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Hobo Fitness?
Brent Askins wants to Know How The Hobo Stays Fit: Part 2 of 2
© 2020 James LaFond
Brent, I am not athletically fit. I was crippled for about a weak late in October from trying to snag a ground ball along the first base line in wiffle ball with a ten-year-old. I’m a piece-of-shit.
I can spar for hours and train for longer than many much fitter young men simply because I am relaxed in combat training situations.
Now, thanks to Rick putting me on a paleo diet 16 months ago, I have maintained a 175-pound weight [which is 30 pounds over my optimal fitness] for the past 9 months after losing 54 pounds in 2 months.
Let’s review my fitness efforts since August:
-10 days with Rick, walked 4 miles per day and used light dumbbells for an hour every second day
-5 days with Electric Dan, walked 2 miles a day and sparred for an hour or more every day with Dan
-2 months with Bob, walked a mile or two a day and worked 4-10 hours a day, ranging from berry picking to chopping out a tree stump with a mattock.
-a week in Oakland writing and drinking in a hotel
-In Portland, I try and limit my walks to a mile a day since crime is so much more a feature of life than it used to be. Twice a week I walk home alone, drunk from a bar. The rest of the week I either hit the bag in the garage where I sleep, or use the nice set of dumbbells in 6 weights and once a week spar with someone. This low activity level has me limiting my diet more and also focusing my weight and bag training on rehabbing my various injuries.
-When I get to the Cascades, I expect to be hiking 7 miles a day into the mountains with the Colonel’s dogs and doing shadow stick exercises and splitting wood in his barn. During those two months I hope to lose 10-20 pounds, as I lost 15 there last year.
My time on the trains constitute a restful limbo of reading and relaxing and fasting.
Carissa and Rick
‘I Was Lost Without You’
the lesser angels of our nature
sons of arуas
when you're food
under the god of things
masculine axis
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