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Celtic Cowboy defeats the Ratslinger
The results of the 113th Annual Oakley Horseshoe Championship
© 2020 James LaFond
J J******
Thu, Oct 8, 8:57 PM (9 days ago)
The 113th Oakley Horseshoe Championship came to a close this evening. Despite James "Ratslinger" Lafonds (red) best efforts he lost to Jake "The Celtic Cowboy" in the championship game. The cowboy put in a dramatic come from behind victory with back to back ringers

Over a month, my rural roommate and I engaged in 9 games of horseshoes.
the general pattern was this, The Hoodrat, wearing red and throwing red shoes, would nickel and dime scrape and claw his way to a big lead. then the young Country Boy would hurl a few ringers or improbably leaners that walked in from as much as ten yards after knuckle-balling outside the pit and close the game.
On Thursday evening, just before his father drove me down to Salt Lake City, the Celtic Cowboy and the Ratslinger were tied a 4 games a piece.
Most of our games were to 11.
the final game was to 21.
Tis was scored:
Ringer 5
Leaner 3
Touching 2
Within a horseshow 1
You can nullify a score by landing on top and covering.
I worked my ass off, gaining an 11-to-3 lead one point at a time, even knocking off my own ringer and getting a leaner.
Then the Celtic Cowboy threw a leaner.
It was 11-6, Ratslinger.
Then the evil Ratslinger threw a ringer and widened the lead to 16-6.
The Celtic Cowboy came back with a ringer to make the game 16-11.
Then, when a neighbor lady pulled up to visit Mom, the Celtic Cowboy threw two ringers at once and, as capitalists do, screwed this proletariat gutter boy out of all that hard work. I'd like to say he then put on a suit and then raided a mutual fund. But we shook hands and headed in to watch a war movie with his Old Man.

Some of the Celtic Cowboys favorite music:
Oh yes, he is one of the Citizen's Noise Exchange band members who does the lead in and outro for the Crackpot Podcast.
Watch "Within A Mile Of Home" on YouTube
Wed, Oct 7, 3:34 PM (10 days ago)
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