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‘A Heart Full of Grief’
The Savage Secret Agent Who Ignited the French and Indian War in His Own Words
© 2020 James LaFond
Washington Papers
I believe these are all the letters back and forth from Washington concerning these events. Please let me know if this is what you are looking for.
In addition to the letters and the diary excerpt, I think you should have the entire set of diary entries, that's probably what you wanted in the first place. Sorry about that.
Here is the relevant extract from George Washington's diary concerning the Half-King.

Fort-Ohio, April 18th, 1754.
A speech from the Half-King, for the Governors of Virginia and Pennsylvania.
“my Brethren the English. [1] The Bearer will let you understand in what Manner the French have treated us. We waited a long Time, thinking they would come and attack us; we now see how they have a Mind to use us. [2]
“We are now ready to fall upon them, waiting only for your Succour. Have good Courage, and come as soon as possible; you will find us as ready to encounter with them as you are yourselves.
“We have sent those two young Men to see if you are ready to come, and if so, they are to return to us, to let us know where you are, that we may come and join you. We should be glad, if the Troops belonging to the two Provinces could meet together at the Fort which is in the Way. If you do not come to our Assistance now, we are intirely undone, and imagine we shall never meet together again. I speak it with a Heart full of Grief.” [3]
A Belt of Wampum. [0]
The Half-King directed to me the following Speech.
“I am ready, if you think it proper, to go to both the Governors, with these two young Men, for I have now no more Dependance on those who have been gone so long, without returning or sending any Message.” [4]
A Belt of Wampum. [0]

The adventures of young George Washington are key to understanding Plantation America, for it happened in it’s heart, which was Pennsylvania, while academic discussions of the era center on Virginia and New England. For American Spartacus, with the focus on Indian-Elite interaction at the expense of the yeoman and servant classes, I will pause after this, and complete a look at Washington’s importance and his perspective for the final volume of the series.
For now, Washington gives us a look into the interaction between the primary military arm in English and French and Spanish North America, being the Indian warrior, and his remote masters, the imperialist Plantation owners and Crown authorities. Note that in all three of the founding documents, that the Continental and later U.S. Congress stressed their desire to trade with, ally with and war with Indian nations as sovereign entities without Crown interference, while expressing ZERO European or Christian racial solidarity, the foundation of this nation being planted firmly in real politic thinking. There was no expressed desire to wipe out Indians or assimilate them and early American authorities, just as their colonial Crown predecessors, would tend to favor Indian tribes over frontiersmen, including the persecution of Lewis Wetzel for killing an Indian chief.
Contextual Notes
-0. Each message is spoken to the messengers [Washington and his guide] by the Half-King [who was either racially all English or part English] and accompanied with a gift of valuable shell-belt bead work which was currency in the Eastern Woodlands. Washington has been criticized for permitting the Half-King to murder a French officer they captured, but the Half-King had full masculine authority over Washington in the wilderness, was very probably in Middle Age, was in fact a deep cover agent for the Crown, had gone savagely native, and was losing faith that the hybrid refugee tribe he had been imbedded in was going to be abandoned by the distance governors, as the French had the most powerful Indian forces under their influence. Imagine the Half-King as a special forces soldier in Syria embedded with Kurdish tribesmen, pissed that Trump did not want to commit U.S. military force on Kurdish behalf.
-1. Identifies himself explicitly as racially English
-2. Washington had just met with the older brother of the French officer that the Half-King would soon murder, in an embassy-spying expedition to the current site of Pittsburgh, where the Mudslide-river met the Beautiful-people-river to form the Good-river, a place where numerous refugee bands from powerful European-backed tribes, such as the Mingoes, would collect, amalgamate and tribalize. The French sought to, and succeeded in, turning many English allied Indians [including most of the bands of the Delaware, European Indians named after an English Lord] against the English, pointing out correctly that not only were the Quakers and their Irish/English/Scottish/German slaves unarmed, but that the Quaker merchants were poisoning the young warriors with alcohol and cheating the rest of their people in trade.
-3. This Plantation Era special operations cadre-builder has only managed to gather enough disenfranchised warriors to act as scouts for a hopeful invasion of unarmed Pennsylvania from Virginia and New York, the Crown power centers. For another such Indian chief making a speech which suggests that the English lack courage, see Stillbirth of a Nation for a speech made a year later in Philadelphia.
-4. The two young men would be Washington and his guide, who was a European American man with an Indian name. The Half-King would die soon after he ignited the war which he was apparently charged with cultivating by some unnamed and perhaps recalled colonial officer. Within a year a British army would be cut to pieces and its general killed by a force of French-allied Indians within a few miles of the place where the mysterious Half-King would speak in English to Washington and send him on his way with the two binding belts of colorful seashells. The man, who certainly married into the ad-hoc tribal structures remaining under French influence in order to build solidarity for English alliance, has obviously been abandoned by his handlers and is becoming desperate. How many Indian wars might have been started by a half-breed trying to build or maintain military alliance between their two parent peoples, or by imperial agents gone native?
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