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Crackpot Journalism
Seasonal Book Notes: 3/15/22
© 2022 James LaFond
As this coot rarely makes a timely post and has lost interest in posting articles announcing a book has been completed, for those who care about such things, below is the new writing scheme for 2022.
My 2021 habit of placing the nonfiction articles that were not part of the two history projects, as an appendix to the novel, is being altered. I am only placing those articles that bear directly on the theme of the novel. This leaves most of my writing uncategorized.
Hence, my reader dialogues, training articles, social commentary and travel writing will be organized in the order written as Hobo Journals.
This piece is being written on the first day of spring and will not post until June.
To keep up to date on book completions check the tag and old article: How Many Books Are You Writing? I update this every month or two.
If you would like my writing in a timely manner, instead of waiting 3 months for it to show up on the site, along with the occasional article I didn’t have the balls to schedule for posting, then just email me a small donation and say you’d like my latest journal.
I am now here committing to posting fiction on weekends and non fiction on weekdays.
Current posting as of 3/21/22:
Substack: thru 12/31/22
Patreon: thru 5/31/22
Nonfiction: thru June 13
Fiction: thru 9/4/22, being the first two thirds or three quarters of the novels Sorcerer, American Dream Boat, Uprising and Wake Christopher
I read and write on the screen in 16pt Lucida Sans
Nonfiction Projects for 2022
The Journal Books for 2022 are:
-Plague Journal Draft
Two Months in Cascadia: December 2021 thru February 2022
Complete: 46,494 words
-From Sea to Citay See Draft
An Experiment in Travel Writing: March 2 to May 1 2022
18,527 words as of 3/21/22
-Into the Gaslight Draft
An Experiment in Travel Writing: May and June 2022
-Writing Novels on the Road Draft
An Experiment in Travel Writing: July and August 2022
-Before the Hope Thaws Draft
An Experiment in Travel Writing: September and October 2022
-Plague Season Draft
An Experiment in Travel Writing: November and December 2022
The other nonfiction project for the year is the completion of Jimmy, a childhood memoir.
As I continue to write for The Arуas project and Plantation America, I have no plans on completing a book in either series this year.
The hoped for nonfiction books for 2022 are 7, with 1 completed as of 3/21/22.
-1. Wonderfall & Red
Eye problems and distance over time in story construction, has driven me to scrap plans for completing various novels, which will be made available as fragments, in the book titled Wonderfall, after the 70% complete full length novel by that title at 26,417 words, with my apologies to Sir Richard Francis Burton.
-2. Sorcerer!
The Acts of Awes West: A Tale of Elder Earth
Complete, 37,247 words
-3. Wake Christopher
or Whack the Blue, a Novel
Complete, 20,014 words
-4. Porch
In progress, to be written between March 26 and April 6
10 chapters
-5. Ranger?
The Acts of Awes South: A Tale of Elder Earth
To be written in Missouri, April 8 thru 28th
13 chapters
-6. Of Ichor and War
13 chapters outlined, front matter done
17,500 words of historical appendices complete
To be written in May and June
-7. Servants of Woodbrige Manor
A Learned Discourse on the Curious Character of the Servant Class in the Plantation of New Jersey, in America by Theodore Lapithe de Paris, Esquire
A Children’s Bookmark
9 chapters outlined, front matter completed
To be written at Woodbridge Manor in June or July
-8. Up Shingle Creek
Or A Plague Wife Betrothal: An Act of Awes West: A Tale of Elder Earth
720 words of front matter
15 chapters to be written in September and October
-9. Longshank Kane
And the Curse of Juju Quartermain
13 chapters, to be written in November and December
I hope that the year will finish with these additional 6 novels complete.
The year’s projection is 16 total, 7 nonfiction and 9 fiction, with 3, being 1 nonfiction and 2 fiction, completed as of 3/21/22
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