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'False Shame'
Chapter IV The Aesthetic Will
© 2021 James LaFond
Reading from pages 278-315 of Myth of the 20th Century, the 1982 Black Kite Edition
We now live in a world that is dominated by false shame, a tool of social control that Rosenberg saw pointed at the German people, but is more widely wielded today to include not only all Arуan peoples, but the Japanese and the Chinese as well. It is no exaggeration to say that we live in a matrix woven of not just lies, but of lies designed to guilt system subjects into self-destruction, self-censorship and self-sterilization.
“A clear soul and a consciousness of an always active, spiritual, willed essence signifies true personality.”
Rosenberg places emphasis on the false guilt used to deny the individual and the collective soul of a people and place us all in a vat of earthly paradise, a melting pot brimming with the potential for erasure. He never strays far from art, pointing out that a keen sense of infinity, loneliness and abandonment are key to understanding the soaring achievements of European man, who has invented more than all races combined, ten-fold more, and yet now sinks into oblivion in a drugged self-thing ennui that would have made a Tahitian prostitute blush.
The European Arуan was a man whose race was born under the open skies of the steppes and conquered a primeval forest and cultivated river valleys and thence found itself assailed by the mongoloid hordes of Far Asia and the corrosive slave civilizations of Near Asia. That cornered dog of war that is the Arуan at his best loses his fangs as soon as he finds no more enemies at his throat and no more worlds to conquer.
Rosenberg writes:
“The soul is an eternally active master which searches for strength, time and spacelessness.”
This reader immediately leaps to the sardonic truth that Civilization is an eternally active mistress which searches for strength, timelessness and limits.
Compare Rosenberg’s definition of the soul with mine of civilization and then try and watch a TV show or movie on a historical subject you understand, or imbibe a single commercial, and you will see that the soul of the man is the enemy of The State, the Media, most churches, medicine, the corporate hierarchy and even advertising.
“The idea of the eternal personality is the strongest declaration of struggle against this world of appearances.”
Rosenberg could already see in 1930 that what remained of Western Civilization was fake, gay, phony and lame. In his view, as with the minority Christian assertion that Jesus was a rising of the Aramaic soul in the materialistic near east reflected in the Arian heresy of late antiquity, he asserts:
“…in harmony with the teachings of Jesus: that is, the assertion of the eternal personality in the face of the entire world.”
Rosenberg goes on to describe the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost rising within a person in terms that try to form a bridge between the slave-oriented Christian doctrines of servility passivity and prosperity that all lead back to the materialistic roots of Paradise on earth.
For proof he points out the savagery of the most successful political [lying] and economic [materialistic] men among us:
The dignity of personality has nothing to do with the person. Otherwise the most worldly and materialistic men would believe in a personal immortality with all their power. But the latter desire only an extension of their animality into infinity.
This passage is the author’s best in the book and clearly identifies the men who always have, always must and will continue to rule civilized nations until they devolve into ruin and dissolve into dust.
Below the author offers a distillation of Western Economics as the curse of Western Civilization, which will make much sense to anyone who knows the truth about Plantation America:
“In the [redacted] Syrian Roman world of ideas, which tears personality and god apart and opposes them hostilely, the idea of predestination became an ideal outlook which degraded man, condemning him to rebirth as a slave.”
The old boy was fluent in Job and Leviticus to be sure. Cotton Mather would articulate this Near Eastern belief that man is a natural slave in A Good Master Well Served, circa 1698. The toxicity of such outlooks in the European soul makes the resultant personality unfitted for mastery of slaves due to his nature and unfitted for freedom due to his dogmatic induction.
So Rosenberg notes from the poetics of his people the tragedy of the warlike Arуan ensorcelled by Asiatic dogmatism when he quotes a Germanic song:
Curse struck us brother, I had to kill you,
It will stay eternally unforgotten, hard is the saying of the Norns.
Well have we fought, we stand on the corpses of the Goths,
On those fallen in arms, like eagles on the branches.
Good honor is ours, if the end comes today:
None lives through the night, if the Norns have spoken.
Then, after this beautiful passage that well-describes the murder his nation was then emerging from (only to plunge back into the fruitless abyss) the author, a nerdish twit if a genius, declares clumsy economic materialism, with all of its gross perversion dead. The man was blind with desire for a just state of the kind that had never previously existed and has not been achieved since, even as that temporary measure known as the nation state, which ran from 1648 to 1945, a mere 300 years, was being subverted by the birth of the art of commercial advertising. He compounds this error by denying historic cycles and claiming Spengler was only a useful technician of history and wrong in his brilliance. Why?
Because Spengler did not preach a happy ending for children as Rosenberg foolishly did, helping lead his kind to ruin through his own childish delusion.
He wanders through the fields of poetry and music, like a day-dreaming boy trying to link genius with power, apparently unable to understand brutality blunter than a lie. He sees in the vision of Dickens just mercantile sloth failing to edify man, not power succeeding in liquefying man.
There are brilliant portions of his narrative which I cannot discuss, being criticisms of an ethno-religious group and their negative influence on European man, which perhaps got him hanged. My own neck is long enough. The reduction of modern man into absolute moral slavery is accurately attributed to the obsession with money baked into Western Civilization from the start.
Pages 316-33, Book III: the Coming Reich, Chapter 1. Myth and Type, I cannot review objectively without being lynched so will skip it.
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