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The Criminalization of Misfortune and the Categorization of Bondage into Something Less
© 2021 James LaFond
The arch-conservative site Wikipedia agrees with the English elite of the Middle Ages and the Plantation Era, that in Western society, which values on economic gain, just being homeless or unemployed immediately means that the vagrant is involved in crime. That is a corruption of the actual state of things, which determined that being homeless or unemployed [meaning not having a master or being a master yourself] was crime enough to warrant various types of slavery.
“Historically, vagrancy in Western societies was associated with petty crime, begging and lawlessness, and punishable by law by forced labor, forced military service, imprisonment, or confinement to dedicated labor houses.”
A interesting link is the feudal hierarchy, which gives away the lie that slavery was only an African condition, for it was a wrung on the social hierarchy before Africans had ever been to England.
That Hierarchy was, from top to bottom:
Lord paramount/Territorial lord
Mesne lord
Lord of the manor/Overlord/Vogt/Liege lord
Esquire/Gentleman/Landed gentry
Free tenant/Husbandman
Domestic servant
In this listing serfdom is explained away as something other than slavery.
On can see that the top four stations are free, that the bottom four stations are unfree, being bound and enslaved, with no rights to travel, bear arms, move or in any way alter their condition without permission from a master.
In the middle are free tenant and Husbandman, people whose status fluctuated between free and unfree depending on their fortune. The enclosure acts of the 1500s through 1700s cast many people from this class into vagabond status. The vagabond is also a tramp, a vagrant, rogue or drifter. He occupies a place between two unfree states on the hierarchy, servant and slave. The only real difference between the two was that the slave was more likely to be mutilated or branded, having his tongue bred or ears cropped and that he was more likely to be owned by a group rather than an individual, and to be sentenced to perpetual servitude, due, for instance, to committing a crime, such as running away, while a servant. We are dealing with modern semantics here, as there was generally no difference in the status of a servant or a slave, except that the slave resented his condition more.
Tramp is a modern term dating from the early to mid 1800s Britain and meant a vagrant on foot and became common in 1870s America.
Although African American advocates of the period and today claimed that the various vagrancy laws in place after the Civil War, which specified that people of all races found wandering and unemployed would be forced into bondage, were intended only for African Americans, they were not written as such and differed in no way from previous such laws. This seems another way be which the elite hide all class-based persecution of their own race by claiming racism as the soul dynamic.
The Virginia statute makes no gender, age or racial determination and clearly says, “any person.” Also note that after the Civil War not only were many former slaves wandering about, but so were former Confederate soldiers with no home, income or means of self-defense. Nathan Bedford Forest would rent over 100 “white” men as forced laborers in the 1870s.
Note that the Mississippi statute is primarily targeting African Americans and mixed race people, and note that in the Mississippi Code, white men are fined 25% more and imprisoned 10-times longer, than African Americans.
The domestic servant listing for the Middle Ages is intentionally corrupted by using a photo from the Victorian or Edwardian period, either relate 1800s or early 1900s, and describing the Middle Ages servant in such recent terms, despite the fact that they were used as foot warmers, slept at the foot of the master’s bed, could be raped with impunity and if killed the master was never known to be held for charges.
Look at the semantic backflips in this listing, which argues that despite serf meaning slave, that it did not mean slave:
“Villein was a term used in the feudal system to denote a peasant (tenant farmer) who was legally tied to a lord of the manor – a villein in gross – or in the case of a villein regardant to a manor.[1] Villeins occupied the social space between a free peasant (or "freeman") and a slave. The majority of medieval European peasants were villeins. An alternative term is serf, despite this originating from the Latin servus, meaning "slave." A villein was thus a bonded tenant, so he could not leave the land without the landowner's consent.”
The boarder, despite being described as above the serf, and the fact that he owned nothing is obscured in the listing by saying he held land on the manse, which he did not, but rather had 4-5 acres to feed himself and his family, who had to work on other tasks a certain number of the days in the week. The boarder simply had the duty of feeding himself so that he could work for free!
Despite some insertion of delusion in the following listing it names many facts. The slave-subject versus the slave-object is necessary under Christendom as a semantic crutch, with no difference in how one is treated than the other, just as the lord is not obligated to treat a serf any better than a slave. Generally, slavery was the condition of the war captive, specifically of European origin, originally of the Slavic races, held by non-Christians, as not fully obscured and partially alluded to in this passable listing. The link below is by far the best wiki listing I have found on the subject of human bondage.
The illustration from the 12th century cannot even be defined as slave or serf by the academics.
Bathilde, a queen of France who was enslaved is noted but the academics continually and constantly struggle against defining any “unfree” person or forced laborer as a slave unless they were non-European or pre-Christian. This is the most rampant brainwashing method ever implanted in the human mind.
The section on slavery in Christian Iberia recognizes that Germanic conquerors embraced Roman slave codes and preserved them. Overall, in the Middle Ages it was generally considered bad form to own a coreligionist, although it was still common. Once the Black Death hit in the mid-1300s and freed up land and killed many feudal lords and hence freed their serfs, slavery was increasingly disguised in a form other than being attached to the land, but rather being a criminal, either because the slave was homeless, unowned, unemployed, poor or in debt.
Imagine a world where everyone who owed an outstanding debt at the end of a month would be sold into bondage.
Every holder or a mortgage note, or of a credit card with an unpaid balance, today, would be rounded up and sold off to the plantations. Our normal state of living today was, in medieval times and in Plantation America, a crime to be paid for by enslavement.
One finds many loose ends that state formality, such as: “The slave trade in England was officially abolished in 1102” even though English boys were being sold in 1204 and men castrated and sold to the Turks in the 1300s.
One shocking section, on a non-Christian group of people, called the Radhanites, described how Pope Gelasius invited them into Italy to begin slave trading in 492 and how their trade in European humans as chattel, including many castrated boys and men, mostly of Slavic origin, trafficked down through the Alps and into Italy, essentially recreated the ancient Roman slave trade outside of Christendom. I am shocked that this listing stands, as damning as it is, though I have seen primary source documentation of this activity. So, from 492 to at least 1000, one group of people,provided both The House of Submission to Allah with their sex slaves, as well as the Pope with his castrated boys. That is quite a run.
We are told that vagrancy statutes went by the wayside in the early 1900s. But they did not.
I the following 2010 Maryland statute, vagrancy is still listed.
Through most of my life in Baltimore, Maryland, I knew that if I was stopped by a cop and did not have my I.D. or did not have any money, that I could be locked up for vagrancy, as many of my coworkers had been. Being young, being male, and being on foot, is generally the focus of vagrancy laws in Modern America. Expect these laws to make a comeback associated with violation of lockdown edicts and social distancing requirements.
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Jeremy Bentham     Mar 31, 2021

“Imagine a world where everyone who owed an outstanding debt at the end of a month would be sold into bondage.” That world still exists, for much of the rest of humanity, residing outside the borders of the USA that is. Which is one of many reasons why it seems half the world’s population wants to move to the USA, despite it being the evil, racist, sexist, homophobic, greedy and generally oppressive country that it is. For example, American servicemen who were stationed in Turkey in the 1960’s and 70’s advised me that one dearly wanted to avoid running up a bad debt in that country lest your wife be forced to work off the debt in one of the local whorehouses. Now apparently the Turks have become more enlightened over the years and so they just throw debtors in prison: Mexico on the other hand appears to be much the opposite and it is often difficult to collect on a just debt owed by a Mexican business (Particularly so for non-Mexican creditors it would seem). Again, this proclivity for stiffing people on what you owe them explains much of the illegal migration into the oppressive wage-slave empire that is the USA.

It is estimated that fully half the people living in England at the year One Thousand A.D. were held in some form of involuntary servitude, ranging from bond servant to being a chattel slave. The Old English word for a slave was ‘thrall’. The word slave came into the English language from all the Slavic captives taken by German and Magyar raiders and sold into chattel slavery across Southern and Western Europe around the first millennium. There must have been a great deal of these captives for ‘slave’ to have been adopted into the language to describe them. In the various Slavic languages ‘slav’ means ‘fame’, so the Slavs are the “Famous People”. In those same Slavic languages the world for slave is variously ‘rab’, ‘rob’, or ‘rabu’; from which we get the word ‘robot’. So the slavery never ends, because hard work must be done that others may live a life of ease.

“Today as always, men fall into two groups: slaves and free men. Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar.”- Friedrich Nietzche, 1844-1900, “Human, All Too Human” (1878)

“The art of being a slave is to rule one's master.” Diogenes, 412-323 B.C.
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