed translating immediately into a decision to act.
-Predatory attacks often occur along the real and artificial seems of our polyglot society, with most spontaneous predatory attacks, which are not part of drug war operations, being interracial
-Disparity of force, with male on female, adult on child, youth on elder, armed on unarmed and group on individual being typical expressions of predatory aggression within civilization.
Avoiding predatory violence once you have been targeted requires levels of awareness similar to those required in hunting big game and surviving military combat operations and is simply beyond the psychological stress threshold of most civilized humans. Therefore citizens generally prefer the less stressful state of defenselessness.
Extra-Predatory Attacks
Attacks ranging from childhood torments, abduction, rape and torture have two common threads:
-The attack is intended to mentally break the target,
-The target is not capable of significant resistance.
Extra-Predatory attacks are, by nature, sadistic and share with predation only one aspect, being that the target is selected due to the impression of helplessness and the unlikeliness of a successful defense.
As a boy I soon learned that play fighting was a trap used by men and youths to enable them to torture me with their moral sanction derived from my tacit agreement to enter circumstances in which I would be unable to resist torture.
It is possible to go from the least harmful type of aggression, play fighting, to torture, in seconds. Whether it is a boy play fighting who then gets raped by his so-called friends or a bar-brawler who is arrested for winning in his rude sport only to be abducted and tortured by police, the sadistic heart of our society awaits those who trust violent actors and who challenge The State’s monopoly of its most sacred commodity.
-1. Infanticide has not been sufficiently researched and if committed by primitives may well be conceptualized as out-group violence, or the denial of entry into the society. Aborigine populations of Australasia are known to commit lethal in-group violence. Pre-surplus-based-hierarchal human sacrifice in Amerindian cultures are of captives from other groups. As soon as civilized living takes off, as among the Mississippian and Aztec cultures, than in-group sacrifice, often of children, becomes common. The cause of in-group violence are four-fold:
-1. Hierarchal alienation powered by surplus accumulation,
-2. The amalgamation of former out-groups under one artificial hierarchy
-3. However, when one notes that lethal violence in later day civilizations such as suburban and urban America is predominantly in-group killing, it seems that the scale of human society expanded on such unnatural foundations results in feral micro-tribalism, with in-groups becoming tiny
-4. Killing of coworkers, spouses and children seem to be fueled by the unnatural pressures resulting from scaled up hierarchal alienation and residual slave resentment by the imperfectly domesticated human and the civilized notion of humans as in-group property.
The Violence Project
An Omnibus Volume of James' First Two Books
Nice Day for a Funeral
‘You’re Weak’
harm city
‘Like Servants’
songs of arуas
shrouds of arуas
the gods of boxing
taboo you
winter of a fighting life
within leviathan’s craw
Koanic     Jul 2, 2019

James     Jul 2, 2019

Thank you so much. After 20 years I think I finally got a handle on the data I collected between 96 and 2000.
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