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Dueling Twilights
Prince Eugene and Young James Oglethorp
© 2019 James LaFond
From pages 8-9
Below are accounts from the life of [ ] Oglethorpe, concerning his service under Eugene of Savoy, leading armies of the Austrian Empire to push back Turkish forces and retake captured cities. Oglethorpe, a young man in his 20s, distinguished himself as an officer. Note how the Turks preserve the nomadic tradition, the way their army is organized around great tents occupied by the commander, very much preserving the character of migratory warfare endemic to Arуan history from earliest times. Indeed, the Turks were attempting to conquer and colonize new lands at Austrian expense. See the “prodigious” treasure present in the Turkish camp, a facet of Arуan [nomadic] warfare reflected in the riches of the Persian hosts overcome by Alexander in antiquity.
Note also the large numbers of Austrian officers slain in the winning effort, reflecting a high, even medieval, value on heroism. Also of interest on both counts, the migratory nature of the Arуan warrior, reflected in his very identity is young Oglethrope himself, a young English scion of a prominent family attaching himself as an adjutant to a warrior prince in Eugene, where he learns the arts of war. This was no mere crusading impulse to fight the forces of Islam. In fact, Oglethorpe, a decade later, would adopt the cause of Job, a Muslim Prince from Central Africa who had been sold as a Negro slave in Annapolis, Maryland.
“the 16th of August, (1717) the capitulation was signed ; and immediately afterwards the Imperialists took possession of a gate, and the out-works ; on the 19th Te Deum was solemnly performed in the tent of the Grand Vizier, which had become occupied by Eugene, and on the 22d the place was evacuated. The Imperialists found prodigious riches in the camp of which they had become possessed ; for the Sultan had emptied his coffers to supply this army, which was by far the most numerous of any set on foot since the famous siege of Vienna." ^
"Such was the conclusion of the siege of Belgrade ; a place of the last importance to the Imperialists and to the Turks ; the bridle of all the adjoining country ; the glorious trophy of the valor and conduct of his Serene Highness, Prince Eugene; and the bulwark, not of Germany only, but of all Christendom on this side."
"Oglethorpe was in active command at the siege and battle of Belgrade, on the south shore of the Danube, in 1717 ; where he acquired a high and deserved reputation."
“He was offered preferment in the German service ; but it was, probably, a sufficient reason with him for declining the proffer, that " the profession of a soldier in time of peace affords but few opportunities of promotion, and none of distinction."
From page 6
“The Aga of the Janisaries and Mahomet Bassa were also slain. The whole loss of the Turks in this action amounted to about 22,000 ; and of the Imperialists, 3,695 common soldiers, and 469 officers.”
After a decade of military service to the British Crown, at age 29, James Oglethorpe served a foreign monarch, commanding major forces, and was offered military honors by yet a third foreign monarch, reminding the reader that national divisions had not yet rent the fabric of Arуan martial society, for this early modern period yet heavily identified with the idea of Christendom, which overlain almost precisely the Arуan diaspora among the more extensive field of Caucasian races, soon to be reduced in importance in the wake of the new identity-negating ideal of the Whiteman, a specifically non-Aryan and anti-Christian construct introduced into the European consciousness through the Transatlantic and North African slave trade in Christian Arуan Caucasians and Sub-Saharan Africans managed by non-Christian Caucasians, of Berber, Arabic and Levantine races. Monolithic racial ideals had also not yet been achieved, with Arуan identity yet vested in the root origin of the warbands, the idea that a distant shared ancestry became a powerful link only with the glue of heroic ideals and honor code interactions across geographic and political lines bound men to a common vision of the world as a field for deeds.
A last glimmer of shared heroic identity among the Arуans, and also of the nature of their earliest appearance on the European stage embodied in the logistics of their enemies, was key to developing the worldview of the one English aristocrat who dared dream of a land of and for “free white” working men of martial character in a world of class-based slavery.
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Ruben Chandler     Dec 11, 2019

My father being part of the rich man's gang....the armed services.....moved us around an awful lot. The only Oglethorpe I know of started the colony of what is now the state of Georgia. If this was his illustrious past, Georgia textbooks failed to elucidate on it. Is it the same guy?
James     Dec 12, 2019

It is the same man I am doing a 27-part summary of his life on the patreon site, which will go into American Spartacus. This post was a relevant military extraction.

He may have been the only man of the Plantation America aristocracy who merits the term founding father.
Koanic     Dec 12, 2019

I wasn't sure whether I could use the term Arуan accurately to mean Western Europeans, or whether it was conflated with Iranians and Indians. But it seems my concerns were ill-founded:

Arуans are Caucasians, but not Semitic or Hamitic. So it means what I want to mean when I say "white". So I might as well say Arуan instead, to defy those who would erase us, chief among them the people of the lie.

To be honest, I thought you were emphasizing heroic antiquity at the expense of genetic precision, but now I see that isn't the case at all. White nationalists should definitely adopt the label Arуan Nationalists instead, and your campaign against the word "white" is justified.
James     Dec 12, 2019

Thanks, sir.
Ruben Chandler     Dec 12, 2019

Damn right about that James. Thanks for this info. I'll see what else I can add to my knowledge on this. Can't wait to see American Spartacus!
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