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‘God of Gods’
Considering The Aeneid of Virgil, Book 1, Part 6.5
© 2020 James LaFond
Yesterday, before beginning the arrangement of the parent volume of this work, I listened to Tony’s sermon at church, a small, rural, Christian church, in which he spoke on the nature of God, as eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, a God who commands lesser, supernatural beings, referred to as angels and Satan in scripture, but whom the pagans who would eventually convert to Christianity, would have named lesser gods.
The reader should keep in kind that there was a deep vein of acceptance of Christianity among pagans, which included Christian iconographers using the statue of Zeus at Olympia as the model for the very European-looking images of Jesus Christ from earliest antiquity. There was, among pagans a tiered consciousness, with the uneducated worshipping local patron deities in an almost animistic fashion, the merchant and civil classes embracing a wide range of cults, poets such Virgil extolling the ideal that One Creator commanded a pantheon of lesser beings [as seen in The Book of Job], and the philosophics of men such as Aristotle who saw the hand of an Unmoved Mover or cause Uncaused behind the orderly and dynamic creation he studied.
Some few quotes stand below:
“Oh Ruler of Gods and men, with laws eternal…”
-Venus to Jove
“Oh God of gods, will you grant them an end to their sufferings?”
-Venus to Jove [1]
“And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”
-Genesis 1:26
“The sower of Gods and Men…”
“You shall bear great-hearted Aeneas to the height of heaven’s stars.”
-Jove to Venus
“Oh Jove, for you are said to have made the laws…”
“The Typhonean thunderbolts of almighty Jove…”
-Venus to Cupid
“Kissed the lips of his daughter and spoke to her…”
-Vergil, of Jove to Venus
“Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them.”
-Job 1:6
-1. Venus is also Aphrodite. Jove is also Zeus, both, like many Hellenic-Latin aspects of the divine, have multiple cult names and manifestations. Jove is called the almighty and stands before and outside of Time.
-2. The idea of ascension has many antecedent expressions in Hellenic-Latin faith, with Faith itself represented as a white-haired aspect of the divine, which surely assisted the early church in their highly successful and largely non-violent conversion of the educated class.
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AmericanDagda     Jan 26, 2020

I don't care how you slice it I'll not kowtow to a foreign god, no matter how my fathers remade him in their image, especially one from such a vain and actually racially supremacist people as our Levantine friends. It really should be little wonder that Jehovah grows larger with every telling to overshadow all competition just the symptom of a racial short man syndrome. And as to the Latins and Hellenes and their cults, they've always been more Levantine than Arуan, blood just reasserts itself.
James     Jan 26, 2020

the Hellenes and Latins did recognize more concord with the middle east based on their conquest preferences and even agonistics rituals, which were said to come from Punic and Egyptian sources. Alexander went east, not west.
MRT     Jan 26, 2020

(Western) Civilization comes from the Med. Most modern northern/western pagan larpers fantasize about a glorious past they had that Christianity took away from them, closer to reality is that they were plain good ol barbarians of the lower status, the higher status barbarians were the turkic tribes that kicked them out of their homelands and made them seek refuge in Rome , which they afterwards destroyed! as a thank you and the said larpers have no idea about that, and nowadays they just send their wives and daughters for vacation in turkey.

An other Empire that they don't know jack about is the Eastern Roman Empire , the longest lasting empire ever, an empire with some very unique characteristics. The "west" (what people call nowadays) did not become a thing till after the 1 st sack of Constantinople in 1204 which brought all of C poles riches to the west, a never seen before pillage took place.

The Byzantines did also something else that saved the "west" forever. Because they were the only civilized empire at this side of the planet at the time and the barbarians were much much more than they could handle militarily they used diplomacy , one part of that was through religious means and this is the reason that you have orthodoxy outside of the Byzantine areas (from the Slavs to Sogdanians (who smuggled the silk worms) to Mongolian Queens).

This does no sound much at first but imagine if Russia (and Bulgaria) instead of being Christian were turkified , i ll take a wild guess and say everybody west of Volga would be now larping at best as a tree monkey instead of pagan.

ps.The term Europe itself comes from the Med , much probably not "aryan" in origin

ps2. The term Christian is Greek and the Bible was written in Greek

ps3. I ve said it before, Language is the indication of the state of a civilization , ever wondered why so much Latin and Greek in modern European languages?

ps4. "the Hellenes and Latins did recognize more concord with the middle east based on their conquest preferences and even agonistics rituals, which were said to come from Punic and Egyptian sources. Alexander went east, not west." the was nothing in the "west" , the Romans built the west ,the East was more affluent that is why the Capital late was moved to Nova Roma.
James     Jan 27, 2020

Thanks. Hope I have time to read about Belasarius again.
AmericanDagda     Jan 27, 2020

I'm perfectly happy as a lower order barbarian, don't have any delusions about the state of the world before the coming of Rome, and I don't give a good goddamn about the glories of those southern empires. Proponents of civilization always presume that everybody else wants what they're selling. So they shove it down everyone's throats til their glories become laurels they rest on and their own decadence kills them. The past doesn't have to be magic to not want someone else's future.
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