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‘In His Deepening Twilight’
The Conflict of Values by Alfred Rosenberg #1 0f 11
© 2020 James LaFond
Reading from pages 55 to 129 of Book 1 of Myth of the 20th Century, originally published in 1930, 1982 Black Kite Publishing reprint
I have very much enjoyed the sensitive and insightful cadence of this now 90-years-old book of racial theology penned by a man who would be hanged for the crime of writing this book a life time before my birth. Having read the entire book, I am stricken by the fact that it is almost purely religious, a review of Arуan spiritual and religious life reflected through a political and racial spectrum from archaic, classical and late Antiquity and through the Middle Ages, the Reformation and into Modernity. It reminds me, in terms of structure and focus, of Jason Reza Jorjani’s Prometheus and Atlas.
Nowhere does it call for violence, with the general tone being that of looking back on the last of mankind’s great wars and looking forward to a time when all peoples—barring none—would have their own homeland. There is even a call for the end of colonization.
His first section is titled:
Chapter I. Race and Race Soul
The literary journey is a metaphysic one, back through Time to the earliest shared mythology of the Indo-European or Arуan peoples—the sons of the war bands. Rosenberg utilizes, as his best secondary source, Jacob Buckhart, who he despises for not being a race fanatic. Buckhart however, provided the best 19th century distillation of the conflict of cultures within ancient Hellas, which was the proximate antiquitous upwelling of the Arуan soul, the aspirational, mind-expansion and physical exploration of the world that is quintessentially Arуan and accounted for the vast majority of our still extant threads of genius. Buckhart did not permit his book to be published until after his death, as his findings disturbed him, flew in the face of standard academics, but fell short of the racial fanaticism of Rosenberg. I am lucky to have read Buckhart, Rosenberg’s disapproving view yet dependence on his monumental intellect, giving this reviewer a middle ground to consider this idea of “race soul,” the idea of a collective soul, which is currently only acceptable among ultimate genocide theologians [globalists, believing in a single, global collective soul] and among African Americans who are currently regarded as morally superior to all other human types.
Rosenberg was laboring under a shroud he could not pierce, that of genetics, that now shows that the Arуan conquests were genocides of men and marriage with their wives, sisters and daughters. So, what he sees as an underclass upwelling of old earth and death gods sabotaging the illumination of the Arуan sky gods and the slow erosion of racial purity, was, unknown to him, baked into the cake of conquest. Where he fantasized that pure Arуan nobles ruled slave societies of dark-haired peoples, it turns out that these Arуan men married the dark-haired women they won. Had he had the DNA evidence, he would have had to answer the question:
Can the sons of a race of conquerors, when they take their father’s place, truly be expected to hate and despise everything about their mothers, who their fathers cherished enough to marry?
Rosenberg properly eschews the universalist notion of pure economic social evolution being the same for all peoples everywhere, something that has since been quietly disproven but lingers as a false assumption. His very standard and responsible charting of Arуan conquest and assimilation is something I found in my own research into the gods of boxing, in which various invasions of Arуans can be charted by the sky gods they brought with them:
Poseidon, Breaker of Horses [Aryan conquest]
Zeus, displacing Poseidon [Aryan conquest]
Apollo, assimilated under Zeus [Aryan alliance]
Hermes, assimilated under Zeus [Aryan alliance]
Heracles, assimilated under Zeus [Aryan alliance]
Kantor, assimilated under Apollo [failed invasion, pseudo-alliance, indicating wane of Arуan impetus out of the Hinterland]
And then, as Rosenberg documents, the remaining feminine deities of the conquered women folk and some decadent masculine deities such as Osiris/Dionysus begin to assert a corrosive, feminizing, naval-gazing influence from within, which is cyclic and to be expected.
He writes some beautiful passages:
“…the subtle welling up of the ancient sap of life and values.”
He writes of a unique singular race resistance, where I would write a general resistance to domestication, stronger among some races than others.
He correctly, in my view, places the ancient Nordic cultural center as being in the Atlantic, on a mid-Atlantic ridge land mass which we now know was once terrestrial in the Ice Age and accounts for the eastern Amerindian and western European similarity in DNA and the competing ideologies of the Eagle and the Serpent, and the absence of linking racial groups in western America and eastern Asia. This is something he got right which can now not be entertained because of the failure of his master’s race crusade.
The fact that virtually all of science, science-fiction literature and space exploration were the province of a single racial diaspora is indicated in, “…swarms of warriors once fanned out in obedience to the ever renewed and incarnate Nordic longing for distance to conquer and space to shape.”
Unfortunately, his over-domesticated and deterministic, slavish mind’s eye cannot abide the cycle, of which nothing is more certain on this earth, and he cleaves to the ideal of a holy grail as infinitely renewable and incorruptible and in “obedience,” forgetting that a race is a living thing and not an obelisk of ever-renewing origins. Races may die, may be killed and do not have to be as low in the mind as the Tasmanians to achieve extinction.
His argument against cyclicity is flatly wrong and punctuated by the fate of him and his annihilated race. It does not disprove his point that something special arose in the Arуan soul 4,000 years ago—very special indeed when one considers that the sky god values of light-bringing and illumination brought out of the steppes 400 centuries ago have only now fallen to utter ruin, compared to the values of the Mongol hordes holding sway for only 1,000 years from the Huns of 400 to Tamerlane in 1400, and each of their specific conquests suffering crippling assimilation within three generations, or less than 100 years. Rosenberg’s belief in racial purity to the point of placing as the apex value aristocratic inbreeding of the idiots who destroyed Western Civilization in 1914, is an understandable failure of perspective.
The only contention of his this reader finds fault with is his strong belief in enslavement, of slave class and master class, the condition that most assuredly results in cross-breeding and racial self-hatred of the worst kind. He was yet a slave to the mercantile ideal which he correctly identifies as one of the three power structures in Western society.
Despite Rosenberg’s reluctance to combine his race theories with power dynamics in the domestic setting, he nicely points out that Protestantism and heresies such as the Waldensians and Albingnesians represented upwellings of the Arуan resistance first noted in Arrianism [a type of Christianity that Moderns cannot believe existed or understand] and resistant to slavish religious ideology from the earliest corruption of Roman metaphysics by Etruscan child rape and execution very much like the modern elite child rape system of control. That the Reformation was Germanic before all else, he documents well.
He wraps up his case for a long-played game of millennia, even as he witlessly toddles towards the abyss of end time solutions as if the 2,000 years of cultural corruption and twisted human timber could be straightened with one industrial comb:
Quoting from page 115, with my text breaks for emphasis:
“…the existence of three fully developed and contiguous systems throughout Europe.
“The first was the original Nordic [1] west, based on freedom of the soul and the concept of honour; [2]
“the second was the fully matured Roman [3] system which required humble and submissive love in the service of a centrally governed priesthood;
“the third was the naked harbinger of chaos—limitless materialistic individualism with its goal of world domination by money as a force, unifying and type forming.” [4]
There are many very pleasing narrative aspects of Rosenberg’s text and he carried a metaphysic narrative far better than the anecdotal Joseph Campbell ever did. I have very much enjoyed this reading thus far, having found it not the chore I was told it was. Rosenberg’s best point is that the inherent duality of Christianity was had through the influence of pre-Christian Zoroaster and the magi metaphysics of Persia, an ultimately Arуan source, a view with which I find agreement. Other than the praise for inbreeding and enslavement, my only other objection to his theology thus far, is in its determination that we are nothing but racial bots without free will or agency, which is inconsistent with the Arуan ideals of honor, creative space-shaping and illumination he extols.
-1. Rosenberg seems to have no idea of distinguishing between Gaelic or Germanic, making this a broader category than what is currently regarded as Nordic.
-2. Honor is the system of self-regulating based on internalized high ideals rather than following coercive creeds or laws and is alien to the modern mind and seemingly all of Africa and Asia outside of small pockets such as the Punjab and Japan and only ever had wide currency in western Europe and eastern North America.
-3. Rosenberg postulates that Rome was hopelessly corrupted in the cradle by Etruscan—being Near Eastern—influence. Virgil covers this metaphorically in the tale of Carthaginian Dido and Trojan Aeneas.
-4. Although Rosenberg and his adherents would lay this ideology at the feet of only one specific people, in Plantation America and earlier in medieval Europe and ancient Rome, the worship of economy of scale in wielding master power over slave folk seemed to have been a key Teutonic quality, with Germanic or Nordic kings among the most likely wielders of religious tyranny in service to geopolitical gain, with only the Gaelic branch of the “Nordic” peoples demonstrating any resistance to the Roman system or international slave-trafficking more strident than the norm. This money system had utterly corrupted the most ancient Near Eastern civilizations before the people who he proposes as its only purveyors existed as a religion or ethnicity.
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