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Musings on Hierarchy and Humanity Part 3 of 3: 3/27/22
© 2022 James LaFond
Oakland, California, Waterfront Hotel
“I know from my life experience that people are fallible and I try and work on my own fallible parts. It is also obvious that people cannot keep secrets—yet it also seems that we are awash in real, operational and highly effective conspiracies, like the current war hoax. So if this is planned or organic, this THING, this evil SYSTEM, how does one explain that this system seems to have put a bullseye on working white guys like us? Why, can we really be that different?”
-Vaxx Zombie DeGaulle, 3/26/22
The young fellow is asking me to write from a historical perspective, in a way relevant to today. In antiquity, Cyrus conquered Crosses of Lydia and retained him as a trusted slave advisor.
In our own day, it is difficult to find politicians at any level, or media figures or other movers and shakers, who were not gold starred at universities by operatives for major NGOs like the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations and some sixty other open, operational conspiracy covens. There is a fellow with blond hair with a million youtube viewers who has videos critical of the U.S., which made me wonder, “why is he not in a trash can?”
Well, he was an intern for Matriarch Allbrite, self-declared reluctant murderer of a half million children. Really promising youth from the lower and middle rungs of society are elevated to serve—and become one of—the elites.
Even though the elites treat us like cattle, and very often do not breed themselves, they pluck our best and brightest from our lowly ranks and adopt them as their ideological heirs. In essence, Postmodern [1] elites behave in a way identical to homosexuals even as they promote gender reassignment and transhuman agendas.
For instance, various millionaire homos are upset that the children that are being born by YouGotGrain women are currently trapped in a city being besieged by the Roosky Menace. As if keeping alive the ancient adoptive spirit of the tribal chiefs of the old stone age, the postmodern transhumanist conspirators that rule us, often practice elevation by social ideological adoption.
Below I will give some examples of elevation from Plantation America.
Circa 1720: Job, an African Prince on a mission for his father to acquire firearms was abducted and sold by Mandingo slavers to an English captain who sold him in Maryland. Job was an Islamic scholar and was known to be being heckled by a European-American slave for practicing his religion during their work hours. Oglethorpe, a storied war hero, aristocrat and future founder of Georgia, took the side of the Islamic African of Upper Class over the Christian European of lower class, bridging racial and religious boundaries to keep class solidarity, and freed Job, not his Christian co-slave. [2]
Circa 1855: Jack Anderson’s son in North Carolina was half negro and half white. If His son would have been an obedient half-brother to Jack’s full white sons, by being their yes man, bodyguard and enforcer, he could have expected to have earned his freedom in time, most likely by age 30, when many men of his mixed race did so. Mսlatto men were valued puppets of the white elite in maintaining control of full-blooded African Americans before and after Emancipation. However, Jack’s son was willful, ran away, and was slain on the order of his father for disobedience. [3]
People who rule people tend to value loyalty over blood.
When Gannibal, an African slave stolen from the Turkish Sultan in Istanbul by a Russian diplomat, made the acquaintance of Peter the Great, Czar of Russia and one of the most powerful men in an almost entirely white Europe, Peter adopted him and showered honors upon Gannibal that he denied to his own son of flesh and blood. The reason was that Peter’s biological son was not eager for war and Gannibal was.
Throughout history, from Egypt, Athens, Rome, England and down to modern American Cities, police officers who live in or come from other regions are favored, with few police chiefs from their own home towns running departments in major cities. Indeed, active duty NYPD cops currently count among their ranks citizens of China, Nigeria and Turkey! It is of ancient date a habit of elites to use outsiders against their own race, from Egyptians using Sudanese, Athenians using Scythian, Persians using Greek and Romans using German police bodyguards and mercenaries to oppress their own racial group.
I am told by a university graduate that she and other under graduate, graduate and post graduate students are elevated from among the “dumb-dumbs” or “math babies” to teach these mostly unteachable mobs of college hopefuls, that will be billed some 20,000 for failing their freshman year at college. The mechanic is to elevate the able, make them work for free to gain entry into the bottom rung of the elite club, and use them to fleece the mass of doomed debtor students.
Masks are a recent form of elevation and induction into the power hierarchy at the very lowest level. For the past two years thousands of violent acts, a dozen experienced by friends of mine and six by my most recent Amtrak conductor, saw masked people attacking unmasked people as attack dogs of the power structure, working for free to enforce ruling class norms. Nationwide masking has been willingly practiced by most upper class and middle class folk and few working class folk. As mask mandates have gone away in California where I know write, still, every single person “serving” as a waiter or clerk is masked! The mask is one badge of induction into the lowest rung of the hierarchy of acceptance.
The famous picture of God touching man’s finger from the Cistene Chapel is such a symbol of hierarchical induction. Much of religious induction is hierarchical, such as the fact that Church design from Late Antiquity until the 20th Century was based on the Civic Courts of Pagan Rome. Think about that for a moment, that sacred Christian spaces used architecture copied from secular pagan places.
There are, however, lateral lines of induction that are not hierarchical, such as indicated by this free Gideons Bible in this hotel room imprinted with the following:
“Enjoy reading the Bible, God’s Word”
“The Gideon’s International.”
“This book is not to be sold.” [4]
“Are you Alone, Depressed, Addicted, Stressed, Cheated, Experiencing Conflict or Temptation, Considering Suicide, Curious?”
“Needing Hope, Peace, Joy, Comfort, Purpose, Forgiveness, God?”
“Read on…”
The above text is an example of lateral, helpful, religious induction, as opposed to vertical, manipulative, elevation into the cult of God. That vertical method is employed most commonly by moneyed interests, by capitalists, whose religion is money-currency, whose altar is the dollar and whose crucifix or crucible is exploitation.
By elevating the most able people from the lower and middle rungs of society, those on the top rung, on the upper narrow steps of the pyramid scheme that is civilization, form a barrier to organized resistance from the lowest level, where such organization is now less likely as the talent and the initiative has been removed.
One way black communities were destroyed in America was by corporate, governmental and NGO interests sponsoring the most able blacks in education and employment and integrating them into suburban white society and thus extracting the best and the brightest from the black community and leaving it incapable of effective organization against the system, but rather prostrate and in service to the system. Any group of people that can have the best able few taken away from the least able many and placed as a minority within another group that it serves, will be incapable of organizing for its own interest on either level, with the most able serving the system of oppression and the least able left in a frustrated quandary. It is no accident that race riots of 1968, 2015 and 2020, purported to be on behalf of the black community, destroyed a higher proportion of black than other businesses.
As to why current induction focuses on raising people of Indo-European descent only with the proviso that they denounce their genetic and cultural heritage [including Christianity] and in all cases of equality favoring the elevation of people of other races, that is quite simple.
People of Arуan descent, for reasons I think are vested in their extreme nomadic history, including even a singularly unique attempt at space travel, seem to generate a higher percentage of people with a restive, disobedient and questioning character. Such people, who resist elevation into the power structure and try and move out into the country to be left alone in semi-autonomy, will always be judged by the ruling class as the most dangerous. The social climber, power hungry war monger and capitalist conspirator, all of these unsavory folk may be easily seduced into the power structure to serve its needs. But a person with a direct relationship to the metaphysical—whether Christian, heathen or science worshiping—he remains a threat so long as he is unbroken.
The war record is clear: almost all nations that entered the modern age as modern nation states or even medieval empires, were conquered by Indo-European soldiers. Although at the elite level of rule, all races seem to behave the same. At lower levels, Arуans seem to show more lateral initiative and revolutionary tendencies to organize against the vertical hierarchy. Couple this with the proven record of having toppled more governments than all other races combined across all of history, this makes the working class man of European descent the ultimate enemy of his ruler of European descent—and, on top of that, if we put that redneck usurper in a suit, he will even look like the merchant of negation he replaced.
-1. I assign the Postmodern Age as that point at which reality became subservient to the News, which was I think, on 9/11 2001.
-2. related in Advent America, 2021
-3. related in In the Chinks of the Machine, 2014
-4. an affront to the ruling money cult of capitalist ethics.
Organic or Systemic Exploitation?
Petty Lords
uncle satan
the fighting edge
the year the world took the z-pill
blue eyed daughter of zeus
under the god of things
solo boxing
the sunset saga complete
winter of a fighting life
Maud'Dib     Jul 20, 2022

Qoute"People of Arуan descent, for reasons I think are vested in their extreme nomadic history, including even a singularly unique attempt at space travel, seem to generate a higher percentage of people with a restive, disobedient and questioning character. Such people, who resist elevation into the power structure and try and move out into the country to be left alone in semi-autonomy, will always be judged by the ruling class as the most dangerous. The social climber, power hungry war monger and capitalist conspirator, all of these unsavory folk may be easily seduced into the power structure to serve its needs. But a person with a direct relationship to the metaphysical—whether Christian, heathen or science worshiping—he remains a threat so long as he is unbroken.

The war record is clear: almost all nations that entered the modern age as modern nation states or even medieval empires, were conquered by Indo-European soldiers. Although at the elite level of rule, all races seem to behave the same. At lower levels, Arуans seem to show more lateral initiative and revolutionary tendencies to organize against the vertical hierarchy. Couple this with the proven record of having toppled more governments than all other races combined across all of history, this makes the working class man of European descent the ultimate enemy of his ruler of European descent—and, on top of that, if we put that redneck usurper in a suit, he will even look like the merchant of negation he replaced." JLF007
VZdG     Jul 20, 2022

Sam J.     Aug 19, 2022

This is first class social study commentary. Thanks.
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