12:45 PM: 3 eggs, 6 oz ham, 3 sausage links, 3 slices avocado
1:25-2:01 PM: continuous stump work with no rest, 200 1-hand cleaves with axe, 200 2-hand chops with axe, 100 hammer blows with back of axe, about 500 strokes with double ballpeen hammers, drum beat, figure-8, cobb-cobb and open four stroke patterns
2:30-3:43: walked un-dogged country roads at 3.5 miles per hour
5:30 PM: slice ham, cup radishes, vinegar, yeast, 2 slices bacon, cup cucumber, cup blackberries
6:15-42 PM: bag work with bat, therapy, stick form, hammer-fists on beams and plyos
I would like some clarifications regarding the axe work described above :
- How much does the axe weigh?
- Could the one-handed and two-handed chops be emulated with a sledgehammer and a tractor tire?
When using ballpeen hammers :
- Do you remain standing hitting an upright target or do you kneel down to hammer down at a stump?
- The Exile
will answer as an article.