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Out of the Whirlwind
Echoes of Cataclysm and Migration from the Book of Job
© 2020 James LaFond
Tony is the name of the pastor whose sermons I have been attending in Cascadia, who reminds us in passing that the book he is working from was begun at about 4,000 years ago, which would place it at roughly 2,000 B.C., or nearly exactly at that moment in grand chronology when the Aryаn peoples were driven by some force from the steppes of Asia into the forests and mountains of Europe, across the varied climates of the Middle East and into Indian.
The cause is unknown thus far in this investigation. Volume Two will feature a probe into the question of climactic factors.
In the meantime, I would ask the reader to consider the following passages from Job 38 as God speaks to him “out of the whirlwind.”
The normal cause of migration is regarded by many historians to be war. For observers in antiquity, such as Roman and Greek historians, witnessed tribal displacement as did historians of the American frontier, making this a common model. Indeed, two corollary models for early Aryаn migrations used in this project are those of the Crow Indians and Comanche, both tribes harried into poorer lands by more powerful tribes, only to emerge from this migratory crucible as greatly feared war bands. Also, modern migrations are often fueled by war.
However, how do we square the migrations of such dominant warrior peoples as the Aryаns [who killed nearly every man native to Europe in a few hundred years], the Huns and lastly the Mongols, out of the Asian steppes due to some undefined military [read hostile population] pressure, when they consistently conquered established and thriving nations founded on war-making and possessed of formidable armies?
The Germanic tribes, driven before the Huns, fit this model. But still, what drove the Huns? Why would horse peoples consistently seek to move their herds and flocks into forested zones?
One possible answer came to me last week as I headed up into the Cascade Mountains, only into the foothills at between 1,200 and 2,000 feet, walking along a powerline cut, my bare hands gripping my walking stick against possible Bigfoot/Alien abduction. Around the year 2000 I stopped wearing gloves in commercial freezers and on wintry streets as my hands stopped hurting in the cold and I was attacked while gloved and barely managed to draw a weapon in time to ward off the attack. My hands have not been gloved above 10 degrees Fahrenheit often since then.
The skies poured rain, sleet and snow as I walked upward and eastward into a 60-mile per hour wind blowing down out of a rocky crease in the mountains to the east. My hands ached and were near unusable after a mile. Seeing a logging road cut into the deep cedar forest to the right, I cut south up the mountain to save my hands. The two large, hairy dogs with me had been whining for me to do just that. So when I chose the forest track and we stepped into the breach in the towering evergreen trees, they rejoiced and cavorted and my hands were able to bend, none of that ripping, bone-chilling wind penetrating the edge of the green forest as snow filtered down and coated the drooping branches a hundred feet high.
It was like being within a titanic hedgerow in a blind that could hide giants. I thought then, as I trudged through the deepening snow of the forest, my hands protected from the howling winds, on Tony’s readings from Job 38: [0]
“Then the Lord answered job out of the whirlwind, and said…” 1
“Where were you…” 4
“When the morning stars sang together…” 7
“Who shut up the sea with doors…” 8
“Have you entered the storehouses of the snow or have seen the troves of hail?” 22
“Out of whose womb issued the ice and the hoar frost of heaven, who has generated it?” 29
“The waters are hidden as under a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen.” 30 [1]
“Can you bind the good graces of Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion?” 31 [2]
Plainly the racial memory of the peoples of the Middle East preserved, in their scriptures either:
A record of far more severe arctic-like weather than noted in historic times in the regions described in the Bible…
Or a memory of such severe climactic conditions experienced by their ancestors in more northerly latitudes, in a land where deep bodies of saltwater were known to freeze and killing snow was a common threat.
-0. The scriptural quotes are from the King James Bible, with adjustments into more current English made by this writer. Apologies.
-1. Imagine that any sea within the range of ancient, Semitic-speaking peoples might have been frozen over solid, and how different that climate would be in severity or geography from the lands occupied by the people of the Bible in historic times.
-2. That astronomical events were known to corelate with times of trouble among men, is a common theme in pagan records, such as the Aeneid.
Fort Parker
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Bryce Sharper     Jan 30, 2020

"Tony is the name of the pastor whose sermons I have been attending in Cascadia, who reminds us in passing that the book he is working from was begun at about 4,000 years ago, which would place it at roughly 2,000 B.C., or nearly exactly at that moment in grand chronology when the Aryаn peoples were driven by some force from the steppes of Asia into the forests and mountains of Europe, across the varied climates of the Middle East and into Indian."

That event around 2000 BC was the dispersion of peoples from Babel and the confusion of language. Sargon of Akkad(Nimrod lit. "He rebels") was the founder of Babel and a great conqueror. The "force" you describe was supernatural.

After the dispersion, the peoples were put under lesser "gods" which were angels that rebelled with Satan according to Deuteronomy 32:8
James     Jan 31, 2020

C8     Feb 2, 2020

Couldn't help but smile at your change in l'ambience. From being hunted in the "Be More" concrete lands to Bigfoot in the dripping primeval forest.

But do respect the weather out West, James, like a sidewalk saltzomb, not to be f***ed with. They just found the body of an experienced hiker in Olympia, gone missing for 2 weeks. Remember Neal Cassidy's fate, freezing on a rail track in Mexico after surviving all those Kerouacian coast-to-coasts.

I like your theory, btw: from frozen steppe to welcoming woods. But still think the Hun was after blondes.
James     Feb 4, 2020

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