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Seven Hells on My Heels
Fruit of The Deceiver/Forty Hands of Night: Concluding Sketch
© 2014 James LaFond
Concluding Sketch
The manuscript is currently at 51,536 words and 214 pages. Forty Hands of Night is expected to run to 60,000 words and just under 250 pages.
Chapter 12: The Harvester’s Sickle Road
[Ibrahm] 3 bookmarks
“The road from Egypt to Syria, according to the reports of a great many witnesses, was like a field sown with human bodies, or one over which the harvester’s sickle had passed.”
-Abd al-Latif
The Turk
The Berber
The Chosen One
Chapter 13: Eyes of The Frank
[Yusuf] 2 bookmarks
A Pain in My Well-worn Ass
Selim al-Akbar’s Ear
Chapter 14: Forty Hands of Night
[Abd al-Latif] 3 bookmarks
The Long Hand of Alamut
A Cloven Dawn
Forty Hands of Night
Chapter 15: Fruit of The Deceiver
[Abd al-Latif, Yusuf, Abdul] 1 bookmark each
The Faceless One
Seven Hells on My Heels
A Man Well-compensated
Epilogue: I, Locust
3 vignettes
Ebil Alone
Mother Tree
Professor Jeannot
If you have any thoughts on Forty Hands of Night that you would like addressed before the book is published post it below before August 1, 2104. Feedback via e-mail and the posted comments has helped in the completion of this offbeat project.
Nancy’s Book
author's notebook
‘Do Not Pet the Rednecks’
your trojan whorse
masculine axis
advent america
graphomaniac archive #1
plantation america
z-pill forever
Dominick     Jul 3, 2014

When the crusader zombies jump in, this is going to be a bloodbath/gorefest..all from a guy who does not even watch horror flicks!

Luckily, the middle east no longer has stuff like this going on..oh wait.
James     Jul 4, 2014

I had a really hard time getting through Feast. Actually, my aversion to horror makes this whole thing a very guilty feeling endeavor.
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