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2021 Writing Report
and December 2021 word counts
© 2022 James LaFond
Chapters and Books
January: 83 & 3, 1 history, 1 fiction, 1 non-fiction
February: 75 & 1, 1 fiction
March: 98 & 2, 2 fiction
April: 76 & 0
May: 39 & 0
June: 70 & 3, 1 fiction, 2 nonfiction
July: 58 & 0
August: 74 & 1, 1 fiction
September: 62 & 4, 1 fiction, 1 history, 2 nonfiction
October: 47 & 0
November: 72 & 1, history
December: 41 & 1, nonfiction
On the Year:
Chapters: 775
Books: 16
History: 3
Fiction: 7
Nonfiction: 6

December 2021 Word Counts
-1. 1219, 1879, proofed 13 articles for posting
-2. 1777, 2175, 1792,
-3. did 62 emails
-4. 579, 1089, 369, eye seizures, listened to Slaughterhouse Five by KV
-5: 853, bad seizures, listened to Gilgamesh 5 times
-6: 1548, 1677, eye seizures, listened to the poetic Eddas twice, what terrible people we admire
-7: 668, 483, eye seizure, coffee, 997, coffee, 2,312, eye seizure, soup, coffee, 1305
-8: 897, eye seizure, 14 emails
-9: 557, eye seizure, coffee, 787, break, drank too much rum and beer visiting with a Brit and his Babe
-10: 1266, 805, 1222, heavy storms [mild seizure 7]
-11: 1069, heavy storms, [mild seizure 7], coffee and coffee, 1433, listened to the biography of Geronimo, drank five shots of rum to get to sleep
-12: 1162, mild eye seizure, coffee, coffee, 767, coffee
-13… 24 hours of dominoes, cards, gaming and boxing with The Three Bears.
-14: coffee, 1008, coffee, 1705, coffee, arranged text for Blunders of the Divisible World at 108,079 words
-15: coffee, 1201, coffee, proof article, coffee, 1301, washed clothes, coffee, proofed
-16: 524, started Sorcerer!, to bar to upload articles, coffee, 27 emails, coffee, reviewed private fight videos, eye blew, coffee, pill…
-17: 1088, coffee, eye blew, coffee, pill, packed for train trip,
-18-20... in transit
-21: 738, eye popped, coffee, posts and backups.
-22: coffee, hiked over the mountain with the Colonel’s hounds, did manual research for the novel Ditcher fixing The Captain’s washed out driveway, posted articles for January 9 thru 31, no eye seizure, coffee and coffee
-23: ditching, hiking, bronchitus
-24: fever, eye seizure, medicated, coffee, outlined 4 articles, too hazy headed to write,
-25: fever, bedridden, eye popped
-26: fever, 1308, 4 hours shoveling snow, 12 hours sleep
-27: fever, coffee, 758, coffee, 681, coffee, 126,
-28: fever, 12 hours sleep, coffee, 1099, 22 emails, nap, cards
-29: fever, 10 hours sleep, 528, scheduled posts for first 8 days of February, fever broke hiking, coffee, 901, 1189,
-30: slept 12 hours, coffee, shoveled 2 hours, 508, coffee
-31: eye seizure, shoveled roofs, 353
Chapters = 41
Books = 0
Mind Hatch
author's notebook
'As Good as My Word'
your trojan whorse
fiction anthology one
book of nightmares
logic of force
the lesser angels of our nature
by the wine dark sea
on the overton railroad
the combat space
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