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‘Hanno Takes Possession of this Place’
Notes on the Possible Origin of the Sylvid Race in Plantation America
© 2019 James LaFond
The following excerpt is from the link below that was sent to me by Bob from Utah.
“Graffiti on various rocks in New England have inscriptions on the wall in various languages of various people that traveled to the New World. For instance, one in Iberic read, “Hanno takes possession of this place.” Hanno was a merchant mariner from Carthage who sailed off seeking new lands from the west coast of Africa in 425 BC. He was never heard from again.
It is likely these ancient cultures traded with the New World. For example, the mummy of Ramses II (1290-1224 BC) had tobacco in its wrappings, which was not known to the ancient world (being native to the Americas).”
Getting there first is a big deal in determining the genetic makeup of a region. Below are some examples of early contact in North America. Do note that these are less than half the examples I know to exist.
-Cocaine was also discovered in funerary crypts in Egypt.
-The sweet potato managed to circumnavigate the globe 10,000 years before Magellan.
-Roman shipwrecks have been found off the coast of Brazil.
-Hanno, the Punic explorer, circumnavigated Africa and then later journeyed into the Western Ocean never to be seen again.
-Punic coins and inscriptions are also found in New England where Hanno’s inscription also turns up.
-A Chinese sword was found in Georgia.
-A polish kayaker crossed the North Atlantic three times in the 20th century.
-Roman trade vessels were four times as large and more seaworthy than the ships of Columbus, carrying up to 2,000 people!
-Roman coins from the reign of Septimus Severus are found hoarded in New England. This era of the Roman Imperium saw heavy fighting against the Picts and the disappearance of a Roman legion in Scotland.
-Romans were known to trade with the Canary Islands, known to them as The Fortune islands, which was later, in the supposed only Age of Sail, the windward launch pad to the Americas.
On and on the hard evidence of Pre-Columbian European contact mounts and is utterly denied by academics. Perhaps this is due to the racial politics of divide and conquer that American Academics have been devoted to since 1865. Before that year the anthropologists of the early 1800s recognized a common racial type of person native to the coastal woodlands of Eastern North America and Western Europe, where common sense dictates that ships were built and repaired from timber and wrecked as well. The nature of many coastal shipwrecks in the age of sail was a high ratio of survivors and of salvaged goods, arguing for marooned Europeans since deepest antiquity.
I have no space in the research of Plantation America to head down this vast warren of unexplored and denied history. However, to deny the promotion of such evidence would be to place too much emphasis on European American runaway slaves being adopted by Natives. The Eastern Woodland Indians showed a high level of empathy to European Americans, where Western Indians generally did not. Also, other than physical stature due to a paleo diet, the first explorers note zero racial differences between Europeans and Natives, with French clergymen even noting that Iroquois warriors without their paint look like French peasants! The overwhelming evidence that there were racial ties across the North Atlantic from as early as 1609 when the Bearded Chiefs of the Chesapeake Bay were discovered, will continue to be noted as a possible, partial explanation for the fact that the two-generation race war that conquered the Western United States was a far different experience than the two-century long process of alliance, conflict, coexistence, betrayal, uprising and displacement that characterized the European experience in Eastern North America.
As a final note, hair styles were drastically different east and west of the Mississippi, with the west being more European and the east more Asian.
There is incontrovertible evidence that Europeans were in contact with Eastern North America for at least 2,000 years prior to the voyage of Columbus, including iron hearths unearthed in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio in the 1700s, shards containing inscriptions in 37 European languages in Pennsylvania and legends of armored giants in New York where medieval architecture and Roman coinage has been found. Furthermore, it is known for certain by his biographers, that Columbus knew without a shadow of a doubt that the New World loomed beyond the Ocean Blue. These facts might help explain why Eastern Woodland tribes usually adopted European Americans and Western Plains tribes usually slaughtered them. Why established academia and the liberal guilt mongers of Post-Modern America persist in labelling the hundreds of tribes of North America as one monolithic people who all behaved like the meek Indians of 17th Century Maryland and looked like late 19th Century Plains Indians is open to question, though it obviously serves the sectarian acrimony currently used to blind the childlike American Mind with angst. What is certain, is that the academic refusal to recognize the 3 million European souls trafficked cruelly into this nascent nation in favor of the 330,000 Africans is tied in with the refusal to consider the massed evidence that Eastern Woodland Indians were racially closer to Europeans than to Western Indians from the time of first known contact, [which was admittedly 100 or so years after certain but undocumented contact.]
Could it be, that these academics suspect that their house of guilt might collapse if we finally agree that the fact that modern Amerindians in the Eastern U.S. are racially indistinct from so-called “white” Americans is proof that European American slaves fled the plantation system to live as Indians so frequently that they effectively colonized the body of these peoples even as they surrendered to the Indian colonization of their mind in rejection of the moral authority of their masters?
For this reason, the proposal of the heretical obvious, documented in every extant piece of period art and literature, I entertain the above counterproposals for the heavily Caucasian nature of Eastern Indian populations, as a possible explanation for why it was so easy for Europeans and Amerindians on the East Coast to intermarry at first blush, that, as the French missionaries and English ethnographers of Plantation America suggested, the North Atlantic forest lands on either side of the highway called ocean falsely labelled a barrier in the sissy modern mind, was home to a “Sylvid” race suffering long separations due to technological depressions but eventually reunited under the English banner of Greed as God.
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