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Petty Lords
A Reader Asks for Plantation America Primary Sources: 5/23/22
© 2022 James LaFond
It is a crying shame that I have read more about the history of feuding petty lords and the crusades more than the continent-sized nation which put them all to shame, America.
Where would the crackpot of Baltimore suggest to start for reading primary sources? I suppose I'd like to start with the Revolution of '76.
Hope you're doing well. God bless you, sir.
-Don Quotays
James LaFond
8:30 AM (0 minutes ago)
Below I have a partial list I can get off the top of my addled head.
Many of these sources have been treated on the patreon page and have been used in my books, including the two on this site, Cracker-Boy and the Greatest Lie Ever Sold
By 76 its all over.
Magna Carta, 1216 annotated in The Lies that Bind Us
Writings by John Dee, Francis Bacon and John Locke, all heinous scumbags who were obsessed with foundational social engineering in a fantastical new utopia focused on money making and left honest records.
John Smith 1617 or so
William Bradford 1620s
Thomas White 1630
Jesuit Revelations, a massive Canadian archive
George Alsop, poem 1659
John Bunyan's work from this period illuminates the English view of the world that they wished to create in servile perfection in North America
Jasper Dankerts 1671
Samuel Wiseman 1678
Thomas Hellier 1678, subject of my patreon novel, Sold
Mrs. Williamson—the bitch owned 6 months of patreon
Increase Mather 1676
Cotton Mather, Wonders of the Invisible World and a Good Master Well-Served 1690s
Ebeneezer Cook [I think] wrote Sotweed Factor] poem 1707
James Revel, Poem, early 1700s
There is more that I have summarized [most of the above actually] on the patreon site and in the various books last year was three female narratives from 1676 to 1750s
Madam Knight 1710
A Welsh kid, I forget his name, Peter maybe, wrote a narrative of his enslavement in Morocco for some 35 years
Peter Kalm, 1748
Sussanna Willard Johnson 1750s [written later]
Peter Williamson, 1750s, annotated in Stillbirth of a Nation
Runaway adds, mostly for Caucasians and mixed race people and mixed race pairs, In my books so His Master May Have Him and So Her Master May Have Her
Gottlieb Mitterberger, 1750s
Mary Sprigg, letter, 1750s
Ben Franklin's Autobiography
Don't read about the following. Read them and skip all commentary. Do read the drafts, covered on he patreon page
Declaration of Independence, 1775 something like 25 lies in this one, just bold faced lies
Articles of Confederation, 1776
Constitution 1783
Northwest Ordinances 1781-3
Thomas Jay, countering Franklin's BS in Cracker-Boy
Black Hawk's autobiography 1830s
Merryweather Lewis, letters
Moses Roper [quadroon]
Solomon Northup [negro]
Frederick Dougglass [mullato]
Henry Box Brown [negro]
William Craft [negro and quadroon wife]
William Wells Brown [mulatto]
Geronimo's autobiography, 1906, close of frontier
Jack London, the Road
Bill Carlisle, child slave in 1900 Maryland
Jack Black, 1930 You Can't Win, covers sex slavery in American West
Herbert Asbury's books on New Orleans and San Francisco detail the history of those people in the 1930s before the POZ set in, using primary sources. I have summarized this on this site.
I also suggest Pontiac's Rebellion and Little Turtle's War, a secondary history
The best secondary sources other than Asbury, also people working before the POZ button got hit in 1941 are Mari Sandoz histories of the frontier and Lothrop Stoddard's History of the French Revolution in San Domingo, which academic and dissident commentators read with a profound lack of context, seeming to have not read any of the above from a period perspective.
Reading earlier to later is the best method for seeing reality unfold in time. Reading from later backward simply fosters delusional anochronistic projection. But, we moderns think ourselves gods and deny at every turn that we are occupants of Time.
Don't feel bad. I too was taught that nothing interesting, no European style skullduggery, ever happened in America. Even dissident revisionist historians speak and write of a white picket fence Utopia in 1700s America, a place that would have baffled its occupants.
Superstitious Bumpkins in an Open Carry Town
the year the world took the z-pill
thriving in bad places
under the god of things
the first boxers
son of a lesser god
let the world fend for itself
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