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2021 Writing Report
and December 2021 word counts
© 2022 James LaFond
Chapters and Books
January: 83 & 3, 1 history, 1 fiction, 1 non-fiction
February: 75 & 1, 1 fiction
March: 98 & 2, 2 fiction
April: 76 & 0
May: 39 & 0
June: 70 & 3, 1 fiction, 2 nonfiction
July: 58 & 0
August: 74 & 1, 1 fiction
September: 62 & 4, 1 fiction, 1 history, 2 nonfiction
October: 47 & 0
November: 72 & 1, history
December: 41 & 1, nonfiction
On the Year:
Chapters: 775
Books: 16
History: 3
Fiction: 7
Nonfiction: 6

December 2021 Word Counts
-1. 1219, 1879, proofed 13 articles for posting
-2. 1777, 2175, 1792,
-3. did 62 emails
-4. 579, 1089, 369, eye seizures, listened to Slaughterhouse Five by KV
-5: 853, bad seizures, listened to Gilgamesh 5 times
-6: 1548, 1677, eye seizures, listened to the poetic Eddas twice, what terrible people we admire
-7: 668, 483, eye seizure, coffee, 997, coffee, 2,312, eye seizure, soup, coffee, 1305
-8: 897, eye seizure, 14 emails
-9: 557, eye seizure, coffee, 787, break, drank too much rum and beer visiting with a Brit and his Babe
-10: 1266, 805, 1222, heavy storms [mild seizure 7]
-11: 1069, heavy storms, [mild seizure 7], coffee and coffee, 1433, listened to the biography of Geronimo, drank five shots of rum to get to sleep
-12: 1162, mild eye seizure, coffee, coffee, 767, coffee
-13… 24 hours of dominoes, cards, gaming and boxing with The Three Bears.
-14: coffee, 1008, coffee, 1705, coffee, arranged text for Blunders of the Divisible World at 108,079 words
-15: coffee, 1201, coffee, proof article, coffee, 1301, washed clothes, coffee, proofed
-16: 524, started Sorcerer!, to bar to upload articles, coffee, 27 emails, coffee, reviewed private fight videos, eye blew, coffee, pill…
-17: 1088, coffee, eye blew, coffee, pill, packed for train trip,
-18-20... in transit
-21: 738, eye popped, coffee, posts and backups.
-22: coffee, hiked over the mountain with the Colonel’s hounds, did manual research for the novel Ditcher fixing The Captain’s washed out driveway, posted articles for January 9 thru 31, no eye seizure, coffee and coffee
-23: ditching, hiking, bronchitus
-24: fever, eye seizure, medicated, coffee, outlined 4 articles, too hazy headed to write,
-25: fever, bedridden, eye popped
-26: fever, 1308, 4 hours shoveling snow, 12 hours sleep
-27: fever, coffee, 758, coffee, 681, coffee, 126,
-28: fever, 12 hours sleep, coffee, 1099, 22 emails, nap, cards
-29: fever, 10 hours sleep, 528, scheduled posts for first 8 days of February, fever broke hiking, coffee, 901, 1189,
-30: slept 12 hours, coffee, shoveled 2 hours, 508, coffee
-31: eye seizure, shoveled roofs, 353
Chapters = 41
Books = 0
Mind Hatch
author's notebook
'As Good as My Word'
winter of a fighting life
songs of arуas
solo boxing
the lesser angels of our nature
the greatest boxer
broken dance
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