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‘The Hollowing of The Middle’
The Next America by Paul Taylor and the Pew Research Center
© 2014 James LaFond
2014, PublicAffairs, NY, 278 pages
I am sick to death of reading newspapers and magazines. Even the formally intellectual field of libertarian journalism, with its search for the clearest facts, has given over to online rags like Takimag that are nothing but rants against feminists and blacks. The last three online magazines I went on had 100% reactionary content. I agree with much of this content and disagree with just about as much. What bothers me is that every publication just follows a party line. I kid you not, when I say that you will find a wider range of authorial opinion on, than you will in most magazines on the left or the right. It’s pretty bad when my blooming boxing dementia can account for a wider range of opinion than an entire staff.
Hence, the spectacle of this whack job anarchist turning to a centrist researcher for some clarifications. If I have to hear about the ‘extinction of white Americans’ again, even though we outnumber blacks five to one, and blacks are poorer than ever, and the top 1% of the earners are richer than ever and all white, I think I’ll start getting black chicks pregnant just to piss off the wimpy whites who failed to kill me, and will fail again—unless you hire a Korean or a Puerto Rican.
Mister Taylor does not show his political hand and seems to have presented an unbiased report, though the Left and the Right will certainly disagree. This book is a gold mine, and when I return it to the library I may just buy a copy. Here are just a few of the facts that I found enlightening. The commentary is mine, so don’t you crackers and hood rats get your briefs and designer boxers in a knot and go after him. Come kill this guy. I live in Baltimore, on White Avenue—I shit you not. Where else would I locate my plantation? My picture is on the bio page and White Avenue is only three miles long. Come hunt me.
The most stunning finding is that the middle class is shrinking farther and longer than anyone in politics will admit, and have not had it this bad off since the Great Depression. I guess that means we’re in the Great Suppression. Where is the middle class going?
Wealth Disparity
In the mid 1990s white households had 7 times the wealth of black households.
In 2011 white households had 14 times the wealth of black households. Look, drug dealers only make about $8 an hour. They might as well work at Wal-Mart.
In the mid 1980s older households had 10 times the wealth of younger households.
In 2011 older households had 26 times the wealth of younger households.
In 2011 older households had 26 times the wealth of younger households.
In 2011 older households had 26 times the wealth of younger households.
In 2011 older households had 26 times the wealth of younger households.
Oh, I'm sorry, I was just nodding off. I'm getting old you know.
What is happening to the middle class is that they are getting old and dying and having their assets taken by the government through inheritance taxes. Much of the wealth disparity between whites and blacks may be part of the old money/youth poverty trend. This county is not producing many new middle class people. Since some of my readers will blame this all on those rich black guys that are taking all the money back to Nigeria to buy slave wives, let’s go over some racial trends.
The Racial Mix
WASP demographic domination peaked in 1776, yet all but two of the Presidents elected over the intervening 200+ years has been a WASP. And I thought labor unions and knitting clubs were bastions of seniority-based inequity!
The massive black population that has supposedly sucked this country dry is at a stagnant 13%.
The combined Asian/Hispanic population is 22% and will be at 40% by 2060. That's cool with me. We'll have agriculture and math locked down. Besides, thanks to fast food, served up with a smile by 13% of our population, Asian chicks are built like corn fed white chicks and are just as pretty as they ever were—bring them on over by the boatload.
That means that 65% of America is made up of those endangered whites! Look dude that’s a lot. Baltimore is 65% black and sometimes I go for hours without seeing a cracker.
Okay, now for the big one, race mixing! Yes—me first—Beyonce, where you at baby?
West of the Mississippi we have a regular bedroom of Babel, with 20% of those race traitors marrying anything on two legs! It gets worse as you hit the Left Coast, then, by the time you are in Hawaii, 50% of people are not marrying within their race!
Of course, fewer people are getting married in the black community. In 1960 61% of blacks married, now it is half of that.
Nationwide we are looking at about a 14% rate of race-mixing.
What about all of those rich do-gooding government liberals living in Washington D.C.? Are they mixing it up? D.C. is a majority black city, so there is plenty of ebony for that rarified ivory to hook up with. Those government boys in D.C. must not be hip hop fans, because we only have 7% of D.C. married couples crossing the line. What is up with that Democrats?
Now how are the ladies doing?
Women have closed the gap to a nose-to-nose for income and are doing better in education which means the income will follow.
As it is 40% of households have a female bread winner.
We just nicked the surface of this resource.
Paul also sets his sights on religiosity and many another aspects of living in These Subsidized States of America, which he describes as ‘a drama in slow motion’. The Next America is well worth the read.
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