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Smash and Grab
Portland Joe Wonders about Regulatory Looting: 11/28/21
© 2022 James LaFond
“I realize that you’re not plugged in. So, there has been a lot of news about groups of people, people who you would describe as of heavenly hue, blatantly entering jewelry stores during business hours, breaking the glass and just loading up on the goods. What do you think of this?”
-Driving through Portland, 11/27/21
I ascribe to the English ideal of expansive diction, so “Godly Glow,” “Ebony Elites” and Afro-Angels” should be added to the dignity of the roll call of postmodern anarcho-tyranny actors.
Like kneeling and praying to black folk became a rage in 2020—and I very much enjoyed the videos, for slaves should know what the are—this is just all about white people seeing the world through their degenerate and wan ivory lens.
Black men of upstanding character have never been allowed to own or operate businesses in cities run by whites or blacks, because other blacks just come in and loot. When the city is run by whites or blacks nothing is done. Low-down black folk attacking upstanding blacks and taking their stuff never gets traction in the cuckmerican psyche.
Four or five years ago a 92-year-old black woman was raped in West Baltimore by two men young enough to be her great-grandsons. The police refused to do anything—did not even file a complaint for her. She called the white people at the TV studio 1.5 miles up the hill and they declined to report her outrage...did not send a reporter out to speak with her.
That News Station has nice black lady news reporters. Two should have been sent to her house, one to hold her hand and one to harangue the police into taking action. Nothing was done. No one cared, in part because of her age, in part because of her race and most importantly, I suspect, because there was nothing to be gained by a politician or a corporation in helping the lady. So this lady walked up TV Hill and demanded to be heard. She was heard, once, and her story was reported once and then squashed, never picked up on national news.
If she had been an elderly black man, the cops would have locked him up for trespassing and he would have been processed into Johns Hopkins psychiatric prison system. Everyone would have gotten paid for his suffering.
This shit is all about sissy white folks insisting that they are protected from savage feral actors on one hand. Then on the other had, since they regard these actors as their moral pets, holy fetishes and indeed their own shadowy reflection in their self-centered cosmos where they rise as a god to be attended by dark angels who sing in chorus, act in plays and serve as sports avatars, that these darkling angels are protected in godlike ways which do no harm to their dark half.
Well, the above is how I see this metaphysically.
Civically, as soon as the riots it Baltimore in 1968 burned out, virtually all businesses failed on contact with the continued looting behavior. By 1971 Baltimore was wasteland. In 1981 a mayor would campaign on urban renewal and bring in national chains to set up shop in the Inner Harbor, where local businesses had previously been destroyed or driven out under his predecessors. Since the looters were mostly not punished and in some cases supported by police and national guard and regular military against defenders [this was most blatant in LA, 1992, when Korean defenders were disarmed by police] the savages just continue to loot, something that will overwhelm any retail staff.
In 2015, in Baltimore Area retail food, as soon as the riots were over, day-light gorilla shoplifting commenced, and this by adults, a behavior previously only engaged in by packs of youths. [called flash mobs and likened in a popular commercial to white cucks getting together to dance in order to quash early concerns until this became endemic to urban life] We grocers had to seriously scale back sales and staffing just to stay in business. Indeed, the store I ran would go out of business a decade after I left, in large part due to the hundred-thousand of dollars a year they had to pay for security that was nevertheless ineffective.
The emboldening of packs of predators on two legs during riots is one of the main ways the Government and Corporate and NGO interests move populations and flip real estate. Police, who generally engage in more crime than law enforcement to begin with, know that if they decide to apply the law [an unusual behavior] to any person of Godly Glow, they could at the least become unemployed or demoted in rank. This outcome, of the disaster of getting fired, would place them out of reach of a high paying job, a company car, a company gun, one of the best pensions available and would take away the basis for their lucrative criminal rackets.
Criminals know that cops are crooks too and they read the support base and oversight of the police well and calibrate their activity accordingly. You will find, if you have the means and will to dig, that all—and I do mean all—of these mobs of Afro Angel looters are selling their loot through people of other races, are working with white-run NGOs and police departments, are in some cases being driven around by rental trucks rented by blond people and are otherwise doing the bidding of the ultra-white elites in driving small, local, family business operators out to make room for multinational entities. The people that will be most harshly punished by the PIGs during this process, will be any Asian or Caucasian who harms a person of the Ebony Elite, who are, in the end, nothing but the puppets, worked by that great, evil, pale and now 350-year-old race of soulless devils called white people—a race that materialized lie magic at the dawn of the Modern Age.
I no longer keep track of such things, but am assuming that I will lose about ten readers over this article. If you are among them, thank you for your former support and may God sustain you at Midnight—for that fateful hour is nigh and the minute hand of the clock wears sneakers, the hour hand boots.
Fog of War, War of Fog
harm city to chicongo
Restaurant and Bar Hits
songs of arуas
logic of steel
night city
the sunset saga complete
the gods of boxing
uncle satan
NC     Mar 16, 2022

"This shit is all about sissy white folks insisting that they are protected from savage feral actors on one hand. Then on the other had, since they regard these actors as their moral pets, holy fetishes and indeed their own shadowy reflection in their self-centered cosmos where they rise as a god to be attended by dark angels who sing in chorus, act in plays and serve as sports avatars, that these darkling angels are protected in godlike ways which do no harm to their dark half."

Bingo, home-run , touch down, score, $$$ shot, +1

Remember to

Purge all Pedophiles and all Costs and Kancel(ill) the Masters!

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