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‘Ideals of World Discord’
Chapter III Folk and State and Nordic German Law by Alfred Rosenberg
© 2021 James LaFond
Reading from pages 360-405 of Myth of the 20th Century, the 1982 Black Kite Edition
Generally, over the last third of the book, Rosenberg continues his metaphysical narrative and attempts to mix it with calls to action to fix the problems that have taken 4,000 years, according to his own analysis to create. He seems the classic idealist fool, actually claiming that a savior must soon rise and imagining throwing off the yoke of Globalism in one great heroic effort. Like his future master, he proved completely immune to the realities of military logistics.
Although he earlier diagnosed the metaphysic failure of Europeans to create a truly European vision as having to do with cultural assimilation of older civilizations out of Egypt, Etrusca, Syria and the Levant, his focus on the modern legacy began turning towards the people who controlled the media and banking in Germany, possibly precipitating his execution and prohibiting this reviewer from discussing the subject without heavily editing and redacting my own thoughts. The current Creep State style is killing a family member of the author of bad-thought. So, I will avoid discussing Rosenberg’s critique of the great-grandparents of those who currently control media and banking until after my death, when I should be able to discuss this with him personally in Hel as we are tortured eternally anew there.
Rosenberg is continually obsessed with the then-castrated Catholic Church as the architect of worldly woes, when it was actually arrayed at the time against Communism. Catholicism was the dominant faith in not a single militarily capable nation and had had its fangs drawn in 1648, hence his doggedness makes about as much sense as a reactionary of 2020 America focusing his ire on the fate of Rosenberg’s virtually land-locked fantasy island in 1945.
Below are some of his most pertinent quotes that can be used:
“…the factory, became master.”
“The state has delivered itself and the people to the dishonorable forces of trade.”
“They strove only for the establishment of fixed international principles…”
“Through its antilife doctrine, Marxism helps socialism to increase so that it concentrates power in a few hands.”
The state has never been anything other than the concentration of power into ever fewer hands. Globalism is simply scaling up of already scaled-up and deracinated, post-cultural societies.
As with most who understand metaphysics, a failure to understand the physics of power becomes glaring as Rosenberg’s brilliant illumination of the past becomes a dull-witted rant on the present and a delusional descent into utopian madness concerning the future.
No student of history has ever located, along Time’s grim course, the paradise on earth that Rosenberg notes that the “Hither Asiatic” mind strives for throughout his book. Yet, at the close of his book he explodes into a dismissal of perhaps the only historian of his nation and era that understood time, power and national life cycles, that is, Spengler. He descends into a call to create the first earthly paradise—something that no nation had ever achieved, a thing that only the Marxists ever claimed could be done by the acts of man, and seems to fail utterly in understanding that he was a parody of his avowed enemy.
In Chapter IV. Nordic German Law, he already points out that criticism of a certain ethno-religious group is prohibited by unrelated state apparatus. Well, that was as old as money, as old as slave-trading, as old as banking and had been the rule for a millennia in Christendom. I cannot discuss much of this section, other than to say that the author becomes deeply emotional, showing the signs of feminism infecting the learned man that he discussed earlier as symptomatic of the Arуan mind being colonized by the ideals of the Asiatic mind.
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