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Rapacious Cracker to Complaisant Boomer
Indented versus Indentured: The Sinister Semantics Used to Align Crackers with their Masters
© 2021 James LaFond
Today, while I was loading the last of 9 wheelbarrows of rocks to fill the Colonel’s French drain, I was wondering about how to explain bondage in Plantation America to a pastor with a history degree, who was educated in University to equate slavery with only one race, by only one race. He, like every American, has been taught that all Europeans came to America of their own free will, and that if any of them were “bond-servants” that it was by their own initiative, that they asked to be sold into a forced labor economy that killed 95% of its workers in the 1600s and probably 30% in the 1700s.
The anachronistic term “Indentured Servant” I have yet to find in the roughly 1,000 primary source documents I have read from the period, most of these being runaway ads, gazette ads that were rare concerning Negroes and Germans but common concerning Irishmen and Englishmen. [0] It may yet be, that I will stumble upon the term “Indentured Servant.” However, even if I do, I have already read “bond-servant” dozens of times, “transport” scores of times, “convict” scores of times, “kidnapped” scores of times, “freight and half-freight” a handful of times, “slave” scores of times, “servant” over a hundred times, and “indented servant” hundreds of times. This is not to mention the dozen or so other terms, including simply “the poor” which meant unfree in many contexts.
So, even if it was true that the term “Indentured Servant” was perhaps used, once, twice or thrice, or even a hundred times, why was this term used to replace the dominant terms, especially since the most common dominant term was “Indented” so close to the term that it appears was artificially, posthumously assigned to the indented condition.
For people who had escaped bondage as an African American, there were many “white” elites willing to fawn upon them as wrongly done, worship them as martyrs, educate them, and adopt them as a martyr cause. To this day, the most successful African Americans cash in as millionaire celebrities based on their known ancestral condition. This is so common that most government jobs in my hometown of Baltimore went exclusively to Martyr Race members, not to people of my lowly, pallid kind. There has never been a compelling reason, for the most economically and socially successful people to come out of Africa, to disown the condition of their ancestors, rather the opposite. The typical African American living in a U.S. ghetto has a higher per capita income than an entire African village and has better medical care than the rulers of most African nations.
However, once the War of 1812, pitted the young U.S. against its Motherland, on the high seas, where the American excuse for war was “enslavement” of American sailors by the British Navy, all large scale, involuntary bondage of European Americans stopped almost immediately and the reward for captured runaways plummeted from 5 dollars in 1812 down to 6-cents in 1820!
The U.S. needed all of the crackers it could convince to take up arms against the British, the Canadians, and the many warrior tribes of the Amerindians. Fighting these other nations was the cracker’s ticket to freedom, and his white-trash ass took it from the ticket-master in his top hat standing at the Manifest Destiny Both at the Carnival of the Damned. That collective cracker never looked back…that is until 2016 when it became clear that the elite whites who had used the lowly crackers to conquer a world, where now more afraid of their own crackers than of the globalist soup they had been used since 1812 as trenchers to consume. [1]
There was nothing to be gained by the cracker to complain about how he and his daddy and granddaddy had been mistreated by the elite master class, not when those masters freed him from his hereditary condition, gave him the right to bear arms, and set him upon the very heathen tribes that the masters had once used to round him up and bring him back into bondage. [2]
Furthermore, being of the same general and sometimes even specific, racial type as the elite whites, the cracker, if he continued to identify with his slave roots would find high-end achievement and the companionship of the fetching daughters of the masterclass out of his reach. While the natural slavishness of some types of humans might compel them to forever identify with ancestral misfortune, the rapacious cracker wanted to climb the social ladder and would be ill-served by preserving his heritage, and would be unlikely to pass down the knowledge to his sons that they had once been slaves.
Also, white academics of the late 1800s and 1900s, generally came from the upper class, sons of the elites who needed the loyalty of the crackers so that they would die in far-off lands pushing the elite global agenda.
So, “Indented Servant-man” or “Indented Servant-woman” became “Indentured Servant.”
You see, to be “indented” just as to be afflicted, aged, sickened, diseased, aggrieved, hunted, imprisoned, trafficked, fucked, sucked, shucked, bucked, transported, killed, gifted, disabled, or enabled, is to have “ed” put at the end of your condition to stand as a semantic message that you have been act-ed upon, generally by a force greater than you, particularly in real, historical, Plantation America.
However, to be the act-or, to venture, to adventure, or explore and to agree to become an “indenture,” such as in make-believe Colonial America, softens the acted upon condition indicated by the “ed” by placing before it the actionist suffix, “ure.” So the semantic surety imbedded in such words as sure, assure, insure, lure, implore and tour, all words that imply the willful actor, the volunteer, was used to apply a rosy tint to our already cracked rearview mirror.
Where our kind were historically indented [and usually had it much worse than that] we have been conditioned to believe that our ancestors engaged in an indentured condition, as if they had ventured or even adventured, when in fact they were not the actors, but the indented property of the actors.
This is a cunning and duplicitous shaping of the word as a mind control device.
Men this slick sure deserve to rule those stupid enough to be trick-ed.

-0. The logistics of running away will be the subject of a the next chapter
-1. Trenchers were hard pieces of bread used as spoons in the Middle Ages and into the early Plantation Period.
-2. In the journal of Merryweather Lewis, an officer in the Whiskey Rebellion of the mid 1780s, he recounts how Shawnee warriors in the pay of the U.S. scalped conscripts who ran for freedom. A conscript is an armed slave, who has been forced to bear arms. This would be the fate of millions of crackers up until the end of the Vietnam War, as what began as his freedom in 1804 to 1820, became his bondage, from 1918-1975, and for hundreds of thousands of battling crackers, his grisly death in a far off land.
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