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In the Shadow of Perversion
WR and JL Discuss the Nature of the Race that Developed the Duel and the War Dog
© 2020 James LaFond
I’ll finish Dogs and Men quite soon, but I have some thoughts regarding those questions you sent today.
1.“I do have one question. Did the CroMagnon, the huntsmen who had failed to displace the Neanderthal for some 100,000 years, did they benefit from the domestication of the dog in their final turning of the tables on their ages old foe, a foe who raped their women, had no missile weapons, seemed to have night vision?
Was the real Grendel of prehistory, the original Man of Europe, the Neanderthal, four-times our strength and incapable of throwing objects and hence inhibited—despite superior brain size—from making the mental leap from thrown stone, to sling, to bow and arrow to gun?”
Scientific research suggests that the first canine domestications occurred throughout Siberia nearly 15,000 years ago. Neanderthal- Cro-Magnon assimilation had largely finished around 40,000 years ago. Science suggests that dogs were not the cause, but archeological data on the subject remains, shall we say, spotty. I personally believe that the numbers are roughly accurate and that Neanderthals were swamped by numbers, a phenomena which is not unheard of in more recent history. But I’ve never been overly interested in the battles between Neanderthals and the forebears of the Basques and Tartessians. They were not, after all, Indo-Europeans except in the geographic sense of the term (although modern Basques create beautiful makila walking sticks which every gentleman should consider using for self-defense).
I was curious about the hound having a possible impact on Neanderthal eradication, because of the unusual level of empathy Arуan tend to reserve for other species and other races. I am perfectly satisfied that as Marvin Harris posits, that a leap in language elasticity among modern Home-Sapiens put Neanderthals at a crucial disadvantage and also that missile weapons, greater population density, combined with a dynamic planning superiority finally did in the group that held our kind at bay for a 100,000 years.
I assume the question settled with your answer of 15,000 YBP on Dog Domestication. However, could this unusual empathy for the “other” for the non-human, the monstrous and the Non-Aryan and Non-Caucasian so unique among Arуans [this is easily proven through a litany of examples] and the fact that we appear to be the only folk who can be collectively guilted by exterior and interior sorcerers into racial suicide have as a source an empathy for the displaced Neanderthal, whose population range nearly perfectly underlies the Arуan range? I point this out due to the fact that Neanderthals seem to have practiced religion before modern Home Sapiens did, and that races with no Neanderthal DNA certainly treat animals more cruelly and are less prone to animal domestication. No other race decries their victories as has ours or raises their enemies in such high noble standing as has ours.
Might this be associated with the following:
-1. Empathy for the other resulting from a hundred thousand year coexistence with Neanderthals from Spain to Siberia, in which the children of human rape victims were permitted to live, resulting in you and I having Neanderthal genes, that may have been expressed in the empathy for animal kind necessary to maximize domestication of hounds, horses and elephants. This is the Hounds of Arуas line of inquiry.
-2. An empathy for the other reflected in legends of giants, dwarves, elves, trolls and even big foot and King Kong which might lie residually in our collective subconscious and is possibly expressed in myths such as Grendel and Essau? Also, as O’Connell pointed out in Of Arms and Men, the distinguishing characteristic of the Arуan warrior is a willingness to fight hand to hand, which is much more pronounced in European Arуans and goes against normal nomadic warrior inclinations. He posited that this would stem from the combat against megafauna in close European Forests, which is exactly how Neanderthals hunted, fighting Aurochs [51% of their diet] with hand held weapons largely on river banks. This I find of interest when looking for a non-Aryan control group, a fanatic warrior society dedicated to hand-to-hand combat. We find that society in Japan, where a 10,000 year process of taking those islands from forest and Mountain dwelling Ainu, a primitive aboriginal race, seems to have heavily influenced their martial psychology. So, might O’Connell’s observation be better focused on such a martial ethic coming from close combat with more primitive humans living in forested and mountainous areas? This was true in Eastern Woodlands America with the classic frontiersman virtually a racially European Indian. This is the line of inquiry followed in Shades of Arуas.
-3. Finally, in Daughters of Arуas, I am moved to wonder, since nomadic folk have as a general rule, a higher level of respect for the feminine—only when living in arctic and subarctic latitudes—and Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon and Anatolian Agrarian society seems to have also been unusually respectful of the goddess image, might these primitive strengths have become our uniquely post-modern weakness, like Achilles’ heel where his mother Thetis held him to dip him in the impervious waters?
2. “Was Europe conquered once with the hound and then again with the horse, and then finally reordered into a war-making machine combining the two into a world-wide scourge?”
The Odyssey and Illiad suggest that hounds and horse were used to prepare for war at the same time. But how and if horses and hounds were used is not the sole consideration as to how the Arуans “did their thing.” When the Arуans came crashing through Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia, they marshalled their horses and hounds in conjunction with natural geographic defenses and (I believe) divine intervention to blunt waves of similar tribal invasions by Huns, Finns, and other Uralic groups. I say blunt, not obliterate. Finland and Hungary survive into the modern age, and in some ways exhibit more martial traits than “ethnic” Indo-Europeans.
But I digress.
This fourfold combination also retarded the more recent invasions of the Jewish merchants, Arab caliphates, and Turkish empires, yet each group managed to carve out a chunk of Arуan territory. Starting in 1492 with the rediscovery of the New World, gaining strength after 1648, and exploding following the Siege of Vienna, the Arуans owe their greatest period of expansion by creating the state as a form of political organization. The fourfold combination and its orbiting corollaries was joined by a fifth characteristic which unfortunately hastened the decline of both the horse and geography as barriers to the disintegration of the old Arуan warrior ethic. This ethic staggered forward thanks to inertia and (I believe) divine providence until the final year of World War I.
My grandfather had the honor of witnessing one of the final cavalry charges in warfare at the Battle of Soissons, and the final march of Scottish pikemen before they finally caved and adopted modern methods of warfare. I’ve enclosed his memoirs for you to sift through, but the following quotes sum up the death of Arуas quite nicely:
“But after we had gone forward for three or four days, then I saw this horrible sight. The beautiful, beautiful horses and the wonderful, wonderful men of the French Cuirassier, the French cavalry, moved forward in a line. They were still fighting the War of 1870. They didn't really realize that machine guns could just decimate cavalry, but they thought we had broken through, and in fact we had. The Germans were fleeing and running so fast that we couldn't catch up with them. The French cavalry started forward, this great long line. As far as your eye could see, a line of calvarymen moving forward, full gallop, pennants flying, a beautiful sight. They were going to catch the Germans and round them up. I don't know how many were left, but suffice to say there were mighty, mighty few, because for days we smelled the dead horses and saw the corpses of the French cavalrymen who had so gallantly moved forward in such a futile effort. Then as you can read in your history, and you'll have to, we captured Soissons and held it.
“Well, up this valley, a very narrow valley, came Scottish troops, and if they weren't the bravest, finest—well, I won't go into how many other words I can think of. But anyway, they did things we wouldn't do. I hit a cave fast. I got into a cave to keep out of this grenade fusillade that was coming down on me from the skies, but not the Scotchmen. I can still hear their funny bagpipes. Marching up that road, the kilts on the soldiers following them, swaying from side to side, and the old bagpipes going "En-yow-yow, en-yow-yow, en-yow-yow," and bam, bam, bam, and down would come the bombs, but it never stopped the Scotchmen. A whole squad would disappear or fall onto the ground, dead, and the rest of the troops just marched right over them. I've never seen such an example of bravery or soldierly conduct in my life. I'm sure American troops would have been told to scatter and get off of that road, but not the British. They just went forward (pages 73, 76).”
While the old Arуans are dead, their mindset lives on! Thinkers like C.S. Lewis retain their outspoken love of martial struggle long after 1918, as do the inhabitants of Appalachia, Kurdistan and the Rockies. Geography still matters today (if not as much as it once did) and the mountains remain critical for maintaining stable control over the lowlanders (Xenophon, Cyropaedia 3.2.2, 3.2.22). Emer de Vattel, the founder of American foreign policy, speaks highly of the Roman acquisition of Sabine brides: “A nation cannot preserve and perpetuate itself except by propagation. A nation of men has therefore a right to procure women, who are absolutely necessary to its preservation (The Law of Nations, 2.9.122).” To make a long story short (too late), the horse and hound were advantages no group but the Arуans successfully maximized. They are much-neglected chapters in the story of Arуan conquest. But they are only two parts of the rich story.
I see the modern wars of industrial annihilation as the crux event where the nation state finally turned on and ate its creators. The entire sport of Savate died in France for instance. As your grandfather noted, Modern War extinguishes the best direct actionists and men of the highest moral character and does so first! It also permits the criminal rear echelon enlisted pilferer and political officer to prosper.
For examples I point to the Book House to House [by Bel…] and About Face by Hackworth. For information on another late cavalry charge, read The Long Walk by a polish officer who served against the Germans and ended up walking from Siberia to India.
3. “Aryans pioneered the domestication of the Horse and Elephant and Dolphin and seem to be the only folk to use the dog for war and active hunting. Indeed a story from Pausanius related a dolphin delivering a man to Corinth after he was tossed overboard in antiquity. Could, the pathetic dog park, the yipping lap dog, the non-breeding dog parent of postmodernity, actually be the twisted child the Arуan’s signature legacy of martial dominance?”
The ever-expanding popularity of toy dogs could very well be what you suggest. But I posit that keeping toy dogs need only be tempered to maintain a healthy society. Why shouldn’t elderly folks be allowed a small dog to care for? As long as they produce an heir, a spare, and a daughter whose dowry they bear, they have done their duty to the state, the volk, themselves, and God. Under such conditions Arуan martial dominance is not unnatural. Quite the opposite. The issue of perversion which you raise arises when a society drops below replacement rate, when a young couple’s energy remains completely devoted to beings which will forever rely on the host for sustenance. This is indeed a postmodern sensation, for while other societies like Rome experienced population decline, it was not for lack of trying (I believe Marcus Aurelius had thirteen kids, but only five survived to adulthood. And that was an example from the highest order. Imagine what the plebes went through). We have the medical wherewithal to allow all thirteen of Marcus Aurelius’ children to survive and thrive, yet only perhaps the Latter-Day Saints raise this number of children today, and are scoffed at for doing so. My given example has numerous complexities which I cannot address in this email, but my point is this: the old Arуan concept of paterfamilias exists today, living in the shadow of the perversion you described in your question.
All my best,
Young man, you helping with this project is an honor and a pleasure. It’s above my pulp pay-grade and I need a more elastic mind to interface with. I see the Arуan empathy for animals, which most races of people find so ridiculous as to be laughable, to be the home in our heart which houses are driving strength and our fatal softness, our bridge either to eternity or oblivion. I personally think that if our kind gives up on expanding beyond this planetary materialism at the center of our current secular humanist ethos, that we embrace the dark latter rather than the illuminating former.
‘Who Dwelt in Darkness’
a warrior be
‘The Misery of Men’
orphan nation
your trojan whorse
taboo you
sons of arуas
barbarism versus civilization
the fighting edge
Squanto Mcgillicuddy     Apr 1, 2020

Mr. LaFond,

I wrote 2 days before about man weekend2020. I was trying to set up that email at the time for further communication but had a hiccup. Anyway, the included email is functional. I understand you are on our occidental coast, though unsure whether you’ll be returning east. In either case, would you be willing or able to take on an apprentice? I would like to learn the way of the warrior poet. I shall soon find myself in a nomadic situation, but I am a licensed driver and truck owner, not on the run from the law, only seeking my purpose. I know that to get to the next level in this game, I must face my cowardice. I would like to learn what you know. You have inspired me with your writings and take on reality, you are an elder whose legacy I would like to honor. I can be useful in addition to transportation, if that is even something that would be useful to you, as perhaps a personal assistant. I could work odd jobs or a full time job, wherever you were living at the time, to help you or us with food and shelter. Perhaps our experience could provide some interesting pen material. What say ye?

Your humble servant,

James     Apr 5, 2020

I'll be back east by May, pandemic permitting.

Would be glad to train with you.

Thanks so much for the kind words.
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