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'The Wise Ass Man'
Musing in the Rain about Insanty's Reign with The Autumnal Son
© 2020 James LaFond
The Wise Ass Man
The Autumnal Son
Tue, Dec 31, 2019, 8:37 PM (13 hours ago)
Here it is!

New Year resolution
Sat, Dec 28, 2019, 11:30 PM (4 days ago)
Eschew popular mass delusions.
Sent from Riley

Third order ostracism, the alienation of a person who fails to condemn or hate a taboo person, is now the central behavioral and compliance mechanic of our society, most often expressed among minority dissidents as political correctness and by majority complaints as refusal to condone hatred and racism.
In such a society, the tiny minority of dissidents currently find themselves on the right flank of the minority centrist opposition to the majority left.
Those leftoids are patronized by the power elite for the simple reason that they believe in a system of control and that they hate those who grew fat believing in its recently defunct iteration.
The minority centrists also believe in this exact same system of control, but that it should serve them instead of those it currently favors, and, if they manage to get in power, they too will crush true dissent.
So, as a person who is among the 1% of true dissenters arrayed against the 1% of pure power lever pullers, more than half of all people are against you, more than 99% of rich people are against you, and of the centrist minority opposition, they can be only temporary allies against that which seeks to eat them because they gives you a place to hide from the thought patrols.
We stand at the foot of the great social, sacrificial pyramid. One thing that the Aztecs, Incas, Mississippians and Mayans agreed with the guilt and guile spawn of Abraham was and is, that your ass needs to be sacrificed.
As well, industrialists and their union enemies, capitalists and communists, fascists and globalists, all believed that you needed to be sacrificed, just as today, InfoTech moguls and their mind-chattel and gun-totting Deep State and police enforcers, all believe that you and your weird, off-the-rails ideas need to be sacrificed for the greater good of the God of Things, the only deity truly worshipped in massive wise in the Remnant West in our End Time.
And, guess what, if the Muslims take over, the Christians come back or the Chosen win out, any and all of them will stone you, hang you, burn you or cage you for the crime of thinking that you have a personal relationship with God outside of their hierarchies and that you should be able to live free in your mind, if not your body.
So, my recommendation for the year 2020 to young men trying to maintain some fractional autonomy, is to steer clear of the pyramid of social power as voter, demonstrator, commentator, supporter, or critic, in no way engaging in mass delusions or trying to dispel them.
Our rulers and their monstrous god are made of the very fabric of the Lie, so your quest for truth will always gleam in their blinkered mind's eye as a dagger aimed at the heart of everything they deem good and wholesome.
The forest of lies they raise can become your refuge, your wilderness maze.
Under the God of Things
Winter Writing
logic of force
the gods of boxing
the fighting edge
on combat
into leviathan’s maw
the first boxers
under the god of things
menthol rampage
Denise     Jan 2, 2020

"And, guess what, if the Muslims take over, the Christians come back or the Chosen win out, any and all of them will stone you, hang you, burn you or cage you for the crime of thinking that you have a personal relationship with God outside of their hierarchies and that you should be able to live free in your mind, if not your body."

This line resonates with me on a personal level, already. For three years, I wore a medical mask instead of taking the mandatory flu shot required for Hospitals to get their reimbursement from Medicare. It was unbelievable to me how many people didn't want to get it, but didn't want to go through the hassle of wearing a mask, so they caved and got the shot. Flu shot dissenters are then blamed for not caring for the immunosuppressed patients that can't get a shot because it further endangers their life. It doesn't matter that the flu shot is ineffective from their own studies, they have brainwashed the vast majority of citizens into taking it, anyways, in a "if not for your health, think of the sick and the dying children" propaganda guilt trip. I'm shocked at how relatively easy it is to enforce compliance upon the majority of the population. I believe that even these seemingly small concessions of individuality and autonomy are incredibly dangerous and are training society to comply with the leaders who do not have our best interest at heart. From the medical field, one only has to look to the Henrietta Lacks or the Syphilis studies done on the black population back in the 30's to know we are only guinea pigs to the system. It wasn't too long ago that a law was passed that would allow terminal patients to receive access to experimental drugs that might help their disease. Hmmm...who do you suppose that benefits?!

I'm curious how going gray will work now that technology has the ability to track our every move- I'm thinking dro nes and face ial reco gnition and the likes. I'm thinking there is no way to truly disengage, because the fight is coming to our door. They have the tech nology to force compliance. My churchy friends remind me that we know how this all ends, so I hold on to the hope that they're right.
James     Jan 2, 2020

Going grey will eventually have to involve avoiding the medical system.
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