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‘The Job of Killing’
Psychology for the Fighting Man, Committee of the National Research Council
© 2020 James LaFond
What You Should Know about Yourself and Others
Prepared for the Fighting Man Himself
With the Collaboration of Science Service
As a Contribution to the War Effort
1943, 379 pages
Kessinger Legacy Reprints Edition

As I visited one of my fighters, a man I have been brother-close with for almost a decade now, my heart wanted to wilt, as he sat in invisible shackles of social control across the table from me, unable to break the new taboo of never the had shaken.
At some point he retrieved a book for me that he had purchased for his own self-improvement, and which he had not read, since “the world went mad.” He wished for me to take and review it, which I do as I sit hundreds of miles west at another brother table recording my impressions, the book too heavy by a few ounces to continue including among my few possessions. The shocking revelation was that the seeds for the current social control misdeeds are outlined in this handbook for the soldiery of global tyranny, for the meat-puppet killers sent across the midnight of the industrial world who lent a toiling hand to the vast machine as it ushered in the Atomic Age from the ruin of it’s predecessor.
The book is written for the educated officer of more than 100 IQ points to enhance his understanding of himself and thence the men under his care. This book is for the leader, the coach, more than for his simpler subordinate. The first 12 chapters of the book are practical advice in the importance of sight, smell, hearing, concealment, training, teaching, cold, heat, drugs, alcohol and practical management of fighting men. The “coach and pupil method” of training is cited as a practical method of teaching practicality outside of doctrinal constraints. The idea was to prep men enough that when they hit combat and survive—which most do—that they have a template for learning from experience and passing it on.
The seeds for our modern system of control are to be found on page 15 on psychology in combat in which “Total War” as an ideal is introduced as a three-headed beast:
“Real defeats, other than death, are psychological in the end. The enemy gives up, surrenders. You have to kill the enemy or make him surrender; there isn’t any other kind of victory. If he is fanatical, you may just have to kill him. Americans would rather get him to surrender.”
This is gold, pointing to the unique slave instinct of the American for submission, either as the slave or the master. The retooling of Plantation America into Industrial America is then worked seamlessly into the adaptation of that slavish democratic worldview into the global matrix of submission. Submission remains the watch word, from bending the knee to the slave master in 1676, the bowing of morality to an economic social contract in 1776, the fanatic embracing of manifest destiny in 1876 and then the crusade against ethno-nationality in 1946, outlined here in practical terms for the training of the meat-puppet soldier in 1943 and then illuminated over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945—a mushroom cloud of reverse morality that would eradiate the world.
This process has resulted in pure psychological warfare by the media army of occupation, with military action and economic action serving merely as stage props in the theater of public opinion. The overcoming of cultural and national self-interest manifests itself in the final third of the book, after technical aspects of combat training are covered. Many things that are currently holy truths in the American Mind, which we were taught were born in the Civil Rights struggles of the late 1950s through the 1960s, ae explicitly touted as doctrinal foundations for global conflict.
Most powerful is the discussion of mobs and panic on pages 317-327 and of racial prejudice from 328 to 340. The supposedly race-based army of pale supremacy of 1943—which did have racially segregated units, a practice all nations used until recently to improve unit cohesion and, military pride and competition between units to gain fame in battle—is self-proclaimed by its training officers as an army of global racial tolerance. The soldier is admonished to look away from the Chinese cruelty to his dog and mule, and to avert his eyes from the Muslim oppression of women, and to treat every man the world round as his moral equal. These are polices cited as practical measures necessary while fighting as members of an alliance, and which continue to this day, with the winning “hearts and minds” mantra dedicated on one hand to ease the American soldier’s interaction with other nationalities and faiths and at the same time undermine that nation or faith’s purchase on the minds of its people. This is ominously foreshadowed in the constant use of the term “democracies” to designate the enemies of the evil Axis powers.
It has been noted by many reluctant American minds that our men seem to murder people continuously and by horrific industrial and night-skulking means around the world in a never-ending process of bringing the “freedom” of “democracy” to nations opposed to this form of government, even as the U.S. remains, on paper at least, a Republic, not a democracy. It is with an admiration for the genius of the Science Service of the WWII U.S. Army that this reader notes that the supposedly incidental, accidental and opportunistic drift of American ideology from Republican to Democratic was intentionally constructed as military police in 1943 or earlier, and that the first men indoctrinated into “globo-homo” ethics were WWII U.S. army officers. Indeed, homosexuality is touted in this manual as compatible with military activity—which it is, having been practiced by the Spartans, Samurai, the riders of The Prophet and the sailors of Britannia—so long as the homosexual soldier refrains from raping heterosexual soldiers, with an indication in the text that in the U.S. Army of the 1920s and 1930s there were known and uncited cases of homosexual rape.
The aspect of fear as a social contagion was well understood in military and clinical terms by 1943 and is discussed in depth. The concepts of fear and shame, of assigning the sins of the dead to the living, of gas-lighting and rumor as shadow soldiers in the ultimate goal of achieving submission are well-illuminated for the leader of men, and echo stridently down to this mind. Demos and the draft are linked tightly in opening of chapter 15 as foundational to the induction of an industrial slave into the military. Truth is the monster to this military mind set, not its goal. But then again, “you can’t boss a brick!” so motivation in the form of manipulation is necessary.
The leader here, in a book read by tens of thousands in 1940s America, is declared to be a “symbol” not an actor! Yet our entire nation is still addicted to the ideal of the leader as the actor. Thus the System has become Oz behind the curtain of symbols.
The discussion of morale as zest versus apathy, is instructive in terms of psychological warfare when I reflect on my fighter being so demoralized by the lockdown and the prevention of masculine action, that he was rendered—with plenty of time on his hands—incapable of considering this text, of even cracking the cover and entrusted it to me, a visitor to his media-imposed prison. The current attack on the American mind could have been predicted from this manual as soon as the System of Control turned on its inmates with an eye towards their reduction rather than as a tool of some other system’s destruction. I take this as evidence that the System in question now reigns without significant opposition from any rival system and that it’s subordinate actors have now been judged a threat to it, just as Caesar and Aetius and Bellasarius were judged as threats and eliminated by the System they had served in the destruction of rival systems as soon as they returned victorious to their master, like a dog slain by its owner after it has killed the last wolf.
A reading of this book has convinced this reader that all of the revelations of social justice from 1968 through 2020, which have supposedly been recent civilian innovations in thought and morality, down to and including the shamdemic lockdowns and city-burning street theater, were all laid out as U.S. Army policy in 1943. Most chilling is the insistence that killing is a job conducted by a practical actor in service to a higher good that is not his to “reason why, but to do or die,” with efficiency of action the highest human value.
The book virtually ends with the following quote from page 355:
“Death can be inflicted upon the bodies of the enemy, destruction upon property, but defeat is a conquest of the mind.”
The genius of this guiding principle is its context, that virtually no Americans can conceive of submission as defeat, and see only death or destruction as the objects of war, and thence contextualizing the colonization of their mind and the caging of their soul as agreement.
Here we sit, marinating as potential grease for the grinding gears of The Machine.
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