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Ghosts of The Sunset World
Author’s Notebook #13: Of The Sunset World, Part Two
© 2014 James LaFond
Dust Cover
Three-Rivers had never had a false vision, yet, his vision that the Greater Demon of Sunset would slay DeathSong had not come true. He had bound the insane white warrior to his will with a promise to escort his tortured soul along the trail provided by his vision sickness when death-in-battle inevitably came. With no more sunset demons in Mother Earth, and DeathSong determined to return to Sunset and make revenge on the demons there, Three-Rivers was left with no other choice, but to accompany his insane warrior friend home to The Sunset World… And what of Lady Doe-Eye of The White Bead Nation, whose town stood in the path of the whites-called-Spanish, with only a wrong-eyed second-guessing boy prophet and his wounded crazy man to deter them?
“I and my companions suffer from a disease of the heart which can be cured only by gold.”
-Hernan Cortez, Easter Sunday, 1519
“The trails along which they fly are of songs sent down to earth by earlier Dreamers: songs only a Dreamer can grab hold of, following their turns as a trail.”
-Joseph Campbell, North American Twilight of the Paleolithic Great Hunt
Protagonists, in order of appearance
1. Jay Bracken aka ‘DeathSong’, vengeance-obsessed time-hunter
2. Charlie Robinson aka ‘Burnt Man’, betrayed time-traveler
3. Three-Rivers aka ‘The Magic Boy of Winter’, Son of WhiteSkyCanoe, Escort of Souls, aspiring time-traveler
4. Daniel London aka ‘Healer’, disillusioned time-traveler
49. Boss [Jay]
50. Porto Soto [Charlie]
51. Meadow Hawk’s Battle [Three-Rivers]
52. Requiem [Charlie]
53. Ascent [Daniel]
54. Master of the Thunderbeasts [Three-Rivers]
55. The Bruco/Sebastian Event [Charlie]
56. Sarah [Daniel]
57. The Dying Place [Three-Rivers]
58. Descent, or Jay Bracken Goes To Hell [Jay]
59. The Hunt for Death Song’s Ghost [Three-Rivers]
60. Miss Ann’s Christmas Man [Jay]
61. The Town of Burnt Men [Three-Rivers]
62. Hour of the Dragon [Jay]
63. I’m A Little Tea Pot [Jay]
64. Mister Shuei [Daniel]
65. Sanctuary Rock [Charlie]
66. Ghosts of the Sunset World [Three-Rivers]
The People of Mother Earth [according to Three-Rivers]
The Soto Entrada to La Florida, A.D. 1539 [according to Frere Sebastian de Canete]
Big Water Blood Song
author's notebook
The Hero’s Stage in A Drugged Age
the sunset saga complete
under the god of things
shrouds of arуas
orphan nation
book of nightmares
plantation america
on the overton railroad
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