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Sorrows of Childhood
A Plantation America Series on Child Slavery from 1617 through 2021
© 2020 James LaFond
Who would have thought that the most beautiful young European woman I have ever seen in person would be shoveling snow in a Baltimore City yard in 2017?
The goons that trafficed her to Baltimore and sold her ass on the penthouse floor of the Hyatt Regency down at the Inner Harbor, that’s who.
Abduction and sale of young adult women is recognized as common place in our society. I know three women who have been the targets of this trade, personally know them.
We also know that 400,000 Africans were sold into this country and most agree that the woes besetting the current population descended from those poor souls is in large part rooted in that experience.
However, despite the common literary expression of boyhood in early 20th century America being fraught with abduction, homosexual rape, forced labor and institutional torture recounted by such men as Panzram, Black, Carlisle, London and having affected such greats as Jack Johnson and Jack Dempsey, we are somehow told to believe that in that earlier period between 1600 and 1820, that European boys were not abducted and sold and abused, but were rescued from poverty and orphany and given opportunity.
Why do we choose to believe this massive falsehood, especially in the clear light of now, in which it is obvious that our top politicians are child rapists?
How stupid can 300,000,000 Americans be?
Roughly 4,000,000 people were sold from Europe into English Speaking North America between 1617 and 1804. The vast majority of these people were male, and were aged from 10 to 18.
It is now assumed, that since they were not African or Indian, that they were well treated and thrived, despite the fact that by 1787 there were only 2.2. million European Americans alive in the young nation and fully 25% of them were unfree, men such as Messach Browning, whose story was told in America in Chains. Such men as Peter Williamson, whose story is told in Stillbirth of a Nation, sold into bondage in Pennsylvania in the 1740s, rarely escaped bondage for long, and were repeatedly returned to that state and did not acquire wives. America truly was the land of opportunity for that small group of people who could afford to buy other Europeans and the occasional African. For even the wives were purchased, often unfree themselves, being sold into conditions that killed most of them by age 40, to be replaced by a servant girl of 18, elevated to wife above the household staff.
Recently, when I asked Lynn, my editor, to conduct a search for information concerning the traffick in European boys into America, Australia and such shitholes as South Africa and Canada [where two of my ancestors were sold to French owners] she was brought to tears. I could hear her choking up on the phone based on her findings. It would have been a great crackpot podcast moment, with me laughing and her crying over some terrible fate befallen so many of the weak and helpless.
Yet still, the American mind, fully capable of imagining statuesque beauties abducted for the sex trade today, and even warriors depicted in film by NFL running backs run down in the African bush by pith helmet wearing English slave-traders long before malaria vaϲϲines were available, is stridently resistant to the idea that little children, such as depicted in a dozen classic works of literature by Charles Dickens, were sold into bondage and mistreated as horribly as any ancient Isrаelite in Egypt or Breton in degenerate Rome.
Three years ago, when I visited the Old Flushing Cemetery where tens of thousands of poor Irish and English servants were tossed in mass graves and sunk in unmarked graves in that potters’ field, I was sickened to discover that because this atrocity was conducted on the site of an Indian Burial Ground and in its final stage served as the grave site for six privileged African American servants of the elites—the only entered person with head stones—that this mass grave for poor child laborers had been declared a Native American/African American cultural site.
At that point, I realized that the original 13 states of this misbegotten nation, born as a lie and erected on the bones of urban orphans sent to clear a primal wilderness, is in fact a vast crime scene.
According to all contemporary English, Spanish, French and Portuguese accounts, the cruelest slave masters were English, and dealt predominantly in chattel taken from their own nation.
In antiquity Rome, cruel mistress of the ancient world, would conquer a land and sell its inhabitants into slavery and give grants to its own people. The British model, held up as some humane balm of administrative wonder, did the opposite. The British allied with a native people, traded, bought and swindled and lied to gain and expand a foothold, and then abducted and sold and worked to death their own poor in this distant land.
This deep hatred for the underclass and the young in general is such a signature of 19th century British life, that it is contrary to reason to expect that these parallel attitudes not reach into the past and future, for the 1900s was the apex of British achievement, when the sun literally never set on their empire. These threads, fore and aft in time, will be the subject of this series.
#2. Child Bondage in Fiction and Biography
#3. Anne of Green Gables
#4. Fiend of Philanthropy, 400 years of human trafficking
#5. We Hate the British! Home Children
#6. American Rape Factory
#7. Grooming Gangs
#8. Coyote Season
#9. When the Russians Are the Good Guys?
#10. Hostage Language, a survey of child bondage imbedded in our Mother Tongue
I was going to complete another novella in this last week of this worst of years. But I am dedicating the dying days of 2020 to remembering the hundreds of thousands of poor children who literally fertilized our unremembered past with their sorrows and dust.
‘A Kind of Externalized Conscience’
plantation america
Grafting a New Branch?
advent america
dark, distant futures
taboo you
america the brutal
song of the secret gardener
your trojan whorse
Increase Mather XXI     Dec 27, 2020

Wow, this is powerful stuff. Do you remember any of the contemporary Spanish or Portuguese authors who commented on British white slavery?
James     Dec 28, 2020

a governor of New Orleans [see So her Master May Have Her Again], Dutch pirate John Esqumeling [posted recently on the site], a Spanish official in Mexico, Portuguse pilot in Puerto Rico.
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