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‘Because I’m That Bitch’
Living Downstairs from Homos: Denver, 4/2/2022
© 2022 James LaFond
As I sit down to write about meeting with Jon Grace, a man with a real name who does the Midnight Movie Cowboys podcast, the voices above intrude, which is quite comical in that Jon and I had a hard time finding a bar that did not have a cocktail symbol on it to proclaim an all male gay mixer…
The following dialogue is not complete, with numerous passages drowned out by the furnace coming on. I am not looking forward to rereading this and do not expect the reader to like it. I am putting this dialogue from the two faɡɡots upstairs here so that the reader has some idea as to what kind of people have increasing influence in Postmodern Public Life, what kind of folks are using poor women around the world for baby production, and will be raising girls and boys in households where late night discourse runs like so. [My host says this is normal and he drowns it out with music.]
From the upstairs apartment, occupied by two gay men, I hear:
“That’s disgusting. Just go ahead and keep doing that shit because that’s disgusting. Just go ahead and don’t care—Arr, arr! It’s always about work!
A deeper voice says something indistinct.
As with American society in general, the shrill. Loud feminine voice is heard above the low din of the opposition.
“Your ass is petty and disgusting and I’m tired of this bitch-ass shit. Clearly, I am a petty bitch—I get that, because I’m that bitch. So just keep doing your disgusting shit.”
A low, muffled voice says something non committal.
“Oh, walk away, walk away, we’ll I’m here—I’m your bitch and I’m here! I am a bitch and I know how to be a bitch so you are going to hear some more of this bitching now—Oh! Arr! Come on!”
A low voice intones something unclear.
“I can hear it—I can hear it in your voice—I can’t handle it! Say it, say it motherfucker—talk! Tell me! I can’t stand this. You want this ta go on like this!”
Deeper voice becomes shrill and shouts: “I gave you an hour to talk—you wanna talk? Let me talk! Just because you make money—I respect that, you make money—but I don’t make my money in Denver.”
Feminine voice: “I got a whole life going on and just because you are home all of the time you…’
Semi-masculine voice shouts, “I just mother fucking did bitch! You got me on that fucking level with you—you want me to fucking beg. You want to hear what I have to think—I was really said…”
Feminine voice, “I’m about to get something through my mother fucking head… that is not what you were fucking doing...if you are at that level you don’t give a shit about what I’m saying—don’t fucking play with me want to scream I can scream too...get the fuck out of can do whatever the fuck you want to...shut the fuck up… touch… understand you can do whatever you want to do but there is this thing you carry for two years and every time I have something to say you sit the fuck down and don’t say used to fucking ignore me and you won’t ignore me...I don’t give a fuck...I don’t need that don’t want to be on this level with me and you think you can use your dick—you need to pay attention to me, to what I feel… if you seriously want me to find dick…”
Fists pounding.
Deeper voice: “Don’t play with me, I don’t give a fuck, I said it, you make me feel like shit…”
Fists pounding.
Feminine in voice, “Who does that? Who does that! You put your fucking dick—who does that! I will honor you and you will put a fucking dick in me and not honor me—who does that—that’s not cool, that’s not cool. I like dick too much. It’s about fucking—do you know, I don’t think you understand you cannot do shit like that to me, you can’t do shit like that, I tried to talk to you!”
Deeper voice mumbles.
“Okay fuck off—you were dicking your X boyfriend—stop playing with were still doing him—I was still in the picture…”
Deeper voice: “Why’d you fuck him!”
“I fucked him because I found out you were fucking your filthy x-boyfriend. Girl, you really want me hypnotically to feel good that I found out the same day you fucked me that you fucked him—we weren’t supposed to be fucking anybody else—it doesn’t matter if I sucked somebody’s dick...I’m pissed and I’m mad!”
Deeper voice taunts.
“Okay, but you were doing more dicks and I was fucking my x for a year and a half and you were fucking him—and you were fucking two other dudes and you try to make like I’m so, I gave a fuck about him.”
Deeper voice, “While I was sucking you off?”
Feminine voice,”Yes I was—yes I was you mother fucker!”
Deeper voice mumbles.
Shrill voice: “Oh no, don’t make me feel like shit. I won’t feel like that. If I’m not enough for you say it, say it, say you need other men!”
Deeper voice, “You were like fucking five hundred other men. What’s the matter with you?”
Shrill voice, “Because you’re old enough to just need me—I was with him three or four times. I’m sorry. I just thought you were going to come over and have wine with me. I didn’t think you were going to end up banging me three or four times in one night and you got me to the point where I was in love with you and you start fucking these other guys and I do want him and I still don’t want him...but I care about you for life and that’s why these other guys, they bother me. I can’t believe I even love you, not today.”
“Okay, I support you. Before we met, I had three or four, that was normal. But I support you. I don’t normally give it three of four times. That only mattered when you did it. I have to feel comfortable and I don’t feel comfortable with you banging these other guys. Sometimes when I’m boned…”
The furnace came to the rescue.
“...and I’m doing laundry and I catch you doing that I didn’t think you were doing that. You think just because you have a lot of grease that your a god?”
Okay, these two homos are just going on and on and looping back around and soon I’ll have to hear them rut at make-up time which I’m not looking forward to. But I can really understand why Jon didn’t want to drink with a crowd of these feral vampires.
This argument was in progress when I got in at 11:00 and at 11:51 I have proofed this and am done with it and things are really heating up, louder, more pounding, more cussing.
harm city to chicongo
Writing on Old U.S. Route 40
america the brutal
advent america
winter of a fighting life
the greatest lie ever sold
sons of arуas
when you're food
on the overton railroad
FiveGunsWest     Aug 22, 2022

Oh man, what sperm burping little gutter sluts. What loathsome backside spacklers.

I'm with Dave Chappelle on this thing - It's more acceptable to murder a black man in America than insult a gay.

Amazing how having two sacks of sugar in those britches makes these disease vector monkey pox fuckfaces such noisy pig fuckers.
Maud'dib     Aug 22, 2022

Don't post any butt pirate shit again!
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