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White Slaves of New Zeeland
Notes on the Pakeha Slaves, Maori Masters
© 2020 James LaFond
The tribal habit of raiding for slaves amongst enemy folk is the ultimate root of slavery. Not until the chieftom stage is there generally enough food surplus to afford the luxury of both not executing and not adopting the slave, and maintaining him as a perpetual cultural outsider within the economic life of the community. It’s large scale institution as an economic model is not applied until agriculture necessitates the miserable death by toil of most in order to supply the few with freedom from sustenance-seeking activities so that they might direct the building of cities, their monuments as well as engagement in the arts. From the dawn of time, expressed in the Old Testament and the New Testament, [1] through Ancient Hellas, Imperial Rome, the House of Islam and into Plantation America up until 1812, the most sought after slave in all corners of the globe was the fair-haired, blue-eyed, European, primarily as sex slaves and craftsmen and also as warriors, most notably under Islam.
Pakeha means "white person" in Maori.
The Pākehā slave captured by Māori as a child
While people are aware of the atrocities of the black slave trade around the world, few are familiar with the enslavement and trafficking of Europeans in 19th-century New Zealand.
For Māori, the sailors, convicts, [2] missionaries, traders, whalers and sawyers who were captured were viewed as the property of their chiefs and existed primarily to serve their masters.
Trevor Bentley's new book, Pākehā Slaves, Māori Masters, details the slave trade in 1800s New Zealand which, as he puts it, was "not something that only white people did to black people".
Children were also sometimes captured - often in retaliation against Pākehā doing the same, as the extract below details.
-1. These sacred documents will be data-mined for references to slavery for The Thirteenth Tribe.
-2. Note that the convicts, were already slaves as were most of the sailors, already enslaved by their own kind. It is interesting how one may only focus on enslavement of the other and never of one’s own race. It is written in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, that slavery was to remain the standard penalty for the breaking of this nation’s laws, as it ever had been under Imperial British Rule. The most concise statements of state ownership of the human being under Modernity are:
-Military conscription
-Laws against suicide
-The 14th Amendment, which supposedly, in myth, freed American humanity from slavery, but rather consecrated a system of penal enslavement based on Plantation Era work houses, gaols, debtor prisons and Plantations. The Angola facility in Louisiana is still—or was circa 2005—referred to by staff and documentary film makers in the History Channel Big House series, as a Plantation.
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