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High Irish
And an Off-the-Cuff Crackpot History of Greater Ireland
© 2020 James LaFond
Could you expand on the Irish throwing off the Viking yoke and the English no longer subject to them about 1000 years ago?
My limited understanding of the history only covers the Viking invasions, eventual rise of Kingdom of England in response (Alfred & Æthelstan) then the Normans came in. Think the Irish had the same experience, they eventually defeated the Vikings but the Normans came in soon afterwards.

Jared, this information is covered in more and less detail beginning on page 35 of Advent America, my unpublished manuscript on Preconditions for Rebellion in Plantation America, including the Pre-Columbian question, a vast subject I barely graze.
Below is a rough timeline by century only:
-4th Century B.C.: Pytheus of Marsallia, a Greek, visits Irish settlement in Iceland.
-1st Century B.C.: Romans defeat Irish naval forces off Brittany [France] in a close fight.
-1st Century A.D.: Britain conquered by Rome, deep water Irish naval forces making this impossible for Ireland, and the Roman’s only go as far as the Isle of Anglesey.
-5th Century A.D.: Ireland is spared the massive Germanic invasions that hit Britain when the legions withdraw. Ireland becomes a storehouse of high literary culture.
-8th and 9th Century AD.: Vikings drive Irish Icelanders west to North America.
-10th Century: Norse appropriate abandoned Irish settlements in Greenland, the Irish having already gone west.
Specific dates of Viking Conquest in the West:
-England: 793
-Dublin: 795
-Iceland: 800
-Normandy: 911
-Greenland: 982
-Vinland: 1000 is settled, but a large Irish presence there prevents extensive Norse settlement. Iron hearths and artifacts from both cultures are extensive and DNA tests show that Amerindians of this region share western European lineage.
The dynamics with religion circa 980-1003 was a flight of Thor cultists away from the King of Norway who forced snakes down the throat of Heathens who did not convert to Christianity.
-Ireland in 1013: The Battle of Clontarf reduces Norse influence in Ireland. By 1020 Norse being blown off course between Iceland and Vinland are being butchered and enslaved by Irish.
-England in 1066: Conquest by the Viking Normans, another example of Germanic warriors learning the ropes of Christianized Roman politics and finance and imposing their will on Germanic cousins.
-1170 in Ireland: Norman rule is extended to that country and would begin almost a millennium of domination by the rulers of Britain.
“…the Norman conquest in A.D. 1170 placed the welfare of the Danes who remained in Ireland in greater jeopardy than ever before. Expelled by the Normans from inside the walls of the five great cities they had built, deprived of all civil rights and finally of their lands, they had either to get out of Ireland or to become serfs of the Normans, bound to the land or sold or traded with it.”
-Arlington Mallery, page 141, The Rediscovery of Lost America

The Irish not only avoided Roman colonization in Late Antiquity and Dark Age conquests by German Saxons and Jutes and such, but their domination by the Norse in the latter Dark Ages and early Medieval Warm Period was mostly limited to coastal cities and rivers, while the natives of England suffered under the Danelaw, had half or more of their land under centuries of foreign occupation, and were then conquered by the Normans a full century before those war weavers would conquer Ireland, and that domination of the Irish was never as total as the domination of the Anglo-Saxons and Breton folk in England had been since 1066, until the rise of Cromwell in 1646.
The Algonquin tribes of the lands of Greater Ireland would retain Irish loan words and be relatively accepting of Jesuit Catholicism. The less numerous Iroquois tribes, who showed extreme hostility to the French Catholic colonizers from the 1500s through 1700s, and would ally themselves firmly to English Protestants against these mutual hereditary enemies, had much Norse religious, architectural and military heritage and many loan words in their vocabulary.
There was something among the Gaels of the British Isles that resisted Roman and Middle Eastern ideals of bondage and servitude more strongly than most European races across some 1800s years. Perhaps it was just their peripheral position on the Atlantic fringe. There was also something about the Germanic character, especially among the Norse, and most intensely among the Normans, that predisposed them to eagerly take up and strengthen ancient notions of bondage held by the races of Middle Sea antiquity and to aggressively wield political power in the Roman spirit of total colonization. That dedication to the colonization of the collective mind is something that we shreds of humanity continue to wrestle with to this damned day.
I hope that helps, Sir.
I expect Advent America and Search for an American Spartacus to be published in two large hardback editions in summer 2021.
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Jared     Nov 6, 2020

Dayum James, just asked a simple question and dude goes all Winston Churchill, A History of the English Speaking People and shit in one blog post.

James     Nov 7, 2020

You are welcome.

I made a mistake in naming the isle of Anglesey Mann and corrected it an hour ago.
Gwydion the Wose     Nov 7, 2020

Blood memory boils up,

And hate flows

Nice summary well done
James     Nov 8, 2020

Thanks Gwydion.
Increase Mather XXI     Nov 24, 2020

Did not the Vikings sell Irish lasses to the pashaliks of Morocco for a time?
James     Nov 24, 2020

Will do as an article tomorrow, sir.

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