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Anubis’ Gate Complete
Skulking in Harm City on the Overton Railroad: May 8-15
© 2020 James LaFond
Copyright 2020 James LaFond
A Crackpot Book
Publisher/Editor Lynn Lockhart
Written entirely off line from 5/8/2020 through 5/15/20
At 21,166 words and 159 pages in Malgun Gothic 12-point, this typo-ridden, homophone-rich PDF can be yours for whatever you care to give.
Of the 36 chapters, 12 will be posted online at some point and 24 will only appear in the book.
18 years ago I trained with an African nationalist named Ben N’du, who taught himself how to read Egyptian Hieroglyphics. To Ben, everything Egyptian was Bantu African. Yesterday, as the misty rain covered my illegal entry into Murderland, I realized, that as I entered this Baltimore death factor, where people cower in fear of their Black God of Death, in his more than 300 annual manifestations, that I was, in the a very real sense sneaking through the Gates of Anubis, the black, jackal-headed god of the afterlife, for Fascist Population Zone of Maryland and its moral well of despair, Baltimore, now reside in an explicitly post-human phase of Western Civilization. And here I am, skulking in its long shadows, under a wintery May sky, in a land of fear and fright, in which jo man seems to possess within his mind and shred of might.
James LaFond, May 9, 2020
Dedicated to Ben N’du in hopes that he is wearing his African crown somewhere in this realm of dark despair.
The Strongest Man I Know 9
My Daughter is a Slow Reader 11
Where Western Warriors Wend 1 13
Where Western Warriors Wend 2 31
An Email from an Adopted Home 55
A Text from Big-Headed Yakub 59
Why Are Essential Businesses Cutting Back Hours? 60
Breaking the Law with Nero the Pict 63
This Crossroad 67
This Bullshit 70
Into the Afterdeath 72
Omega Men 75
Operation 1 80
In the Hebrew-Bantu Continuum 82
Sensei Steve 85
A Text from Grant 88
Kamas Valley, Utah 94
Mother’s Day 95
Cordoba Party 99
Mom on the Porch and Mister Bruce 100
Homestead Badsmitten 103
Mechanical Shadows 105
Who’s Boss? 117
The Hospital 120
Leo 122
The Barn 125
Back at It 126
Ghetto Hawk 1 134
Out in the Sun 136
Who Owns the Day 139
Pakistani Liquors 141
Androphobia 144
In the Hotel Lobby 147
American Muay Thai 150
Shamdemic Survivor
books in progress
Good Book Bad Book
uncle satan
when you're food
night city
the greatest lie ever sold
the sunset saga complete
on combat
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