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‘I Can Live No Better’
10 Strange Cases of Pioneer Children Abducted By Native Americans Who Refused To Go Home
© 2019 James LaFond
When considering abduction, we should, as a mental exercise, consider runaways.
For every person abducted today how many runaway?
This can include women seeking safe houses from wife-beaters and men becoming homeless or moving in with friends or lovers to get away from some raging estrogen machine.
Runaway children were often sterilized by law in the early to mid1900s, pointing to a human domestication program. American society has been, from its infancy, hostile to runaways. Even so, between 500,000 and 1 million runaways are thought to be living homeless on American streets. To embrace adult runaways, like men on the lamb with warrants, women hiding in houses of abused bitches, and so on, lets low ball American runaways at 1 million per year, roughly 1 in 300, which seems realistic, in that I know two current runaways and numerous former runaways and have a wider than normal circle of acquaintances.
So how many people were kidnapped in the last year for which statistics are available?
Of the 460-thousand missing children reported annually only 1,500 are abducted!
With that huge disparity in mind, perhaps we should consider than many abducted Americans of the frontier were not abducted, but runaways and that for every person abducted many ran away to live with the Indians, who happened to be the only people in North America not in the habit of beating their children and employees regularly. A possible reason for so many “captives” not wanting to return to life among “white” society might be that some only claimed to have been captured but in fact went willingly.
Of interest in the recording below:
The Boyd children were abducted to be sold to other tribes by the Iroquois, who were cruel to them, murdering their pregnant mother. The oldest boy had been sold to the Delaware. It was significant that they were mostly loyal to their adopted tribes. The murder of the mother may have made adoption into the Iroquois a problem even if desired by that tribe.
Herman Layman, the blue-eyed Apache was a better Indian than the Apaches, avenging the murder of his adopted father and leading a charge into a ranger station. Like many abducted boys he rose to a leadership position due to his aggressive nature. He also hated pale-faces, despite having blue eyes.
Mary Jemison was another Iroquois abduction victim whose family was slaughtered. Mary remained with her captors as a daughter and married a Delaware man.
Eunice Williams, also captured by Iroquois [Mohawks], converted to Catholicism, refused to speak English and remained with the Indians voluntarily.
Miss Odman, the Mormon girl with the face tattoos, was released by her adopted family when they could not feed her and feared that she would starve. Her Indian name meant “sore vagina” yet she claimed that they did not take her virginity. Apparently she was sexually experienced before she was used as a sex slave by her captors. The main difference between eastern and Western Indians was that Western Indians often raped captive women and eastern Indians did not.
Cynthia Ann Parker became the loyal wife and mother of Comanche chiefs. It must be said that it was the habit of English slave owners to have negro men impregnate Irish servant girls so that the mother of the mixed-race slave would remain on the plantation after her time was up. The loyalty of mother to child is the most exploited human bond in history. When Liberated by Texas rangers she starved herself to death, demonstrating tribal over racial loyalty.
Theodore Babb another Comanche captive, was tortured extensively as a youth and won the admiration of the cruelest Amerindians.
Adolph Korn, yet another Comanche captive, refused to live with his birth family after his liberation and lived alone in a cave in solitude for the rest of his life instead. He did try a life of crime—essentially living like an Indian—when first brought back to American society but his parents moved him to a remote ranch.
Frances Slocum was born a Quaker and was stolen in 1778 at age five by Iroquois who sold her to Miamis where she became a respected wife of a chief. She was discovered by a trader in 1835, living as a leading woman among her adopted people, mother of four and grandmother of more.
Mary Campbell was one of hundreds of children captured by warriors fighting in Pontiac’s Rebellion as revenge for slain Indians. Mary hated to return, as did many, with nearly half trying to escape their biological families for their adopted ones, illustrating the fact that Indians gained high levels of loyalty in short periods of time from the abused, enslaved and neglected children of Plantation America.
Now keeping in mind the remarkable mothers and warriors of Indian tribes who began their Indian life as abductees, and seeing that hundreds of runaway adds were posted for every account of an abduction reported in the 1700s and that hundreds of children runaway today for every one who is kidnapped, isn’t it likely that for every forcibly adopted Caucasian Indian that there were numerous volunteers?
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