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'In Bronze and Gold'
Crackpot Mailbox: A Dialogue on Mortality with Tony Cox
© 2019 James LaFond
Below are the contents of two emails from readers—one a close friend—which I have been having a hard time framing for a dialogue, honestly, because I think both are above my brain grade. But, using my mind—unhurried from the bustle and angst of making at least 40 k a year, it has fallen to me to help other curious souls attempt to sort the thought maze of a civilization built on tortured lives and worshipped lies, and pierce the honestly mocking veil that lies beyond the crude curtains of the fleeting lie of modernity. I find myself marooned on an idiot planet populated by glassy-eyed apes. Even those born close to me have drunk the elixir of the latest world religion, Media Civics, one might call it. My family has, for the most part, disowned me because of my thought crimes. For instance, yesterday, suggesting to my son that I might buy my 7-year-old grandson a bee bee gun or air soft gun brought the following bleat of banality:
"I don't think that's a good idea with all the mass shootings going on. You know, Dad, you are not a good decision maker."
So, Big Tony, with the help of Don Quotays, lets see if we can render this sacred cow of Hierarchal Faith on the blasphemous altar of inquiry...
Aug 17, 2019, 4:50 AM (7 days ago)
My mind is constantly warped by whatever it is I'm currently reading. In a good way. Everything is a learning curve, always. Reading YOUR stuff made me more vigilant, made me do things like take an oblique stance when a stranger is passing questionably.
One of the books I've been reading lately is your copy of Herodotus. Herodotus has got me thinking of the gods.
Now listen, I know religion is a bunch of horseshit. Nobody who's ever studied history can argue that. Religion is what keeps the poor from killing the rich. You'll have to excuse my drunk ass for beating around the bush here. I'm getting around to it.
The thing is, I can see how people conceptualize death as an entity. It's always lurking somewhere in our subconscious, facts are facts. Like Lightnin' Hopkins says, every creeper on earth gonna die someday.
But we never see death. It's kept from us. In hospitals and crime scenes and fiery crashes, we are kept away from seeing the physical reality of death. Death is cordoned off from us.
Why, if death were to ever creep to the forefront of our every day reality, what I mean is, if it became a physical, tangible facet of every day life, my god, the rules might not seem to matter quite so much (The economic factors may no longer be quite so relevant). Mister James, how many grown men in our advanced, superior snivilization have never seen a fresh corpse, much less watched a man die? I'll tell you how many: Not enough.
Death is funny. Life is funny. There are some hard and fast rules that govern our reality, lurking just below the surface, just out of reach of our simple understanding. Is it any wonder man looks to the gods to explain that truth which just barely escapes his grasp?
For the record, I do believe that Croesus entombed the tortoise in bronze and gold.
Sun, Aug 18, 1:46 PM (6 days ago)
Thanks for this, and can I use it as a starter for an article?
I like it,
Tony Cox
Sun, Aug 18, 2:11 PM (6 days ago)
I'd be honored to be an article starter. I really wasn't able to get my point across in that email. It's just something about watching my friend die and then watching Mucker die, the way they died was almost identical. And there was this feeling that something more than meets the eye was going on. I'm not sure it's even possible to articulate. I'm just more convinced than ever that death is a whole lot more than lack of a pulse.
When I read about Croesus testing the Oracle, it seemed very plausible to me. I thought about it for days, you know I think there was really something there.
Take a virgin and keep her in a cave, tell her she can speak to the gods, maybe keep her loaded on the mysterious soma, and I can see how maybe she does start tapping into some other consciousness.
The Oracle and the death of friends seem somehow not to be two entirely different subjects, but instead connected by threads that I know are there but can't quite find. But my mind is constantly warped by whatever I happen to be reading at the time.
Behind the Veil
As to your mind being "warped" by reading, think of it as you rotating different filters in the engine that is your brain. Or you might regard each book read as a training session in testing observable reality against ideas and beliefs. Think of your reading material as windows permitting you to look upon the world from another person's perspective and as mirrors reflecting the past for your remote consideration, as well as crystal balls pondering the future. Tony, the fact that you are an avid reader who does not read redundant fiction for escapist purposes, makes you a warlock, a sorcerer, a woke devil, your very existence threatening the monolithic faith that is postmodern social media mind wrangling. You are verily like Lucifer defying the Good Shepherd. Don't expect the bleating sheep to appreciate your inquiry into the activities of the Good Shepherd and his blameless dogs...
For all of those skeptical about the existence of "the supernatural" I recommend Jason Jorjani's Prometheus and Atlas, in which he demonstrates that our tool using mentality predisposes us to narrow forms of thinking and limits our perspective. He also demonstrates through documented, university clinical studies around the world, that there is another reality beyond the material world we live in and that there is very good evidence that there is more than one supernatural entity and that the ancient idea of evil gods is consistently demonstrated in historical, mythical and clinical frameworks.
Bro, I believe that we are actually the prey of evil gods and that the idea of the one and only true almighty is a sham to develop mass, remote mind control by temporal powers who may or may not be in league with the fiends of darkness who prey upon us every day. The first few thousand books I read convinced me that religion was bullshit. Then the next two thousand convinced me that religion is one of many veils or curtains hung by our masters to obscure the truth from us and that this is not a bad thing because most humans are not capable of handling truth and can imbibe only lies and platitudes insuring them that they are a special metaphysic or materialistic snowflake. The work of H.P Lovecraft is an excellent journey scape into the sheep like mind of the modern person.
Foremost among these veils is the idea that humans are forever growing wiser, which is a method of destroying the reliance on ancient sources among members of the current matrix and has even, in this civilization and others, been intensified to include the notion that every single generation is the first crop of human genius and their parents were the final wan crop of a blighted vine of idiocy. Jorjani seems to think this is mostly because we tend to think obliquely as tool using fixers rather than directly as uninhibited observers. I think their is something to that. However, after my experience with researching Plantation America and with the Harm City project documenting truth on the ground about urban and suburban blight as lies accrete at a dizzying pace in the feeble modern mind, I am of the opinion that our general failure to understand mortality is purposefully retarded and corrupted by:
-Evil people
-Evil entities
-and our ages-old journey away from who and what we are which we name Civilization.
Message in a Thought Bottle from Don Quotays
I first read the following poem by Robinson Jeffers five years ago. It was an obvious protest against the mass industrial slaughter on false pretenses that was WWII, the quintessential modern act, which is the foundation stone of the Atomic Age, the Information Age and the Postmodern ideal of psychological emasculation as the highest social value. In the poem below Jeffers pulls away the veil of our most concrete foundational lie in the lineal layer cake of lies that is American History.
Contemplation of the Sword
Reason will not decide at last; the sword will decide.
The sword: an obsolete instrument of bronze or steel,
formerly used to kill men, but here
In the sense of a symbol. The sword: that is: the storms
and counter-storms of general destruction; killing
of men,
Destruction of all goods and materials; massacre, more or
less intentional, of children and women;
Destruction poured down from wings, the air made accomplice,
the innocent air
Perverted into assassin and poisoner.
The sword: that is: treachery and cowardice, incredible
baseness, incredible courage, loyalties, insanities.
The sword: weeping and despair, mass-enslavement,
mass-torture, frustration of all hopes
That starred man’s forehead. Tyranny for freedom, horror for happiness, famine for bread, carrion for children.
Reason will not decide at last, the sword will decide.
— Robinson Jeffers
Further Consideration
The destruction of a civilization, which did occur as completely in the industrial wars of the early 20th Century as it did with most wars which heralded a dark age, with our lack of cyclic thinking and lineal perspective clouding our ability to understand that those wars between 1914 and 45 castrated rather than crowned our civilization, is indicted by the poet above. Having studied the way religions evolve, I do not believe that the majority of the major faiths and minor cults were specifically fabricated as mass mind control suites. What I see is that fanciful attempts to explain nature and speculate on supernature as well as traditions commemorating observable realities of remarkable happenings, and the words of those who pierced the veil, are eventually hijacked by cynical manipulators who themselves lack faith in the religions they administer for purely temporal gain.
Our government systems have effectively become deities in a world wide pantheon of wrathful and jealous gods, complete with avenging angels zooming through the air and thunder and fire from the sky directed at many a modern and postmodern Sodom and Gomorrah. Consider, with evidence mounting monthly around the world that pushes the antiquity of Man further into the shadowy past, why do government academics fight tooth and nail and lie on camera and order the killings of third world archeologists and the terrorization of excavation employees by armed thugs, when the investigation rather than dismissal of these finds would expand their work opportunities?
Perhaps it is because any admission that human civilizations have collapsed in the past or that our civilization arose under circumstances differing from the religious convictions of academia would diminish the faithful's belief in Media Civics as the cult of the Great God Modernity?
Interestingly, ancient peoples emerging from the various dark ages of antiquity all had myths of angry, jealous and rapacious gods. The old gods were not always good and frequently evil. When this reeking edifice of deceit we call home finally collapses what legends of evil sky gods might populate the mythology of illiterate survivors wandering the earth in the ice age to come?
Nice Day for a Funeral
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