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Enjoy The Decline: Accepting and Living with the Death of the United States by Aaron Clarey
© 2014 James LaFond
2013, Aaron Clarey, 215 pages printed on demand in Lexington Kentucky, on May 03, 2014
On page 139 this godless Libertarian recommends killing yourself rather than spending your end as an invalid sucking up the earnings of your youth! Page 139 is worth the price of the book.
On page 187 he gives the best definition of a ‘leftist’ I have ever read.
Who is this guy?
From what Aaron writes in the introductory matter, he is a man that came of age in a hot dogs and apple pie American paradise that is completely alien to me. Aaron came from a rarified slice of America I have never experienced. Then, one day this educated conservative/Libertarian ‘patriot’ woke up in the America I grew up in!
Surprisingly enough Aaron came to the same conclusion I did, that the answer to enjoying my last days on this ‘Planet of the Apes’ and accomplishing something worthwhile, costs less money a year than we used to pay in income taxes. It boggles the mind that some video game geek with a religious upbringing and an education has come to the same conclusion through diligent soul searching and research that my own feral animalistic resentment of domestication brought me to.
Enjoy The Decline is a nice read. I do not agree with the man’s politics, but then again I don’t agree with your politics either, so give him a try. It’s printed in America, perhaps by an American!
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