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‘To Guard my Frontiers’
The Aeneid of Virgil, Book 1, Part 18
© 2020 James LaFond
[Modestly Dido sat with downcast eyes
Pondering the speech and replies]
Trojans Fate has been cruel to us all
I rule on a wild coast and must be wary of all
We have heard the story of your woes
Harried by the most implacable foes
The dark fortune of your native place
The fame and honor of the Phrygian race
We Tyrians worship the Shinning One [1]
In that Tyrian and Trojan are one
Whether your course is Latin bent
Or you have tumbled here wind-sent
You stand in need
And so shall you be received
Would you sail with our ships in convoy
Or remain to share our fruitful city
We are two lost races on wild shores
Join me and share my wealth and stores
If Heaven did direct the storm to bring
On Carthaginian coasts your wandering king
My people by order shall explore
Every cove and wood along the shore
End 18
The exiled queen immediately finds a chance for a king. This plot twist smacks of fictional serendipity. However, many ancient cities were built and populated by tribal alliances. Elis, the small polis that managed Olympia, had three tribes. Athens, greatest of the Greek cities, had ten tribes.
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