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White Boy?
White Boy by Nazareth Homo Rockers in Service to Delusion and Slavery Denial
© 2020 James LaFond
Daily Slave Life
“…according to this old song here below, that sort of thing [slavery] wouldn't be done to honkies James. So who's right here?”
-New Ledford, on the exclusivity of slavery

Oh, in English, "boy" only ever meant one thing until the late 1800s, and that was "slave." A free male child was a "lad."
Also, "white" was not a racial designation in Europe until the late 1600s, did not gain general use until the late 1700s and did not supplant national and religious identities like American and Christian until the late 1800s.
So "White Boy," is a supremely anachronistic term, which from about 1300 to 1700 meant, "butt-raped European sex slave in Muslim bondage, often castrated."
Interestingly, since this song was recorded in the 1970s when “Home Children” were still being sold into slavery from Great Britain to various commonwealth nations, often abused, beaten and raped, this cucked song by privileged faɡɡots from that very Island, stands as proof that delusion and a lack of reality perception is baked into the cake of Western Civilization. Every faɡɡot in a dress on his knees wants to believe he is the master, even as he gags like the slave he is.
Literally the only period in which “white” children were not trafficked into bondage on a large scale was from 1932 until the present. Our Historical memory is far inferior to any pre-literate society. I have always been fascinated by the state of worship that Americans hold the reptilian British Royals, as very gods. Ironically, those British arch-fiends who received one fifth of the proceeds from the sale of kidnapped children from the 1600s through the 1800s, are worshipped by the descendants of those they cursed to captivity.
Perhaps most of us are born slaves, fit for little else?
I recently had a conversation with one of the few men I know who has read over 1,000 books and tens of thousands of newspapers. Once again I told him some facts, from primary source documents and he said, “Well, with the internet I can believe you or not believe you—there is always an opinion opposite and we just get to decide what our truth is.”
He is right, speaking s an American who only reads secondary and tertiary sources and never the actual primary source. The American reader, the more well-read and educated his is, is more inclined to read opinion and interpretation of an unrevealed source. The source is merely cited or quoted out of context. That is why I use primary sources for Plantation America and why most American yet believe that it was called The Colonies, when it was actually called The Plantations.
Unfortunately, Americans read for enjoyment and as a search for serenity and are hence incapable, in the main, of reading a book written in another age and remain locked into the false polarity of this comic book age.
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‘Thoroughly Scrubbed’
‘A Kind of Externalized Conscience’
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within leviathan’s craw
winter of a fighting life
logic of steel
time & cosmos
the greatest lie ever sold
honor among men
Increase Mather XXI     Dec 22, 2020

Oh, in English, "boy" only ever meant one thing until the late 1800s, and that was "slave." A free male child was a "lad."

Interesting, I had not heard that before. Thanks for that tidbit James.

Interestingly, since this song was recorded in the 1970s when “Home Children” were still being sold into slavery from Great Britain to various commonwealth nations, often abused, beaten and raped, this cucked song by privileged faɡɡots from that very Island, stands as proof that delusion and a lack of reality perception is baked into the cake of Western Civilization.”

Nice. Yeah, as a fan of classic rock/hard rock, I’ve heard plenty of Nazareth (most famously their classic “Hair of the Dog,” which most everyone loves) and have enjoyed it. This track, however, never sat well with me. Even before learning about what all went down for real, something about it seemed ‘off’ to me. Also, I was of the opinion that hard rock should be apolitical and un-PC, so this particular lecture seemed out of place. To top it all off the truth is the exact opposite of the lyrics! Nazareth, now you’re messing’ with a- a son of a bitch!

“Literally the only period in which “white” children were not trafficked into bondage on a large scale was from 1932 until the present.”

True. Many tracts had been written on the traffic in white boys and girls around turn-of-the-century/early 20th century regarding this matter.

“Our Historical memory is far inferior to any pre-literate society.”

Damn right it is. A to think, will all the ready availability, and the free time, we are less knowledgeable than ever, on the important things only of course.

“Perhaps most of us are born slaves, fit for little else?”

Aristotle? Hah!

“I recently had a conversation with one of the few men I know who has read over 1,000 books and tens of thousands of newspapers. Once again I told him some facts, from primary source documents and he said, “Well, with the internet I can believe you or not believe you—there is always an opinion opposite and we just get to decide what our truth is.”

Yeah man, I get to decide what my truth is bruh, I’ll determine the facts of hundreds of years ago maaaaan!

James, you’ve mentioned before about how 4 million slaves indentured servants had left 2 million descendants by the Civil War. Could you expand upon any primary sources for that? Thanks.
James     Dec 22, 2020

Advent America, not yet titled, is where I did that work.

Basically, about 4M Europeans from 1600 became 2.2 million by 1783 and 400k Africans from about 1670 became 10 times that number by the civil war.

The numbers in Europeans are estimates as the records were largely destroyed.

One solid number is 50,000 Germans shipped to Philly in 1748, 25,000 surviving, from Gotlieb Mitterberger's book, which I summarize in the Greatest Lie Ever Sold.

Crackerboy has numbers for runaways in Maryland over a 50 year period which show Africans as only 1% of the runaways and females as only 10%, indicating a predominantly male, European slave class—a none-breeding population.
Increase Mather XXI     Dec 22, 2020

I have America in Chains.

"Basically, about 4M Europeans from 1600 became 2.2 million by 1783 and 400k Africans from about 1670 became 10 times that number by the civil war."

African figures run from 305k to 450k. I've heard 650k once, but that seems high to me. Do you know the 'official' figure? Also, weren't the bulk of the African slaves brought in during the decades leading up to the War for Independence?

"Crackerboy has numbers for runaways in Maryland over a 50 year period which show Africans as only 1% of the runaways and females as only 10%, indicating a predominantly male, European slave class—a none-breeding population."

That's OK. Ya see, they were indentured servants, so that means they had a blast.
James     Dec 23, 2020

Indentured servant is an anachronistic term invented to discount slavery.

The basic African number is 330k sold, which means about 400k shipped, out of 10 to 20m taken out of Africa, 90%+ went to the Muslim world.

Most of those shipped to the Americas were shipped between 1685 and 1740.

Most of these were sent to Brazil.

Almost all of the rest went to Cuba and Haiti.

By the 1770s there was severe resistance to continued immigration reflected in the Constitution, which placed an outer limit at 1804 for imports. High crime by slaves housed by the elite was a big factor as they were free to roam at night.
Mike_C     Dec 29, 2020

Re history vs what we are told is history:

"The State media are against you. Corporations are against you. The people who own advertising are against you. You do not deserve to exist. You do not deserve to have a true history. Worse, your history does not even have the dignity of being erased and forgotten. Your history is being OVERWRITTEN. It's being repaired you might say."

That was part of my comment somewhere else, where I was noting that the BBC now has an Black woman playing Anne Boleyn. Which is totally okay because the Queen of England in the 1500s was obviously a negress. (Somehow this is okay, great even, in a world where people are losing their shit because Gal Gadot, a Mediterranean-looking woman, was cast to play Cleopatra, a Greek. Apparently Cleopatra should be played by a Black African because dey wuz Kweenz.)

Why is this happening? In large part because our educational system and our popular culture (modern mythology) are under control of spiteful mutants. Full of envy, resentment and poorly concealed self-loathing, these mutants cannot bear the thought of anyone else having an ancestry and a history that they can be proud of. On the flip side of the coin, whites are not allowed to have any history of suffering or abuse. (Blacks are allowed suffering, but only because it serves the meta-narrative wherein whites are the oppressors.) Only the suffering of the mutants—axiomatically the innocent victims—can be allowed to matter. Any other narrative must be destroyed.
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