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‘Boomer Proof’
A Page Out of Your Book: A Drive With a Man in His Fighting Prime
© 2020 James LaFond
[written 11/12/19]
I took a page out of the young man’s book and searched the text for a title that would help the viewing analytics, even though the site is not monetized and will not be.
2 children in car seats, each with a smart phone in the back, and Oliver driving, with a satellite display next to his smartphone which is playing documentaries
Oliver: After this [MMA] fight either another one or pro boxing. I’d like to have two pro boxing matches. Alex says I should fight amateur first but I don’t want to.
Sorcerer: Your style is no good for amateur, but you need to fight 154, no heavier or your dealing with six-footers.
Oliver: Yes, I want to keep my walk around weight down under 170 after this.
Sorcerer: How about the job?
Oliver: That’s just until I get enough irons in the fire—its temporary. I’ve got five employees now. If I get six I can trust then I can do what I want, follow my dreams.
Sorcerer: And what’s that?
Oliver: I’m taking a page out of your book.
Sorcerer: Last time I checked my book wasn’t flush with cash and you have two children.
Oliver: Three. Danny just gave birth to our baby girl.
Sorcerer: Okay, anything else to strengthen my point?
Oliver: Look, you dropped a job making good money, then scaled back work until you are just living the dream, following your passion, writing.
Sorcerer: Dude, how do you fit three kids in a backpack? I don’t make shit. I’m down to about $300 a month just because I stuck my foot in my mouth over white identity being externally assigned.
Oliver: That’s my point. If you wrote for profit, if you made content decisions based on analytics, you’d be making money, but all you want to do is write. That’s great for a hundred years from now. I think you’re doing great—you just aren’t going to see the money, it ‘ill be for your descendants. For instance, you have a significant white identity following. You should just write about how cruddy black people are—embrace the hate. I know who you really are. You should be cashing in on the current climate and then change it up when it shifts again but you have your integrity getting in the way, which is good for the long term but not the short term.
Sorcerer: What is your passion, what will you be doing after you’re done beating the shit out of people?
Oliver: I want to make film documentaries. I have all of the equipment, even the camera that is used for 60% of Netflix documentaries. Speaking of which, I have about fifty digital cameras. I have one I need to get a charger for—and you’ll probably want a spare battery for your hikes—that is minimal technology, point and shoot, pretty much boomer proof that I’d like to give you.
Sorcerer: Wow, thanks.
Oliver: Remind me to bring it when we train next—speaking of which, I owe you money for the boxing article.
Sorcerer: You made money on that?
Oliver: You could have been making traffic money years ago, so we’ll do it this way.
Sorcerer: What other irons are in the Jamaican fire?
Oliver: Nude news, girls in bikinis reading the news and doing video game reviews. I placed ads and the first dozen or so girls that answered were freaks. But I signed this one as the lead in—she’ll intro and outro each segment wearing one piece less each time.
Sorcerer: Damn!
Oliver: Go figure, the best looking one has brains and isn’t some hooker. Look, this girl likes video games and wants to review them in skimpy attire.
Sorcerer: Nerds will eat that up.
Oliver: Look at this one.
Sorcerer: You mean that’s real, she wasn’t drawn by a cartoonist?
Oliver: Not at all. She also wants me present along with the photographer, who is a brother, and since she’s a sister, she’s not trusting his ass without some supervision.
Sorcerer: Smart. So where is the Asian chick? You need an Asian chick to complete the Hennessey billboard appeal of this great venture.
Oliver: Absolutely correct. I told the lead-in girl, I was looking for some diversity, that all we had was two blondes and a black chick and we needed something else. So she’s says no problem, she’s captain of the IBT.
Sorcerer: What the hell is the IBT?
Oliver: International Bikini Team.
Sorcerer: Gun reviews?
Oliver: Oh yeah.
Sorcerer: How about girl reviews, who will be reviewing the talent?
Oliver: About that—what are you doing in the spring?
Sorcerer: It sounds like I’ll be suffering from eye strain.
Oliver: Your capacity for suffering on behalf of others is apparently boundless!
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