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Organic or Systemic Exploitation?
Musings on Hierarchy and Humanity Part 2.5 of 3: 3/27/22
© 2022 James LaFond
“Is this whole thing we live under, is this organic or systemic. I ask you because you are the one person I know that has read history in depth. I we just fucked here—will the organization of society always become exploitation or was it planned that way?”
-Vaxx Zombie DeGaulle, 3/26/22
As a general statement, I am of the opinion that Civilization, as a form of social organization, was applied as an exploitation measure, by tribal leaders, applying the usual temporary designation of slave awaiting adoption among paleolithic hunter-warrior tribes, to the spared portion of a conquered population who produce a good or suite of goods that the conqueror desires, but which he would not dirty his hands producing. In this way, I see civilization as taking a minor aspect of tribalism, being slavery, and using that “bound” state as the basic building block of society.
Foundation of an Organic System of Exploitation [5]
It is at this point, important to see the original purpose of the poor shipped in their millions from the British isles and Germany to Anglo North America. They were regarded under some 40 terms but most illustratively as “rubbish men” “waste men” and eventually “white trash.” The concept was simple, to “plant” impoverished and unfree men upon a new land, on the virgin coast, in order that in their struggle for survival, they will form a functional waterfront population base trapped between the forest and the sea. In this form, they are not a buffer against the tribes, but a portal to the tribes, who were desired trading partners. The importance of the earliest plantations for naval refitting and resupply was primary. The furs gotten from the interior were extracted in this way in mind boggling tonnages from 1500s through the 1830s, as luxury goods for the European elite freezing in their drafty homes during the Little Ice Age.
The above scheme was envisioned as lasting for ages. However, the disease spread among the tribes made living space available for runaways and for those few who worked their way free of bondage. Most importantly, the culturally inductive and non-racially aligned tribes, in order to keep their numbers up, adopted many of the runaways they were charged with returning. Additionally, the use of allied tribes by French, English and Spanish in border wars embittered the “front tier” of the plantation population, who were the poorest of the free land owners, who were understandably vexed with their more powerful coastal peers siding with tribal interests against their own aspirations. These frontier small holders, a minor elite, have been cast as “the poor” by historians, for the simple reason that their slaves and servants and bond men had no names and were sunken in unmarked graves and lost to history. [6] Poor they might be by comparison to Thomas Jefferson. They were not poor by the standard of their age. [7]
Thus the addiction of warriors to the guns and steel of their coastal trading partners, and the disease-caused need for them to adopt racial aliens to maintain their tribal structure, wove an interdependence between the tribes and the plantation elite. The habit of tribal people to adopt fathers and sons on merit and through gift giving [the basic form of egalitarian poverty abatement practiced by paleolithic folk] brought the tribesmen into the view that a distant European king or his agent in a plantation port might be their “father” and they his “children,” and every runaway or frontier squatter, not only a potential enemy, but a potential brother, like Daniel Boone, Simon Girty, Simon Kenton, Blue Jacket and every Cherokee chief after the 1760s. [8]
The social mechanics above turned that planting of poor upon these American shores from a portal into a syringe for injecting the tribal world with the agents of civilization that would bring it down from within: money, drugs and government.
The final part will deal with some mechanics by which civilized, which is to say systemic rather than traditional [9], elites inoculate their hierarchy from organized rising from below and within.
-1. We might best think in terms of the poor as a hungry mouth inserted to gnaw a purchase for the elite to perch above them and satiate their greed. The use of the poor as a consumption vector to drain the middle in service to the higher ups is a current, organic adaptation of this old systemic insertion. Imagine a poor orphan face down chewing on dirt while the merchant squats on his back like a vulture pecking out his brain—the orphan soon to be replaced by a fresh sufferer.
-2. This is obvious in the Journals of Susanna Willard Johnson and Mary Rawlinson, and in the life of Tecumseh, a mixed race pan-tribal leader.
-3. Imagine if Viet Cong, Iraqi Republican Guard, ISUS or Al Quaida or Taliban bounty hunters were used to return U.S. Army deserters dog tags with videos of their torture and death.
-4. For a brief period between 1680 and 1730, piracy offered a free alternative to tribal life as a squatter or adopted Indian.
-5. This subject is treated extensively in Cracker-boy, The Greatest Lie Ever Sold, Advent America, Search for an American Spartacus [currently being edited for a winter 2023 release], In These Goings Down [awaiting editing for a 2024 release] and is being treated through the lives and accounts of Amerindian leaders in ongoing patreon posts to be assembled in a yet to be titled and possibly final volume.
-6. Free poor were simply lumped as a nuisance population as “vagabonds” in 1621 down to “squatters” in 1763 English letters about frontier conditions.
-7. The short history, “Ye Scum of the Country” on bacon’s Rebellion will deal with a clear case of this aspirational class dynamic.
-8. The rebel and later loyalist chief Pontiac, regarded himself as “a Frenchman” in one stage of his life and as a Son of the English King latter.
-9. Tribal is best used as a term denoting traditional when describing social mechanics, just as civilization is an applied system of social control. I suggest tribalism evolved and civilization was applied in colonial situations from ancient times to present. However, I suspect both tribal traditions and civilized systems both evolved in some distant time and when put in place as applied methods for social control and economic exploitation, as in Plantation America, where a very Abrahamic-Roman system was copied out of antiquity, that such systems will become organic and evolve according to their own mechanistic logic.
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