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The Backhand of Justice
Finding Mister Jesse
© 2014 James LaFond
I went looking for Mister Jesse on this sweltering summer day. This time last week he was carjacked by two young dudes while he was hacking, trying to make ends meet by using his car as an un-licensed cab.
He was not at the market where he picks up fares. One of his regular customers was, an older lady with two bags of groceries, who was going to have to take the bus home because the licensed cabs were all tied up and the wait was over an hour and she had cold stuff. She had talked to Jesse on the phone. So, instead of holding her up, I walked her bags to the stop and talked to her.
“Did the cops find Mister Jesse’s car?”
“Oh yeah, they found it, but it was pretty beat up.”
“So it doesn’t run and he can't pick up his customers?”
“He said it runs, but it needs some work, which he can’t afford. He told the cops he was hacking! Can you believe how honest that man is? The cops ask you what you were doing when you get robbed at gunpoint and you actually tell them the truth! He’s an honest man, so he told the cops he was hacking when it happened. The cops slapped him with a five-hundred dollar fine and the insurance company will not pay for the work, and the car won’t be safe until the repairs are made, whatever they are.”
The bus was late and it was blazing hot, so I decided to haul her groceries home and walk back. She paid my fare. The bus driver was a young black dude who did not charge black customers a fare but charged whites. He also refused to make stops that only a white had requested. Even after I talked to him about ignoring this lady he kept cruising until a young black lady requested a stop. She was so embarrassed that she would not walk near us, and kept looking nervously at me as we walked along. If not for that lady we would have been dropped off out in the county to satisfy this punk’s passive aggression. If I so much as raise my voice to a driver he can have me arrested. The warnings are posted everywhere and the recorded voice reminds us not to speak to the driver…
There you go, justice.
‘And Your Mongrel Children Too!’
harm city
Planet Psychobitch
your trojan whorse
dark, distant futures
logic of steel
the fighting edge
honor among men
z-pill forever
songs of arуas
the first boxers
Adam Swinder     Jun 17, 2014

Now that's what I call being honest to a fault. I can't blame him, though. I was honest about my injury at work, and because of my honesty I won't see a penny of worker's comp—not that I would want it anyway.
James     Jun 18, 2014

I immediately thought about you when I found out about Mister Jesse's car. I'm certain you would recognize him on sight if not by name.

Take care Adam, and stay the hell away from Harm City. Moving out of this pit was the best thing you ever did.
TheTRUTH     Jun 18, 2014

James, any interest in filing a complaint (verbal, in writing, etc.) with the bus company? I assume it's the city bus.

One thing that I have noticed as of the last few decades is that, generally-speaking, White people do not complain when "wronged" by a black person.

I remember a long time ago, I had worked for FedEx as a courier. While driving my truck, I had a confrontation with a black female driving her car. She followed me. I got out to make a delivery and she began to yell and I yelled back. She called me a cracker and I called her a blackie. She then became even more upset. She followed me again for a few minutes then left. I decided to go to the police station and file a report. I made sure to say she was black and she called me a cracker. I watched to make sure the officer taking my report wrote that specifically. Mind you, I'm not one to file complaints about anyone, but this was an exception. I found out later on the black female called FedEx and complained about me.

What's my point here? Blacks are the stereotypical bully. Allow them to act aggressive (passively or otherwise) and they'll never let up.

I'm not blaming you for not reporting it either. Whites have been conditioned to allow such behavior to "slide". I think that's a really big problem.

Now, on the other hand, Hispanics don't seem to be so lenient. The term "Mexican justice" is becoming more and more popular and is becoming synonymous with Mexicans taking revenge upon blacks who have violently attacked them.

I do not see much "White justice" taking place.

What's your take on all of this James? I'd enjoy the intelligent response which appears to be a given with you! :)
James     Jun 18, 2014

I deal with racism by bus drivers about once a month. Some will not pick me up unless I step in front of the bus. I estimate bus drivers that are so racist as to interfere with their work at 10%. If I report them it will be either to the MTA police [all black] or to the MTA administration [all black]. White employees of the MTA [Maryland Transit Authority] are less than 1%. I might as well be a black guy in 1927 who was ignored by a white bus driver in East Texas!

I have better things to do with my time, like write about it! Writing is pretty much all I care about anymore, and being a Darwinian jerk, I have no interest in making things better for other whites by successfully taking action, other than what I can physically do, which would have

1. been beat this guy's ass and get locked up, or

2. walk this lady's groceries home and tell the world, which was the option I chose. Also, since I am an anarchist any petition by me to the government justifies its existence. Also, as a ball-dragging old codger, it is against my misogynistic Caucasian creed to complain—that's what women and minorities do.

Now, the situation you had working for Fed-X begged for you to report to secure your job and have a counter charge, as black females are the most likely people to file complaints with governing agencies. Look, they are married to the government. Expecting black chicks not to petition a government agency is not realistic. Ironically, black men are the least likely. Since she was in her uninsured car and you were driving for a big company, she certainly saw law suite dollar signs in the tinted lenses of her horn-rimmed shades.

Blackie? Really? You are endangering our Caucasian reputation for the best racial slurs. That is weak dude! It does remind me of an old man I worked for in the 80s, who called blacks 'darkies', another benign sub-slur, and his Australian son-in-law who called them aborigines! I was laughing so hard when he said that I was barely able to rescue him from the MD State wrestling champion he said this too! He used to call me a 'goddamned dumb white niցցer' right in front of the black dudes. They looked at him like he was some alien, not understanding why whites in power would go after each other like that. He did a lot to entrench my status as an honorary African American.

In some 2013 articles I called myself 'the last black man in Baltimore' because I behave like typical black guys in the 70s did: independent and defiant. They aren't like that anymore—totally sucked into the liberal group think. I got some complaints about writing that—all from whites. Two of my black fighters thought I was spot on and said to me, 'Yeah, I get that, you're a lot like my uncles used to be back in that day.'

Social evolution is a funny thing.

Check out my Harm City article titled The Insanity Box for some crazy bus stuff.

It's old so use the index on the web info page.
TheTRUTH     Jun 19, 2014

Yes, I understand your points. It goes hand in hand as to why I am never one to complain.

Also, you're right, "blackie" is weak. It was my immediate reaction once I decided not to call her a nig.

What you said here made me laugh: "black females are the most likely people to file complaints with governing agencies. Look, they are married to the government."

Funny, I never thought about it like that!

Thanks again for the interesting commentary. :)
James     Jun 20, 2014

I once had a contest with a black coworker who suggested we call each other racial names until one ran out of ammo. If one of us repeated a slur we lost. Eventually, feeling like the Sioux must have when Custer's boys' crappy carbines jammed, I stood before a befuddled friend, who had gotten through cracker, honky, whitey, white-bread... and had to stand still for 'spear-chucker', with nothing to throw back.

He winced, "Damn son, you got to bring Tarzan up into this mess too?"

I shrugged my shoulders and he said, "How many more?"

"Bro", I said, "I'm just getting warmed up."

"It's that bad?"

"Worse dude."

Also, the marriage of woman to government has an anthropological name, Burogamy.

Always a pleasure Mister Truth.
TheTRUTH     Jun 20, 2014

James, that reminds me of one of my favorite movies "The Wanderers". The Italians and Blacks go back and forth with racial slurs in a classroom, prompted by the teacher. "Spear Chucka" was the final 'stab' and the black student said "Motha fucka, I'm gonna chuck a spear up yo azz". Both sides agreed to have a good old fashioned rumble, when never actually transpired.

LOVED that movie.

I'm in Staten Island, NY and lived much of that. Lots of race wars in high school. Much like the movie "The Wanderers", us Italians didn't put up with shit. Period. We were the only "Whites" they had any fear of.

I knew back then they were truly bullies, because 10 or 15 of them would only jump dorky White kids outside of school grounds. "We" would usually come to the White kids defense and the blacks would 'flee the scene'.

As I pointed out in another one of your articles/blogs, it's no longer a White-Black thing in the high schools, it's a Hispanic-Black thing. Always interesting how things change and shift.

Always a pleasure James! :)
James     Jun 20, 2014

You should get together with Dominick, a coauthor [we're doing Hemavore together] and training friend of mine. He works in Queens I think. The stuff he went through in the 1980s as one of those dorky white kids actually turned him into one of you scary ethnic guys!

Corresponding with you guys reminds me of the documentary by Al Profit I reviewed in the article The Rotten Apple, where they interview a bunch of former black predators who openly and repeatedly admit: how stupidly, and inexcusably violent they were, how terrified of the Hispanics they were once they got locked up with them and ended up in razorville, and how pointless and obsolete their entire lifestyle was and is. It is as if someone interviewed the extras playing the zombies after a Walking Dead episode and got answers along the lines of, "Yeah, you thought I would have seen the crossbow guy...It totally sucks being a zombie!"

I'll have to check that movie out. By the way, the Italian dude that tried to kill me was from the Bronx and he had some redneck help.

I once interviewed two drug dealers, a black guy and a white guy. During the course of this they got into a discussion as to whether or not an Italian was a white person. The white guy actually threatened to 'drop his dumb ass off' in Little Italy 'talking that shit' to see what would happen to him. The black guy could not get over the fact that he had lived for 20 years believing that he was dealing with some off-brand type of Puerto Rican when he was really dealing with an ethnic white guy! I used their dialogue as the basis for a conversation in the fiction serial First Contact, I think in the episode 'Hot Stuff'.

Take care man.
vfljxt     Aug 20, 2017

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ttukmf     Sep 7, 2017

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