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The Crackpot Situation in The Second Year of the Ascension of Our Lord Floyd: 12/7/21
© 2021 James LaFond
While in the Pacific Northwest my WyFy is uncertain. Then, when I head east in the spring, Floyd Willing, there will be week long wyfy gaps. Such is the year in a hobo life.
I began posting sporadically because my health was bad. But that rhythm has served me well with travel and lack of means to post, which has included me killing and pissing off various computers. The newer these things are the harder it is for me to use them—the older, well, that comes with its own problems.
Generally, what pops up today on the site was written 3-4 months ago and posted 1-2 months ago. Then I forget about it and am often bemused when I get a text compliment about an article. I have lost track of my work in a comprehensive way.
I will use a periscope tag of subtitle for relatively timely posts.
I very much appreciate the email dialogues with readers and wanted to use this space to apologize for being so tardy. They go ahead of my articles. The beginning of this second week in December, I plan on scheduling the posts for this site for January, February and some of March.
Let me go over the content list from my article files:
-Crackpot mail box: 18, January posts
-Random articles: 15, January
-Cattle Space series: 8, February [with Crux Cross]
-Why Not Write to Sell series: 6, February
-History: 9, February
-Travel articles: 17, February into March
-Up Shingle Creek: 1, first post in a fiction series
End of March will probably be Q & A articles from the email box.
I try and post travel articles way out of time.
The Colonel has detailed The Captain to transport me up to the Cascades before Christmas. There for the winter, I hope to complete 4 novels. So there may be multiple novels serialized in the spring. This past year has focused on history writing, with Beasts of Arуas and In These Goings Down eating up a lot of time. Most of that material has or will post on Substack and Patreon.
Thank you so much for your support and for the long delays in correspondence.
Note, if you have a pressing survival question, like what to carry to the parking garage with you to survive the Just Intentions of Floyd’s Disciples, or a sparring question, text it to me at {redacted—email him for it—webmaster} and I’ll send a short reply by text, and email it as well, so when I get back online I can write an article and email it to you as an attachment a month or two ahead of its posting time.
Oh Yes, Please say a prayer for young Richard Barrett and his family for a healthy Christmas.
-James, Portland, Oregon, 12/7/21
November 2021 Word Count
author's notebook
'Back to Their Turnip Field'
son of a lesser god
when you're food
plantation america
'in these goings down'
the fighting edge
the gods of boxing
book of nightmares
Denise Heupel     Dec 12, 2021

I worry about your health, partly for the selfish reason of needing your wisdom. I hope your eyes are better. I worry about you having diabetes or some kind of deteriorating eye disease. I hope I'm wrong.
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