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New Year’s Week
Postmortem Hate Training Log 12/30/19-1/6/20
© 2020 James LaFond
Monday 30
12:00 AM: 4 ounces cheese, 6 olives, 5 ounces sardines
12:30 PM: salad with lemon, parmesan, feta and chicken
6:00 PM: 2 cups sausage, 2 cups tomato sauce
Tuesday 31
7:30-50 AM: floor exercises
12:00 – 1:30 PM: walked 5 miles
3:30-50 PM: floor exercises
8:00 PM: 3 cups sour kraut, 1 sausage, 1 pork chop, bottle of wine, 1 cup mixed nuts
Wednesday 1
2:15-45 PM: floor exercises
3:00 PM: a beer
5:15 PM: 3 cups sour kraut, 2 small pork chops, 4 tablespoons sour cream, 6 cups green leaf lettuce, 4 tablespoons vinegar, 6 olives, 2 slices cheese, to slice salami
6:28 PM: tablespoon cream in my coffee
Thursday 2
8:00 AM: cream in my coffee, twice
10:15 AM: 1ounce pork rinds, 3 eggs, six slices bacon, ½ ounce almonds
12:00-1:32 PM: walked 4 miles
2:00-2:20 PM: floor exercises
4:30 PM: 4 cups sour kraut, 2 pork chops
6:00 PM: 3 tablespoons cream with coffee
Friday 3
10:00 – 10:15 AM: walked 1 mile
12:00-12:40 PM: floor exercises
3:00 PM: salad, sour kraut, pork chop
8:00 PM: 2 meatballs, cup of sausage, 1 zucchini, 2 cups sauce, half cup pistachios
Saturday 4 [on train]
6 ounces of salted cashews, 4 ounces beef jerky
Sunday 5 [on train]
Half and half in coffee, an anti-cramping mixture made of 6 parts cream of tartar [potassium rich powder scraped from wine barrels] 3 parts gay salt and 1part cayenne powder [3 tablespoons]
1:00-1:20 PM: plyos on the station platform at Rugby North Dakota
-2 Hienekens and 8 Stone IPAs, administered by IV by IPA Ray, a carpenter that sat next to me on the train
Monday 6
[on train]
2 eggs, 2 slices bacon, 1ounce avocado
A cup of free train-delay beef stew with brown rice
[at the Colonels table]
2 cups salmon chowder
Handful pumpkin seeds
Time and Measure with Extension Weapons
modern combat
'But, I'm Too Old'
menthol rampage
thriving in bad places
crag mouth
logic of force
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