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Sunset Character Sketches
23 Personalities from the Sunset Saga (glossary)
© 2012 James LaFond
The Service: A 2012 Staff Profile of the 23 personnel active at the inception of the Branch Two Initiative, compiled by Trent Drudge for the Majority Council
This, being a hopelessly ad-hoc organization, is outlined below according to a functional descending matrix.
Event Management
Mister Sigmund Shuei the Eighth: Born in 2761 to Sigmund Polities Consensus in Singapore. Mister Shuei is a small potbellied Asian man with glossy white hair, groomed black beard and mustache, and a dignified manner. He is the Sponsor of The Service, and, to this end, has decided to spend his waning years amongst his savage disciples, in hopes of mining the deep past for that which his consensus seeks. He is psychologically opaque and maddeningly difficult to interview. He is certain that he knows the exact date and time of his death and appears both genuinely compassionate and optimistically fatalistic; a most highly evolved individual.
Mister Walker Epson: Born in 2785 to Walker Amalgamated Whiskey Consensus in Glasgow Scotland. Mister Epson is an avatar-like domestic functionary, completely dedicated to his employer, Mister Shuei. He is a master of sedentary rituals and pastimes such as tea-making, coffee-brewing, bartending, grooming, billiards, darts and cards. However, this author suspects him of also serving a covert intelligence function.
Mister Epson is a petite man with greased black hair and mustache; polite, unassuming, generous and doting. He has keen gray eyes that seem to miss nothing and betray less. He bears watching.
Charles Carver Robinson: Born in 1982 in Baltimore Maryland to a nurse and educator, who died when he was an infant. Doctor Robinson possesses a powerful genius and holds degrees in various sciences. He is, of course, famous as the founder of Life Science Ministries and the inventor of the Event Capacitator. He has a weak constitution, is prone to depression and illness, and—by his own admission—does not function well as an event operative, as he is prone to attacks of anxiety.
Charles is a light-skinned African American, who stands 6 feet and 3 inches and weighs a mere 160 pounds. He is a very persuasive and compelling speaker, and is rather too compassionate to be the leader of such a dynamic organization. He does, however, provide the staff with insightful guidance and a strong moral directive. It is this author’s contention that he should be pushed forward and secured for posterity through the Act of Assumption.
Daniel London: Born in 1962 to working class parents in Columbia Maryland. A trauma surgeon and athlete, who distinguished himself in the Branch One Event, he has an aggressive temperamental leadership style and has shown himself capable of violence, both personal and organized. Despite his high intelligence he speaks only English and limited Spanish and Iroquois. He is the acting director of The Service, though he consults openly with Doctor Robinson on all things. He has been recalled by the natives of Branch One on at least two occasions. He tends to act on moral grounds, which makes him painfully predictable. He is unsuitable for interfacing and should not be brought forward.
Daniel is a clean-cut Caucasian man with a stocky athletic physique. He functions well in confrontational situations and is best manipulated through subterfuge.
Tina Hesperia: Born in 2270 to Black Geisha Services in Tai Pei. A 3rd Evolution ESS Gen specifically designed for Luna and military executives, Tina has extensive military, espionage and language
protocols. She is, of course, capable of dominating or manipulating virtually all heterosexual males and most females, regardless of orientation. She escaped to the 21st Century primarily to avoid deactivation. Although she appears to be a strikingly attractive young woman, she has exceeded the sixty year extension granted Gens. It is not known how her aging may affect her biology, psychology or functional protocols. She should either be recalled and deactivated or placed on a military priority list.
Tina stands 5 feet 11 inches tall, weighs 135 pounds, has golden-hued skin, and has hands specifically elongated for massage and erotica. Her other physiological augmentations are believed to be extensive, but remain classified. She is striking raven-haired beauty of obvious Chinese extraction.
Darrin Hoost: Born in 2299 to Luna Securities in Amsterdam. Darrin is a 6th Evolution Military Gen. He has all the standard military augmentations and protocols, but is psychologically aberrant. He absconded to the 21st Century in the service of Mister Shuei in violation of his own social protocols and the terms of his gestational marriage to Hunter Hoost, his estranged mate. He is very polite and places great value on his own spiritual and social evolution. He should be placed on a military priority list and discretely deactivated in the 21st Century, to avoid his return to his time-of-origin and the recruitment of more of his own kind.
Darrin stands 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighs 220 pounds. He is a fair-complexioned red-head birthed, as are all his kind, devoid of body hair, in order to enhance interfacing with his operations suit.
Tannika Waverly: Born in 1981 to a single mother in Baltimore Maryland. She is a hairdresser, who lost the use of her legs at age 17 when she was shot in the lower spine during her brother’s assassination. She fell in with The Service as a Good Samaritan, when she aided Three-Rivers and Lady Doe-Eye in avoiding capture by a farming unit tasked with processing them to a 24th Century harvesting plantation. She works as a headquarters technician and researcher.
Tannika is a dark-skinned African American with an engaging personality, strong work ethic and good team-building skills. She should be brought forward and augmented as a humanitarian gesture.
Lady Doe-Eye: Born in 1521 to the White Bead Nation in South Carolina. She was the female heir to this small nation, and came forward willingly in return for Doctor Robinson’s assurance that her people would not have to endure Spanish occupation. She is a highly intelligent person who has been adopted by Tina Hesperia, who has protected her from processing, and is grooming this woman to head-up Second Genesis.
Lady Doe-Eye is 18-years-old, stands 5 feet 4 inches and weighs 105 pounds. Her copper skin and silky black hair offset the finest facial features that this author has ever seen on an Organic woman. She is a true posterity treasure and would be wasted at a harvesting plant. She should be brought forward, and conserved, to serve as a template upon which first rate Gens might be modeled.
Event Team Leaders
Three-Rivers: Born in 1523 to the Flint Place People in New York State. Severely handicapped from birth, he was adopted by WhiteSkyCanoe, Sacred Elder of the Five-Fire-Council, and prophet of He-Who-Makes-Rivers. Educated in prophecy and the escort of departing souls by his adopted father, he claims to possess the gifts of dream-walking, symbolic interpretation and will-binding-of-warriors. Three-Rivers is a language savant; speaking English, Spanish, 5 Algonkian dialects, 6 Iroquois dialects and 1 Siouan dialect. He also claims to speak the languages of trees and squirrels, deer, canines, and foraging birds, as well as the languages of ghosts, flesh-demons and departed grandfathers. This young man is a treasure for the ages, and this author finds it unconscionable that his handlers permit him to risk his life participating in an event. He regards himself as an ambassador from his time-of-origin, which has become Branch One, and harbors hopes that His friend “DeathSong” will someday return him to his Mother Earth to fulfill his macro-religious obsessions.
Three-Rivers is 16-years-old, stands 3 feet, 11 inches, weighs 48 pounds, has nut-brown skin and black hair, with one eye hazel and the other green. He suffers from arthritis, severe spinal scoliosis, an animal protein allergy, attention deficit hyperactive disorder a mild form of autism, and an undiagnosed form of epilepsy. This author recommends that Three-Rivers be brought forward, studied and augmented, and then pushed forward to the 29th Century for the Act of Assumption.
Jay Brant Bracken: Born in 1980 to working class parents in Wheeling West Virginia. Orphaned at age 15, he dropped out of school and became a prize-fighter and outlaw biker. He held and lost a variety of menial jobs before being recruited as a security asset for the Branch One Event, during which he went native, survived numerous battles, collected enough scalps to make a cape of human hair, and gathered a harem of over 70 widows and rape victims. He has already been recalled to Branch One by the natives twice, where he is known as DeathSong. This man is a barely literate, absolutely barbaric slave to his passions. He is a criminal, with a limited command of English, and should not be permitted out of the 21st Century!
This author believes that his handlers dispatch him on the most difficult missions in hopes that he will not survive to return to his time-of-origin. Tina Hesperia, Charles Robinson and Three-Rivers possess the remarkable interpersonal skills required to control this maniac. In the absence of their influence he should be placed on a military priority list.
Jay stands 5 feet, 11 inches, is extremely muscular and athletic, and is naturally bald with thick dark body hair. He is a light-complexioned Caucasian and has the most traumatic events of his first 30 years of life tattooed on his back. The rest of his body is riddled with various wounds. He has sky-blue eyes which turn a cloudy gray when he fights or broods. One must question the fabric of any organization—no less one with stated humanitarian goal—who places an individual such as this in a leadership role.
Arlene Higgins: Born in 1984 to affluent parents in Kalamazoo Michigan. Arlene served 4 years as a U.S. Navy Corpsman, with one tour in Afghanistan. She holds degrees in sociology and foreign affairs. Recruited from a republican think-tank by Charles Robinson in January 2012, Arlene remains the most capable of the Service’s 4 team leaders.
Arlene is an attractive athletic redhead. She stands 5 feet 8 inches tall and speaks English, French, German, Spanish, Greek and Arabic. This is the type of operative that may be brought forward for interfacing with a reasonable expectation of success.
Jan Stevenson: Born in 1952 to working class parents in Baltimore Maryland. Jan is a mathematics professor recruited from a Baltimore County college. He is a longtime karate instructor, self-described history buff and anglophile. Mister Stevenson joined The Service largely out of disenchantment with the mores and values that he sees as eroding the society of his origin. He actually pines for the century of mass warfare and rabid nationalistic politics he was born into, and one might expect him to get on well with intellectuals from the deep past. If Mister Stevenson is brought forward it should be for conservation. One might well imagine him making a fine template for an authoritative educational avatar.
Jan stands 6 feet tall and weighs 200 pounds, being quite fit for a man of his years and time. He is a Caucasian of Northern European origin with thinning blonde hair. He has a confident demeanor and speaks English and limited Japanese.
Event Security
Bruco de La Gomera: Born in 1500 to the war chief of the same name on the rugged Canary Island of Gomera. Bruco is a human bloodhound who served such conquistadors as Davila and Cortez, and has been involved in the commission of various war-crimes, including at least two genocides. This is a stone-age man, raised in medieval war-camps, who amounts to little more than a cautionary tale. He has performed as a highly effective bodyguard and mercenary in both the 16th and 21st Centuries. He is fanatically loyal to Charles Robinson and his organization. He is the last full-blooded survivor of an extinct race, and should therefore be brought forward for harvesting.
Bruco stands 6 feet tall and is an extremely hard 200 pounds. His thick black body hair and a full beard that grows nearly to his eyes, lends to his prosaic appearance. He possesses freakish strength, agility and stamina, is a remorseless killer, and has a wonderful singing voice, which he tends to waste belting out brutal war songs from his time-of-origin. He speaks an archaic Spanish dialect, limited English, his own extinct tongue, can whistle over great distances, and has an extensive command of sign language.
Randy Sterling Bracken: Born in 1970 to a coal miner and a prostitute in Romney West Virginia. Randy is the elder half-brother of Jay Bracken. He is a murderous man, whose only redeeming quality is his high intelligence. He is a tall, bald, lean, intimidating tattooed killer. He was once the leader of a White supremacist organization known as Arуan Rock, but has since converted to Hinduism! Randy is an expert mechanic, marksmen, gunsmith and self-taught chemist. He was brought into the organization after he saved Doctor Robinson on his return from the Branch One Event, engineering the annihilation of a military recovery team in the process. As with his brother—who at least has a conscience—it rates as a crime against humanity that this man is permitted to engage in time-travel.
Terrence Witherspoon: Born in 1991 to a single mother in Washington D.C. Terrence was recruited to The Service through an advertisement for bodyguards. He has worked as a night club bouncer, on crowd control details at concerts, and as detective for a chain of urban clothing stores. Terence is a quiet and cooperative operative, who is a former member of a militant Black Muslim organization.
He stands 6 feet 3 inches tall, weighs 260 pounds, and speaks English and limited Arabic.
Selene Lopez: Born in 1988 to a single mother in Newark New Jersey. Selene was recruited to the service from the Prince George’s County, Maryland Police Department. She stands 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs 170 pounds. Selene is a competitive kick-boxer, and had won a place on her police department’s competition pistol squad.
Selene is a handsome curvaceous Latino woman with long curly hair, suitable for harvesting.
Event Support
Angh Songjongkam: Born in 1988 to Thai parents in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. Angh is a medical technician who minored in history. He is an effusive personality with repressed genius. He is endlessly imaginative, subscribing to various conspiracy theories, including a belief in ancient astronauts seeding Earth in the past and overseeing the development of humanity. Angh should be brought forward, debriefed, and psychologically conserved before harvesting.
Angh stands 5 feet 4 inches tall, weighs 120 pounds and speaks Thai and English.
Jacques Cartier: Born in 1987 in Quebec to middle-class parents. Jacques is a laboratory technician with an interest in time-travel. He stands 6 feet tall and weighs 180 pounds. Jacques speaks English and French, and is obsessed with speaking his own reconstructed version of prehistoric “Indo-European”.
This man is a creative genius and might be brought forward for interfacing.
Sharita Jackson: Born in 1987 to middle class parents in Anne Arundel County Maryland. Sharita is a physician’s assistant, who is a devoted member of Life Science Ministries, and therefore a disciple of Charles Robinson. Sharita is the reproductive element of a tri-party marriage with Tina Hesperia and Jay Bracken, with whom she has borne twins. She is a tall voluptuous dark-skinned African American woman of above average intelligence. She is socially pliable, and might be considered for harvesting if not for her marriage to two murderous criminals.
Sanje Rajnan: Born in 1990 to Punjabi physicians in Alexandria Virginia. Sanje was completing his surgical residency at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore Maryland when he was recruited into The Service. Before becoming involved in time-travel Sanje had hopes of being a vascular surgeon. He is now completely devoted to time-branching and genetic conservation, and has tailored his ongoing study of medicine toward those ends.
Sanje stands 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. He is dark complexioned, Hindu by belief, and speaks English, Hind and Arabic. Sanje is a perfect candidate for interfacing.
Sebastian de Canete: Born in 1510 to unknown parents and given up to the Catholic Church for adoption. A sensual person and iconoclastic intellectual by temperament, Sebastian became a Franciscan friar, and was dispatched as a confessor and factor on the 1538 Soto Entrada to La Florida. He was recruited by Charles Robinson, who was impersonating a Coptic Ethiopian Priest when he encountered the Entrada at Tampa Bay, and was brought forward to the 21st Century. Sebastian has since renounced his vowels and become something of a hedonist.
Sebastian stands 5 foot 6 inches, weighs 145 pounds and is rather handsome, with wavy brown hair and hazel eyes. He speaks Spanish and Latin, has developed a rudimentary command of spoken English, and can read and write Dorian, Attic and Ionian Greek, though he has no experience with the spoken language. Sebastian is an open-minded and evolving intellectual, and could possibly be brought forward for interfacing.
Thomas “Squirt” Edison: Born in 1993 to a single mother in Baltimore Maryland. “Squirt”, who possesses no knowledge what-so-ever of the accomplishments of his name-sake, is a petty criminal. He was brought into The Service purely by accident under their Good Samaritan clause, and has a very high opinion of his own potential.
Squirt possesses no tangible skills, stands 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 135 pounds. He is a moderately complexioned African American with an entertaining demeanor. One might be tempted to bring Squirt forward and have him conserved to serve as a template for an entertainment avatar, or even a platonic companionship Gen. Not recommended for harvesting, interfacing or assumption.
Thrush London: Born in 1528 in White bead Town South Carolina. At age 11, dying of encephalitis, Thrush was translocated to the 21st Century as a humanitarian act. He has since been adopted by Doctor London, and is being tutored and groomed as a translator for projected Branch One interventions. Thrush is a meek, small, thin, copper-skinned boy with an enlarged and scarred head.
This author suggests that Thrush be brought forward for placement in the living conservatory. Our sparsely inhabited innocence exhibit could certainly use an additional figure; none more sympathetic than Thrush could possibly be located in the 21st or 24th Centuries.
Acquired remotely via AWOL operations implant #756-29-1907, under authority of Luna Securities’ Ninth Recovery Protocol. Processed according to GenThread Corporation’s 4th Edition Remote Viewing Procedure. Enhancements courtesy of Centuit Intercorporate Inc., Bysaid Hetmund, MD., DIS., interpreting.
Fringe Fiction
author's notebook
The Sin of Letters
broken dance
‘in these goings down’
the year the world took the z-pill
dark, distant futures
the lesser angels of our nature
winter of a fighting life
taboo you
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