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Back on the Overton Railroad
I will be off line from September 30 through October 5 as I make my miserly way across country
© 2019 James LaFond
I would like to thank Bob, Deb, Jake, Tim, Arla, Dante and Garland for their hospitality and kindness, wish that the girls in Utah continue to be the prettiest in the Country and the men the hardest working—I guess that goes together...
I will be writing a lot while travelling focusing on:
Plantation America
Under a Troubled Master-Eye
Destiny's Exile
A Dread Grace
And the completion of some outstanding article outlines for Dark Age
These tabs are at the top of the page if you haven't checked them out.
On Sunday the 6th I should make posts, check my emails and approve comments on the site.
In the meantime check out Lynn's BlogSpot for podcast and article posts at:
Bart's tabooyou face book page at:
Charles' E-Book store at:
The Plantation America Project at:
This dirty paleface at Identity Dixie:
Until then thank you so much for your support and hurray for the soon-to-be five-time consecutive urban league murderbowl middleweight champions, the Harm City Hoodrats. If they stopped killing today they'd still leave the Chicongo Chiraqs and the Detroit Dindus in the distant dust.
The body count is 255.
Thanks to name unreleased, on Fayette Street, at 57 years and race unknown for making the most recent sacrifice fly of the season.
The Violence Project
An Omnibus Volume of James' First Two Books
‘The Slave’
under a troubled master-eye
‘The Dread Gale of God’s Wrath’
logic of steel
songs of arуas
on the overton railroad
uncle satan
let the world fend for itself
dark, distant futures
the first boxers
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