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'The Passive Rank'
Johnny Anonymous Wants to Know if He Is a Native
© 2021 James LaFond
Question for the right side of your brain:
Am I a native?  Am I a neo-native?  Where and how is the passive rank of being a native obtained?  When can I start calling myself a Native American?
"White american" of very mixed european heritage, attains "mexican" status in 11 states during summer months, "jewish" status in select markets during the winter, last name is germanic but apparently isn't pronounced correctly according to a german speaker so let's assume heritage is firmly "miscellanous-poor".  Certainly not wealthy enough to escape all the basic traps. Despite marrying immigrants from all over europe time and again, my eurotail-hungry herd hasn't spoken anything but broken Chesapeake American for 5 generations.
I'm not an immigrant.  I'm definitely an American.  Label me.
Johnny Anonymous

I like to begin such things with word origins searches:
“late Middle English: from Latin nativus, from nat- ‘born’, from the verb nasci .”
It is of great interest that I was unable to find a straight answer on when the term Native American was changed to apply only to people of Non-European Origins whose lineage in North America precedes 1492.
This is complicated by the overwhelming evidence that Basques were in America at least as early as 1414, that the Gaels were here in the 600s A.D., the Norse in the 1000s and that literally tons of evidence is crated up in the Smithsonian showing that Solutrean hunters from Ice Age France were here at least 12,000 years ago and that numerous iron forges of specific Nordic and Gaelic type have been excavated in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Virginia... Indeed the Iroquois claim that their ancestors came from the Northeast down the Saint Lawrence...
Obviously, to be a native is to be born in a place.
This does, not, however fit with current negation culture.
For we are artificially arrayed into meta-zoological mega-races which precludes an individual born in a land from making the claim of nativity—a lie central to American Identity, with American Identity itself being counter to the ages old idea and shown in the founding documents of the nation to be based only on economic ascendancy, with no mention of racial patrimony denoting a privilege to belonging in The Declaration, the Articles of Confederation, the Northwest Ordinances, The Constitution, or The Bill of Rights.
In 2018 I met Adam Smith, another crypto-crat from the internet on Medicine Wheel Mountain in Wyoming, a sacred Native America site. The sign at the offering station said that only Native Americans could leave offerings, so I decided then, that if I ever defeat one of my traditional African American enemies in street battle again, that I will take his shoestrings and tie them to the offering chord that makes a circuit around the sacred stones, where women have left braziers and panties hanging as offerings. I was told by other Euro-descended mongrels that I am not a native American, despite having roots over 380 years deep in this country.
Interestingly, the term native did not become common in the U.S. until the 1830s, and was a term used by English and mixed European people living in America, who resented being economically displaced by Irish immigrants. Before this period, up until 1804, the majority of Americans were what we would call immigrants today. The idea that the poor were indigenous was also queer to them, as the indigenous Europeans were known as the Planters and Ancient Planters, the slave owners who worked generations of non-breeding slave children to death. It was not until poor Americans of European descent began to occupy the precarious position of the tribal folk they had been used to displace, that they began using the term native. The Planter class, preferred to trace their identity directly to Britain, up until 1776 and after that to their first founding ancestor. The lack of “nativist” identity among rank-and-file Americans until the 1830s, is an indication that most of them or their parents did not come here voluntarily and that many of those who survived the experience, returned to their homeland where they might find some poor white trash girl to marry.
I have come to prefer the term Amerindian for the tribal peoples of North America.
I am fascinated by your insightful use of the term native as “a passive rank of being.”
It is very much passive, and the idea of it is an extension of the Christian ideal of serfdom, in which the underclass is attached to the land as preternatural property, and therefore semantically absolved the lord from the onerous label of slaveholder. This is the root of the peon class in Latin America as well. The genius of the Modern Nation State as it was conceived at the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, is that it reattached the underclass to the land in the form of disposable economic and military chattel. It did so according to the fiction that all of those various ethnicities born and living within a geopolitical boundary, established by extra-national aristocrats, who were more closely related to one another than to the various peoples of the nations they ruled, were not just possessions of the land like a medieval serf, but also owned an interest in the land.
This kind of yeoman-like citizenship was a kind of marriage, making the man the wife of the polygamous political entity, that permitted the cultivation of soldiers on the Roman model, a model that princes had long envied from their reading of antiquity, but had not been able to accommodate until gunpowder weapons transformed warfare and made the foot soldier a viable tool of political will again.
Your mention that you are some shade of “white” is pertinent here, as the term white as a racial noun did not exist outside of Semitic slave property labeling in North Africa and the Near East, until it was conceptually adapted thru the Spanish and Dutch banking connection and the fall of the English King Charles I and his replacement by Cromwell, who brought in hitherto unwelcome banking interests from the Continent in order to convert the conquered laboring classes and defeated soldiery of England, Scotland and Ireland into Plantation chattel. As such, the racial term white was historically developed as a term to designate a geographic alien—either the planter aristocrat or his disposable chattel—as an economic place holder rather than as the morally owned and obligated occupant of a political division.
As European Nation States, their rulers and their merchants, expanded world holdings to exceed the physical boundaries of the mother country, the term white, which began as a way for Non-Christian Caucasians to safely and amicably buy, ship and sell slaves of all races and religions with, for and to Christian Caucasians, came to designate a type of person who was either above or beneath native identity.
In this way, the “one drop rule” and the self-denial of geographically tied identity implicit in the early modern invention of the term “white” continued the ancient Arуan impulse to conduct migratory conquest as a lifeway. This impulse would be most clearly codified and most severely corrupted in the terms “Manifest Destiny,” “The White Man's Burden,” “White Privilege” and the counterpoint “White Trash,” the latter being the designation of the least dominant forms of the de-Christianized economic meta-race as a cultural cancer.
Interestingly, in what I believe is the 2nd episode of the podcast Myth of the 20th Century, the host Adam Smith, who I met on Medicine Wheel Mountain, where the Shoshone Chief Wakashi received his vision quest instructions from an unaligned elder with a great white beard [my guess a renegade Jesuit] Adam employed a county-by-county map of the United States showing the primary ethnic identity of each county. On this map are two native designations, Native American meaning of the indigenous tribal races, [most of these people are racially mixed with Europeans to over 50% alien] and also “American” people with a mixed heritage who answered to no European lineage indentity such as Irish or English. These pockets align very closely to what we know as Appalachian and what I understand as that mongrel refugee culture's migratory trajectory along the land routes least desirable to or later appropriated by the Rich—who have only one identity.
The passive rank of native has generally been unattainable by those who are labeled either exploiter or trash by the application of the pallid stigmata that is the “absence of color,” which is what white means. To be a native is to lay a claim to a territory through the inability to escape the poverty imposed there or through the tenacity to return. Peoples have been driven, lured, abducted or led from their ancestral lands and retain their identity through pilgrimages of return.
A little known example is the habit of Plains Indian Warriors from the Rocky Mountain Region of the 1830s, to journey back to the Great Lakes Region from whence their tribes were originally quartered before the guns and germs of the French and English in the hands and breath of other tribes and the lure of the newly mounted horse from the distant Spanish brought them into the big sky country. This journey was made through enemy territory to a place where a certain stone for the making of a meditative smoking pipe could be found. Wakashi went there after he spoke with the ghostly man on Medicine Wheel Mountain. In this way, nativity can be brought into an active state of engagement rather than remain in a passive state of debasement. This is the need that the NFL feeds to the tens of millions of meat-puppet drones it hypnotizes with the fantasy of tribal identity falsely embodied by the modern sports teams in their collectively gluttonous Sunday dreams.
So, I would say that any person who can abandon an idea of “white” identity can therefore separate himself from the sticky-trap that has declared that a “White” person holds a place either above or beneath an indigenous person. I see globalism as a rebooting eclipse of that wan label as a way to scale-up lack of nativist sentiments across a wider range of races in order to suck all humans into the capitalist-socialist mainstream and away from attachment to the place and condition of our birth and the circumstances of our family drift.
I will always be, in my heart, a Baltimorean, because my family was there when the town itself was born and I was the last member of my morally destroyed and physically displaced clan to be driven from their home. Likewise, Bob, in Kamas Utah, identifies himself as a South Summit Man and has an anchor for his soul still attached by the cable of his presence, where my cable has been cut and I am adrift. The idea behind Mercantilism, which has been repackaged as capitalism and socialism both, to trap everyone, is that being adrift without a home, without an extended-family, but joining all the world through currency exchange is an actual journey rather than the merry-go-round of the damned that it is.
I would label you Chesapeakean, of the Baltimore Brand, which should be my designation as well, for my people—some of them—were in Saint Mary's County in the 1630s, when the Shellfish-water was the fishery for the entire Atlantic, when John Smith could see the bottom of the bay from his pinnace yet was unable to plunge his hand in without hitting a fish, when oysters were so plentiful that a scheme to build a citadel of oyster shells against the Spanish was regarded as viable.
Here, also in 1708, the immigrant author of the poem the Sotweed Factor had developed such a hatred and contempt for the English, Dutch and Quaker Planters and their English slaves, that just before laying aside his ink quill, he laid a curse upon Maryland, in which he hoped profoundly that so many tribal cannibals from Africa would be imported that his vengeance upon the men of Maryland would by wreaked by dusky hands in the heat of savage nights yet to fall...
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